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posted by martyb on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:15AM   Printer-friendly
from the No-Way! dept.

What was it that one learned through a great books curriculum? Certainly not "conservatism" in any contemporary American sense of the term. We were not taught to become American patriots, or religious pietists, or to worship what Rudyard Kipling called "the Gods of the Market Place." We were not instructed in the evils of Marxism, or the glories of capitalism, or even the superiority of Western civilization.

As I think about it, I'm not sure we were taught anything at all. What we did was read books that raised serious questions about the human condition, and which invited us to attempt to ask serious questions of our own. Education, in this sense, wasn't a "teaching" with any fixed lesson. It was an exercise in interrogation.

To listen and understand; to question and disagree; to treat no proposition as sacred and no objection as impious; to be willing to entertain unpopular ideas and cultivate the habits of an open mind — this is what I was encouraged to do by my teachers at the University of Chicago.

It's what used to be called a liberal education.

The University of Chicago showed us something else: that every great idea is really just a spectacular disagreement with some other great idea.

Bret Stephens's speech warrants a full read. It makes valuable points that we all need to hear, even on SN.

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  • (Score: 3, Disagree) by Gaaark on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:49AM (8 children)

    by Gaaark (41) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:49AM (#573726) Journal

    Queue the Monty Python jokes!

    --- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---
    • (Score: 4, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:53AM

      by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:53AM (#573728) Homepage Journal

      What, you mean like "Disagreement is pining for the fjords"?

      My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    • (Score: 5, Disagree) by FatPhil on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:14AM (3 children)

      by FatPhil (863) <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:14AM (#573735) Homepage
      "Cue", not "Queue", you snotty-faced heap of parrot droppings.
      Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
      • (Score: 2, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:06PM (2 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:06PM (#573750)

        I came here for an argument!

        • (Score: 2, Disagree) by Unixnut on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:40PM

          by Unixnut (5779) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:40PM (#573910)

          > I came here for an argument!

          Aha! No, you want room 12A, next door.

        • (Score: 3, Disagree) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:42PM

          by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:42PM (#573911) Journal

          Oh, I'm sorry, this is abuse. ... ... ...stupid git.

          I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
    • (Score: 1, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:04PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:04PM (#573749)

      Jokes don't like to wait in a row.

    • (Score: 2, Disagree) by MostCynical on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:13PM (1 child)

      by MostCynical (2589) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:13PM (#573752) Journal

      here's a queue: []

      Or, on-topic: []

      "I guess once you start doubting, there's no end to it." -Batou, Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
  • (Score: 5, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:52AM (113 children)

    by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:52AM (#573727) Homepage Journal

    Both major parties are currently spouting and/or governing from positions that are so epically fucked up that it appears they're actively trying to destroy the country. On the left you've got the Identity Politics hatred mill and on the right you've got a group that never met a regulatory-captured monopoly it didn't like. Any Democrat quoting MLK could do with a good throat punching and any Republican quoting Rand could use the same; neither would approve of what the parties of this nation have become.

    I have no idea how to actually fix it short of revolution but I do know enough to remove myself from allegiance to either the jackasses or the fudge-pachyderms.

    My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    • (Score: 5, Disagree) by RamiK on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:46AM (7 children)

      by RamiK (1813) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:46AM (#573744)

      how to actually fix it short of revolution

      Oh I wouldn't worry about that. Right now, every state politician is looking at Trump and thinking, "Hell! I can do better than that!".

      • (Score: 5, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:51AM (6 children)

        by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:51AM (#573746) Journal

        Right now, every human being on the planet is looking at Trump and thinking "Hell! I can do better than that!".


        • (Score: 5, Disagree) by realDonaldTrump on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:00PM (1 child)

          by realDonaldTrump (6614) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:00PM (#573748) Homepage Journal

          We are doing a great job. We did a great job in Texas, a great job in Florida, a great job in Louisiana. We hit little pieces of Georgia and Alabama. And frankly, we’re doing -- and it's the most difficult job because it's on an island, it's on an island in the middle of the ocean. It's out in the ocean. You can't just drive your trucks there from other states, but the Governor of Puerto Rico is so thankful for the job that we're doing. #TRUMP2020 🇺🇸

          • (Score: 1, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:52PM

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:52PM (#573990)

            "Nobody knew hurricanes could be so complicated, believe me."

        • (Score: 1, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:25PM (3 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:25PM (#573901)

          every human being on the planet is looking at Trump and thinking "Hell! I can do better than that!".

          Competency was never T's selling point. His supporters were hoping he really could make "great deals", but even though he turned out to be a crappy deal maker, most his supporters still back him.

          His selling point to them is that he's similar to them, not better than them. He talks and thinks (or skips thinking) like they do. He sounds like a stereotypical truck-driver, who happens to have money.

          • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:37PM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:37PM (#573908)

            You've never met a truck driver, have you? All that time sitting with little to do and regular drug testing, they tend to think deeply, be very informed (radio and audiobooks(, and because it's an easy-to-get-into, high-paying field, it attracts a lot of intelligent people.

            • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:43PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:43PM (#573947)

              AM radio is not a source of information.

          • (Score: 3, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Thursday September 28 2017, @10:35AM

            by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Thursday September 28 2017, @10:35AM (#574306) Journal

            So what you're saying is, the one thing they expected him to be competent at, he isn't.
            To say he's similar to any ordinary voter is a laugh.

            1 - He has lived a life of consequence-free luxury since the day he was born.
            2 - His idea of "work" is playing golf, bullying his underlings and schmoozing with the wealthy. He has literally no idea what work is.
            3 - The man has, apparently, no sense of compassion or empathy whatsoever. Totally emotionally stunted. He only sees other people as things to be used.
            4 - He eats pizza crust-first.
            5 - He has the fragile ego (and matching temper) of a spoiled pre-schooler.
            6 - He can look you in the eye with a straight face and tell you that black is white, white is black and the sky is green, and fully expect you to believe him.

            But yeah, he's "one of the people" because he wears a baseball cap sometimes and speaks using short words and short sentences that don't even, I mean, just like anybody else does, totally normal way of speaking. Normal. Best speech ever.

    • (Score: 5, Disagree) by AndyTheAbsurd on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:40PM (64 children)

      by AndyTheAbsurd (3958) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @12:40PM (#573759) Journal

      You only think the left promotes hateful and divisive identity politics because you hate any who is different from you and wish to be separated from them.

      The above trolling aside, I do agree that the left sometimes (okay, frequently) goes too far...but I would rather swing too far on the "liberal" side than too far to the right, given that the right drops taxes to the point that basic services can no longer be paid for (see Kansas over the last 8 years) and then gets us into expensive wars that make the people of oil-rich countries (who often happen to a certain "religion of peace") hate us.

      The difference between a modern-day liberal and a modern-day conservative is that if a proposal results in doing the opposite of what was expected, the liberal will say "let's do something different" while the conservative will say "well, we didn't do it hard enough - we need to do it more".

      Meh...I'm rambling...somebody's probably going to downmod me before TMB gets a chance to respond.

      Please note my username before responding. You may have been trolled.
      • (Score: 0, Disagree) by crafoo on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:11PM (55 children)

        by crafoo (6639) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:11PM (#573772)

        The left is not liberal. It is regressive authoritarianism. It is hateful, spiteful division of people along race/gender/sexual and any other divisive trait they can come up with. It is raw power bartering between in and out groups. Put simply, it is the failed and destructive post-modernism philosophy executed by deeply entrenched bad actors in our education and political systems. The left has NO CLAIM to liberalism.

        • (Score: 4, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:20PM (34 children)

          by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:20PM (#573778) Journal

          Well done, you have successfully described the strawman of the left as created by Breitbart et al. Here in reality, things are a little different. Thanks for playing though.

          • (Score: 5, Disagree) by unauthorized on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:42PM (28 children)

            by unauthorized (3776) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:42PM (#573819)

            Oh fuck it, I have karma to burn.

            Are you talking about the non-existent SJWs who didn't hound Dr Matt Taylor [] and Dr Tim Hunt [] out their jobs over complete horseshit?
            The SJWs who didn't organize a completely fabricated moral panic against against GamerGate []?
            Are you talking about all the non-existent soft-headed college-age kids who don't get their soft heads filled with crap like "all cis people are racist" []?
            Are you talking about the non-existent racists who think their non-European ethnic status protects them from being a racist []?
            Or about the non-existent professors [] who encourage this anti-liberal bs under the guise of being "liberals"?

            Yeah, none of these things exist. It's all a conspiracy theory, just like that "round earth" myth. I bet they have UN boats guarding American colleges or something!

            • (Score: 5, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:02PM (26 children)

              by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:02PM (#573850) Journal

              I see. So you dig a bunch of assorted dickheads up off the web, and then... what? Somehow these various people are all part of some grand, overarching conspiracy? These people all represent "The Left" do they? Do they have membership badges? Can I google up a bunch of neo-nazis now and label them "The Right"?

              • (Score: 1, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:14PM

                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:14PM (#573857)

                Can I google up a bunch of neo-nazis now and label them "The Right"?

                Yes, you absolutely can. Give it a try and see if there's anything to stop you.
                The question is: should you?Well, yes, you should. See the post you answered to? Modded informative even it's flawed and loaded, thus irrelevant.**

                So, the final question is: will you?


                ** bonus points if you explain why the suggested motivation is not any better.

              • (Score: 4, Disagree) by RS3 on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:34PM (2 children)

                by RS3 (6367) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:34PM (#573869)

                I see. So you dig a bunch of assorted dickheads up off the web, and then... what? Somehow these various people are all part of some grand, overarching conspiracy? These people all represent "The Left" do they? Do they have membership badges? Can I google up a bunch of neo-nazis now and label them "The Right"?

                Not attacking you (really!)- just pointing out a huge sociological phenomenon in USA, that is spreading around the world: "you're either us or them": binary thinking. Many countries have many political parties and points of view. For reasons beyond my ability to understand, USA has coalesced into a 2-party divided country.

                I'm neither R nor D, and from where I sit, it's amazing to watch this fight, usually based in assumptions and false accusations. I know many Rs who in no way have anything in common with neo-nazis, but many Ds like to say that they do. I'm sure there are equal mis-associations on the other side- the Ds are the much louder group right now. Wish I could find a truly independent news source.

                It's okay, I will continue to vote for whoever I feel is the best for the job, R, D, I, etc.


                • (Score: 5, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:53PM

                  by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:53PM (#573878) Journal

                  This is the direct result of "post-truth" politics. Why search for compromise or middle ground when you can have EVERYTHING your way? All you need to do is construct an imaginary reality where you are completely right and the other side is completely wrong. Reinforce this reality with your echo chamber, and you need never be wrong!

                  For a perfect non-Trump example, see the insane levels of wishful thinking driving Brexit.

                  Trouble is, sooner or later the real reality catches up.

                • (Score: 1, Disagree) by khallow on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:10AM

                  by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:10AM (#574133) Journal

                  Not attacking you (really!)- just pointing out a huge sociological phenomenon in USA, that is spreading around the world

                  It never came from anywhere in particular. For example, France experienced this as well in after the 1870s and leading up to the Second World War. Seems to be a common issue of democracies.

              • (Score: 2, Disagree) by jmorris on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:34PM (9 children)

                by jmorris (4844) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:34PM (#573907)

                Nice strawman you have there. What you attempt to deflect as "Assorted dickheads on the Internet" is nothing of the sort, the Left's strength is the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media, Harvard and the universities from the ivy league to the local community college, the vast NGO web of International Progressives building their New World Order. While they don't have official "Progressive" badges they ARE a unified front. You guys always protest but keep getting caught collaborating. Remember Journolist? We do. We see that it didn't go away either, it doubled down and went "legit" as the Blue Checkmark Mafia on Twitter.

                Can I google up a bunch of neo-nazis now and label them "The Right"?

                Only if you can show one with any sort of actual power. You can point to -ONE- possible "Nazi" at Charlotteville (which would be your instant and automatic response) but that Nazi flag still had the creases from the original package and nobody else there seems to know the guy. But for the purpose of debate, we will assume he was real. So you hold him up as a scarecrow and I ask some simple questions. What is his name? What position of authority does he hold over others?

                The only "Nazi" elected official you can find and even plausibly accuse of being "of the right" was David Duke's run as a Republican and the Republican Party drove him out, eventually taking the unprecedented step of printing up "Vote for the crook this time. It is important" bumper stickers when he managed to emerge as a finalist from the "jungle primary" against a soon to be imprisoned Democratic Governor. Yes they endorsed the obviously corrupt Democrat. Can you show me a counter example against one of your extremists?

                Perhaps you wish to try a different approach and hold up Pepe as your example. You would try to compare an Internet meme from 4chan to the power of Hollywood's dream factory of hate?

                Compare and contrast to, picking a name off almost at random, Congressman Waters? Do you denounce her idiocy and bigotry? She is an elected member of Congress of YOUR party. Support or denounce, it must be one or the other by your own book of rules. Yes it is a silly rule but my team lacks the power to make the rules so I'm left applying Alinsky's teachings to you now.

                The fourth rule is: Make the enemy live up to their own book of rules. You can kill them with this, for they can no more obey their own rules than thw Christian church can live up to Christianity.
                Rules for Radicals pg128

                • (Score: 3, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:54PM (2 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:54PM (#573918)

                  When Obama was president you guys complained you couldn't get anything done. Now you guys literally have control of everything and you are still complaining and blaming the left. What a diluted bunch of shits. Seriously.

                  • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @12:43AM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @12:43AM (#574122)

                    When Obama was president you guys complained you couldn't get anything done. Now you guys literally have control of everything and you are still complaining and blaming the left. What a diluted bunch of shits. Seriously.

                    Are you fucking nuts? I predicted Trump wouldn't be able to take a shit without a Democratic Criminal Investigation. I said NOTHING will happen in four years because the Republicans hate him for pissing all over their little insular boy's club. The only thing that really frightened me was the thought that Hillary would have been able to accomplish ANYTHING that she wanted. Fuck! That gave me nightmares. Obama during his last years only cared about BLM appeasement and catering to trannies and rump rangers. I could not stand another four years of that shit.

                  • (Score: 2, Disagree) by khallow on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:39AM

                    by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:39AM (#574160) Journal

                    When Obama was president you guys complained you couldn't get anything done.

                    Let us keep in mind that one of the key complaints in the story about the dying art of disagreement was the inability to understand the other side. If you can't see how jmorris would be in favor of Obama not being able to get things done, then you don't understand his arguments well enough to disagree with them properly.

                • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:46PM (1 child)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:46PM (#573982)

                  Yer a moron jmo! Must be some form of high functioning spectrum disorder to explain your ability to operate a keyboard.

                  • (Score: 2, Disagree) by Azuma Hazuki on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:53PM

                    by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:53PM (#574428) Journal

                    He's not intellectually deficient, he's evil. There is a difference. If he were stupid he'd have an excuse. As it is he's basically Steve Bannon's Mini-Me, though hopefully with better hygiene habits.

                    I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
                • (Score: 5, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:05PM

                  by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:05PM (#574086) Journal

                  As usual, jmo manages to type the exact opposite of truth in nearly every sentence, and somehow get modded up for it.

                  . You can point to -ONE- possible "Nazi" at Charlotteville

                  A quick google image search of "Nazis at charlotteville" lets me point to a hell of a lot more than that.

                  s dream factory of hate?

                  You want to talk about hateful media? How about Breitbart? How about the Daily Mail? How about anything at all from Rupert Murdoch? They are the ones sowing hate, mistrust and division.

                  (which would be your instant and automatic response)

                  No, you miss my point completely. You really think I'm trying to do the exact thing I criticised GPP for in the exact same post?

                  but that Nazi flag still had the creases

                  Oh well, the flag was ironed. Obviously not a Nazi. The defence rests, your honour.

                  ber of Congress of YOUR party. S

                  MY party? not even MY fucking continental plate. Try again. No, wait, don't bother.

                • (Score: 2, Disagree) by DeathMonkey on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:23PM

                  by DeathMonkey (1380) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:23PM (#574089) Journal

                  the Left's strength is the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media, Harvard and the universities from the ivy league to the local community college, the vast NGO web of International Progressives building their New World Order.

                  Man, you or the GP really should have presented evidence of those crimes then, eh?

                  That would have been a really great argument!

                • (Score: 2, Disagree) by DeathMonkey on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:27PM (1 child)

                  by DeathMonkey (1380) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:27PM (#574092) Journal

                  Also, since this is a thread that's supposed to be about debate:

                  This is called begging the question:
                  Compare and contrast to, picking a name off almost at random, Congressman Waters? Do you denounce her idiocy and bigotry?

                  It's generally frowned upon.

                  • (Score: 1, Disagree) by jmorris on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:44PM

                    by jmorris (4844) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @11:44PM (#574100)

                    Eh? Mad Maxine is an idiot, insane and a bigot. Those aren't facts in dispute. The only question is whether each and every Prog here is willing to obey their own rule and ritually denounce her. Because any who do not denounce, and denounce again tomorrow or the next day, at any time and any place I demand they do it, it means they fully support her and every insane and bigoted thing she has said and are thus bad people. Those are the rules, I don't make them but I will enforce them.

              • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:15PM (10 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:15PM (#573933)

                Look man I'm super liberal. That's why I have been up close and personal with the rather small but nasty illiberal left more than a few times. They exist, they actively recruit, and they stick together like a fraternity until there's some spat which will be resolved and the loser will be declared intolerant.
                Breitbart does indeed manage to convince the folks living in the red states that these people exist in large numbers and their job is easy because low-end journalism is infested with these people. How do you think people can get hired and paid for writing about the "Top 10 most racist episodes of Seinfeld", not for cracked, not for buzzfeed.. but for Not only that but people keep hiring them to write after that. Why? That should be the end of someone's career as a journalist. Who wants to read shit like that anyhow? Nobody.. people simply feel compelled to click because they love Seinfeld

                Hiring from "critical theory" grads is popular because they had tons of practice finding random things to complain about turn them into reasonably presentable papers of the required length. So these folks are now giving each other hands up in their careers and are submitting lots of OP-eds so they can keep their hipster condos in williamsburg, portland, the castro.

                We have to stop pretending these people don't exist, stop letting them wave away criticism with accusations of intolerance "look all I want is equality for X. I guess you don't and it's that simple" when they actually accused a white male of being stained with some sort of equality original sin. These people are highly destructive to the causes they use to shield themselves and crybully others.

                • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:37PM (9 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:37PM (#574051)

                  Yes they exist, and so do full blown Nazis that want to exterminate others. They are small enclaves of insanity, and yes it is sad that so many "news" sites push out such garbage but on the other side is Breitbar, Daily Stormer, etc.

                  If conservatives don't want to be called racist nazis then they don't get to paint every liberal as a fascist that abuses the idea of tolerance. Bring up such people when it is actually relevant.

                  • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @12:51AM (8 children)

                    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @12:51AM (#574125)

                    Yes they exist, and so do full blown Nazis that want to exterminate others.

                    Yes they do. Right next to Hobbits, Elves, Dwarves, Klingons, furries, vampires and all the other LARPers. You fucking lefty loonies are seeing Nazis behind every tree. I blame Reagan for closing all those mental hospitals in the 80s and letting folks like you roam the streets and breed.

                    • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:02AM

                      by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:02AM (#574172)

                      Right, The Bad People only exist in the Other Side/are far more prevalent on Their Time than My Team. Have you ever tried not being a partisan hack?

                    • (Score: 2, Disagree) by Phoenix666 on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:59AM

                      by Phoenix666 (552) on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:59AM (#574185) Journal

                      I am glad at least that in this thread so far everyone is properly understanding that nazis hail from the right end of the political spectrum and socialists from the left. As sad as it might sound to some, that represents big progress over the trend in recent years of conflating nazis and socialists as though they were synonymous.

                      Washington DC delenda est.
                    • (Score: 2, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Thursday September 28 2017, @08:59AM (5 children)

                      by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Thursday September 28 2017, @08:59AM (#574291) Journal

                      Help me out here chuckles: These [] people, the ones with the swastikas and the seig heils - are they hobbits or vampires? I can't tell.

                      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:50PM (4 children)

                        by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:50PM (#574364)

                        Help me out here chuckles: These [] people, the ones with the swastikas and the seig heils - are they hobbits or vampires? I can't tell.

                        According to Wikipedia, 342,000 Americans claimed to be Wiccan/witches in 2008. They dance around campfires brandishing dangerous looking weapons casting spells. They might hex you. Aren't you afraid of them too? We have Satanists too. And lots of people with guns. REAL guns; some with a lot of them. And guys that like to dress up in Army fatigues and run around in the woods "training" for their "missions" for when the shit hits the fan.

                        Those "Nazis" that the left flips out about are a hand full of impotent loser trolls. The left is dutifully playing right into their game. Nobody with an ounce of brain takes them as a serious threat or a serious movement, yet I saw numerous posts on Ars where individuals were calling for summary execution of them. How do people like that manage the cognitive dissonance that it it acceptable to kill a party because they MIGHT espouse a viewpoint that it's okay to kill another party? It's insane.

                        And yes. Those people committing violence and calling for the deaths of people because of their (political) beliefs ARE just as bad as those committing violence and calling for the deaths of people because of their (religious) beliefs. The fact that many so-called "progressives" cannot see that is simply astonishing.

                        • (Score: 1, Offtopic) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Friday September 29 2017, @08:40AM (3 children)

                          by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Friday September 29 2017, @08:40AM (#574717) Journal

                          Nobody with an ounce of brain takes them as a serious threat

                          Except when they murder people by driving into them, which is exactly what happened shortly after those photos were taken.]

                          Those "Nazis" that the left flips out about are a hand full of impotent loser trolls

                          Losers? Yes. Trolls? To a certain extent. Impotent? At the moment maybe, but unlike wiccans and satanists, Nazis HAVE in the past murdered people. They celebrate and follow a philosophy that caused a world war and an act of systemic genocide, so excuse me if I'm worried that they seem to be enjoying something of a resurgence. But no, I'm not going to "flip out" as you put it, but I am going to see these people as a problem that needs to be dealt with. (or rather, as symptoms of a problem that needs to be dealt with)
                          I'd rather nip this problem in the bud now than have to fight another fucking world war five years down the line.

                          • (Score: 3, Informative) by Oakenshield on Friday September 29 2017, @07:39PM (2 children)

                            by Oakenshield (4900) on Friday September 29 2017, @07:39PM (#575012)

                            Except when they murder people by driving into them, which is exactly what happened shortly after those photos were taken.]

                            No THEY didn't. James Fields did. A single individual. Just like NUMEROUS single crazed individuals do on all parts of the political spectrum, which is exactly my point. You fail to see that a bunch of (yes) impotent losers have every right to say whatever crazed shit (provided it's legal) that like and not be targeted for murder or singled out for legislative bans whether they happen to be Antifa, skinheads, ELF, KKK, BLM or whatever. The "progressive" left seems to think only certain groups that espouse crazy shit are worthy of outright bans. And equating "modern" Nazis with the German scourge of the 20th century is just fanciful insanity. There is not going to be another "world war" because a handful of losers march shouting "Sieg Heil" any more than because a group of anarchists smash windows, assault bystanders, and burn police cars. Leftists need to get a grip on reality.

                            And just FYI... The second World War was NEVER fought over the German persecution of Jews or persecution of (insert preferred protected group here) by any involved party. The war in Europe began in order to contain the German territorial expansion across Europe. In fact, the US only declared war against Germany because they declared war on us AFTER we declared war on their ally Japan. The Nazi Final Solution was conceived in January of 1942 but the war had been going on since September of 1939 and the US was involved beginning December of 1941. The holocaust was generally unknown outside of German occupied areas until late 1942. Re-imagining reasons why we fought Germany does not make them true and I fail to see why "progressives" always put forth this misguided narrative in their zeal to ban Nazis.

                            I'd rather nip this problem in the bud now than have to fight another fucking world war five years down the line.

                            Your claim is just stupid. I could just as easily say I'd rather nip the Antifa problem in the bud now rather than fight a civil war against anarchists five years down the line. My statement is just exactly as absurd and farcical as yours. You Chicken Littles don't seem to understand that there is no general grassroots support for the movement and there is none forthcoming. The best response is not to feed the trolls. Arrest and prosecute the ones that commit crimes. Ignore the rest. The problem will go away on its own. Feeding the trolls only creates more and bigger trolls.

                            • (Score: 1, Disagree) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Saturday September 30 2017, @01:07AM (1 child)

                              by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Saturday September 30 2017, @01:07AM (#575146) Journal

                              You see, that's just it. I start off arguing that a bunch of crazy dickheads on the internets don't represent the entire left, and throw nazis==The Right out as an off-hand "how would you like it" example, and now I'm accused of all the shit I was originally arguing against. It's almost as though some people have to paint their own worst qualities onto their opponents because they don't actually have any arguments of their own. I shouldn't even bother following up this idiotic derailment but what the hell, we're here now and I've had a few so what the fuck.

                              No THEY didn't. James Fields did. A single individual.

                              A single individual following a philosophy shared by an increasing number of others. A horrific philosophy that was thought long dead and consigned to history because we foolishly believed that as long as we tried to keep that history alive, no human being would be able look back on 1930s/ 40s Germany and think "Hell yeah, that's a great idea, let's do that." Except no, we were wrong. All it takes is a decade or two of blaming all our problems on immigrants and foreigners and we're right back at the start again. And apparently remembering the mistakes of the past and warning against them now counts as fascism because "wah wah I can't even make unsubstantiated complaints about all the dirty poles / mexicans steelin mah jerb without being called a racist". I'm not claiming to be Nostradamus here but some things are just obvious. You sow hate, you get hate. You create an environment that allows bigotry to flourish and guess what, you get bigotry. And if I sound pissed off, it's because I am. For years, we (ie The Left) have been saying "hey, let's not demonise Muslims. Let's treat them all as individuals, and try to keep in mind that the awful actions of a few extremists don't represent the whole. Let's jail the crazy criminal ones and build solidarity with the rest. And while we're at it, let's not demonise immigrants. Let's look at the good that immigration can bring to a country, and look elsewhere for the causes of our stock market crashes, outsourcing, unemployment, homelessness, declining public spending and crime. Maybe look over there, at that smug twat in the $40million yacht." But no. The right wing press, the right wing politicians, the right wing assholes masquerading as left wing politicians have gone ahead anyway and demonised Muslims, demonised immigrants, deliberately conflated the two because it suited their own agenda, placed all the world's evils on the shoulders of people who have quite enough shit to deal with without having to try to defend themselves against that kind of vile propaganda and oh, hey, big surprise, after a decade or two we see a resurgence of nazism, racism, hate crimes. And now they have the gall to try to flip it over, pin it back on us by saying we weren't tolerant enough of their intolerance. I have to read 15 years of "All Muslims are child-raping Sharia Jihadis" and then I get my fucking wrist slapped for daring to suggest that Nazis, ie people who explicitly and deliberately respect and emulate Hitler's third Reich, are dangerous assholes? Trying to make US out as the ones that want to lump people together and label them with all this boohoo "identity politics" shit. Well fuck you. All I'm hearing are excuses.

                              You think this won't grow? You think Trump and Brexit haven't emboldened Nazis and legitimised hate? Open your fucking eyes. 15 years ago I was standing in the street protesting about military aggression in the middle east. It will lead to ruin, we said. It will lead to needless death and destruction and poverty and debt and even more terrorism we said. And the right laughed at us, and said "no, no, you are naive and weak and you refuse to simply accept that an entire segment of humanity, all located geographically in a few specific but distant countries for your bombing convenience, is irredeemably evil". And guess what? The war solved nothing. It made things worse, JUST LIKE WE SAID IT WOULD. And now when I argue about military intervention in the middle east, I don't have a solution. Just like in North Korea, we are painted into a corner, into a problem with no satisfactory solution, and those same condescending pricks sneer at me for not having a clear path forward, for not having anything more than I TOLD YOU SO. So they just push on with more bombs and more troops and more ironic "religion of peace" macros and more fucking hate because yeah, that'll sure work this time round won't it? I have a solution, don't go to fucking war 15 fucking years ago, that's my fucking solution.

                              So to get back on topic you don't like me complaining about Charlotteville Nazis? Fine. Get in your god damned time machine, go back and pre-emptively vasectomise Dick Cheney's Dad, Rupert Murdoch's Dad, whatever sorry species of mollusc it was that sired Nigel Farage and all the rest of them. Go back and track down the fuckers stirring up racial animosity back in the early aughts just to steal taxes or sell weapons or hide their own crimes or win votes and choke them all on their own fucking selfishness. Then you can tell me not to complain. And if you say that's not possible, if the world REALLY MUST have hate and bigotry in it, at least have the fucking balls to own it. Don't sit there and try to paint your own deficiencies onto the very people who've been fighting it for decades. Fuck you again.

                              And now I've got that off my chest here's some targetted, post rant rebuttals. Then bed:

                              not be targeted for murder or singled out for legislative bans

                              Stop putting your filthy words in my mouth. Quote me advocating those things, or apologise.

                              In fact, the US only declared war against Germany because they declared war on us AFTER we declared war on their ally Japan.

                              Yeah, European here, you don't need to remind me about the US showing up late. Thanks anyway.

                              The second World War was NEVER fought over the German persecution of Jews... in order to contain the German territorial expansion across Europe.

                              Yes, yes. Again, congratulations for countering a point I never made and top marks educating us all in something we already knew. What you fail to acknowledge is that the German territorial expansion was directly driven by / fuelled by their sordid beliefs, which in their minds placed them above all other races and nations, and therefore gave them the right to conquer whoever they damn well pleased. You think modern Nazis wouldn't feel perfectly legitimised to nuke Israel or conquer & subjugate the middle east if they had the power to do so?

                              • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 30 2017, @03:31AM

                                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday September 30 2017, @03:31AM (#575177)

                                Wow. That's a lot of misguided anger there. You might want to see your therapist about your persecution complex too. I didn't accuse you of anything except by calling you a Chicken Little. I stand by that. If you wish to identify as one of the leftists I called out. Well... You have to pretty much own up to the behaviors that I described.

                                Yeah, European here, you don't need to remind me about the US showing up late. Thanks anyway.

                                Ah, yes. It all makes sense now. Europeans as a whole don't seem to put much value in the freedoms we enjoy. We hold our right to free speech over here as sacred. We also enjoy the rights of freedom of association and to petition our government (by marching if needs be) to redress grievances. I, for one, have no eagerness to surrender those rights to placate the perpetually aggrieved.

                                Maybe you stay awake at night searching for Nazis under your bed, but over here they are pretty much a joke. The KKK was a big thing Stateside for quite some time, but even they are are a bunch of impotent losers these days. When they show up, they are always outnumbered 20 to 1. There is no support. The Nazis are even less of a threat. Without the chimp-out that the left throws, there would be none remaining at all. The US media works hard to sensationalize everything over here for those all important ratings and the left is always looking for an excuse to be offended. They play right into the extremist outliers' hands.

                                Yes, yes. Again, congratulations for countering a point I never made and top marks educating us all in something we already knew.

                                You may not have made that point directly, but you seem to have your panties all in a wad worried about fighting another world war against Nazis. I seriously doubt that there are many European territorial expansionist tendencies in the modern Nazi movement (if you can even call it that). Germans seem to ride pretty roughshod on anything resembling a resurgence. Most of the leftist rants I see are directed at Nazi "hate speech." I can't tell you how many times I have read "That's why my father/uncle/grandfather fought a war against the Nazis." I just assumed that most left leaning folks were woefully uneducated as to the actual reason the allies went to war against Germany and hate speech or persecution isn't it.

                                What you fail to acknowledge is that the German territorial expansion was directly driven by / fuelled by their sordid beliefs, which in their minds placed them above all other races and nations, and therefore gave them the right to conquer whoever they damn well pleased.

                                Duh! That has been the case with EVERY empire ever. Did the British invade/conquer India, the Americas, the Carribean, Australia and other huge parts of the world because they were trying to appropriate their culture? Did the Spanish conquer South America for the luls? Did the Romans conquer most of Europe and the Middle East because they were sensitive and felt inferior? And "sordid beliefs"? Are we the thought police now?

                                I wish I could offer more to respond to your post, but it was mostly a rambling, incoherent mess that didn't have anything to do with this thread.

              • (Score: 3, Disagree) by unauthorized on Thursday September 28 2017, @10:46AM

                by unauthorized (3776) on Thursday September 28 2017, @10:46AM (#574307)

                I see. So you dig a bunch of assorted dickheads up off the web, and then... what?

                Then I proved that SJWs are real and tangible thing and not some made-up Breitbart conspiracy.

                Somehow these various people are all part of some grand, overarching conspiracy?

                No, they are part of an authoritarian radical ideology which is not any better.

                These people all represent "The Left" do they?

                No, these people are the cancer which is eating the left from the inside.

            • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:30PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:30PM (#573971)

              but... as a left wing/liberal guy, I see the people in your examples to be a problem, not part of my ideology.

              Those people are what I would call right wing. In fact I associate any extreme adherence to a special behavior with right wing. That doesn't make it republican -- that makes it right-wing.

              the extreme far left is supposed to be anarchy, not authorative control, where you must adhere to a specific belief. Somewhat before that is social/communal behaviors.

              you could say that the democratic party right now is in a state of anarchy. they have numerous disjointed specific beliefs related to identity politics, but what white group of disaffected white guys don't? the difference is, because they are not part of the majority race, they arent welcome as republicans because most republicans care not for Those People.

              but those people's beliefs themselves seem to fall to the extreme right although the people harboring those beliefs wouldn't call themselves republicans and thus wouldn't be associating with those types of people--clearly with much in common, they despise one another, despite everyone having a similarity to wishing the other offending groups would just go away.

              there are few tolerant types left in politics.

          • (Score: 3, Disagree) by edIII on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:17PM

            by edIII (791) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:17PM (#574044)

            It's not a strawman entirely though. I'm not precisely a liberal, but I do lean left. That being said, I cannot possibly condone some of the deeply stupid bullshit being performed by people who are identified as "Left" and liberal. It makes my skin crawl to be identified as Liberal and part and parcel of identity politics. Identity politics is defined horribly too, and the one main definition I can find, says it is simply political positions arising from what a group of people want, with little regard to belief systems or party affiliations. With that definition, how are the Christian right-wing nutters *not* participating in identity politics again? When I first heard it, Black Lives Matter and a couple of leftwing nutters came to mind. Those people that are groups of victims seeking redress, but not in any intellectual based way, but just more about pure screaming and chucking shit at counter-protestors. It's the women standing up saying that men should be culled, those kinds of nutters belong in the identity politics pool. Not a true liberal, or a true conservative. Saying that is just a way of saying that there are no belief systems, when in fact, there is a competing belief system, one disagreed with by the labelers. Identity politics is just a barb thrown to dismiss out of hand whatever issue is being brought up.

            There is nothing intelligent or liberal in stopping Milo from speaking. Nobody has to grant him a venue for speaking, but the reasons to not let him speak are weak, emotional, and not in accordance with American values. Those riots were fucking shameful. You cannot claim you are liberal, a supporter of free speech, and then also start fires the moment the opposition gets to speak.

            Likewise, I find Sessions to be an abhorrent man, but his point about universities no longer being a place for critical thinking, discussion, and deliberate disagreement for the purposes of debate, is spot on. There are some very fragile egos on the left, and more than a couple of fucking nutters no different than the Christian right-wing nutters that liberals love to bash. There is a deep problem in the "Liberal" camp, and it does no good to ignore it. Yes, Sessions is right in a way. The art of debate, or organized disagreement, has died in America, especially colleges and universities. As a result, intellectualism has withered and been replaced by anti-intellectualism, hatred, and a heaping helping of ignorance. Not to mention the demand for "safe spaces". Talk about unAmerican; A place deemed to be safe for one group of people, where another group of people are prohibited to express themselves to avoid dissent.

            You're right that reality is a little different than the extremes that the poster or I have pointed out. That goes for both sides though. There is a kernel of truth to the poster you replied to. I feel denying that does a disservice towards progressive and/or liberal movements.

            Technically, lunchtime is at any moment. It's just a wave function.
          • (Score: 2, Disagree) by crafoo on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:08AM (3 children)

            by crafoo (6639) on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:08AM (#574132)

            No I'm not. I'm describing what I've discovered from talking with leftists. They rarely talk about issues. They talk about their identity. They talk about who can speak, based on their "identity points". They talk about why people are bad because the group they belong to and the social history of that group. They rarely talk about the issues or set forth realistic ideas to address them. I bring up classical liberalism, rational thought, and stoicism and am sneered at and talked down to by post-modern hipster crybabies. I consider myself a liberal but apparently the left has no room for free people with "radical" ideas such as, "hey guys, we should tackle our problems with critical reasoning and hard work."

            • (Score: 2) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Thursday September 28 2017, @09:11AM (2 children)

              by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Thursday September 28 2017, @09:11AM (#574293) Journal

              Where are you finding these people? I've never met anyone like that in my life, and I meet a LOT of people.

              The people I meet and speak to from the left will talk about how unchecked capitalism is fucking everything up, about the environment and climate change, how rich individuals and corporations have hijacked politics to serve their own agenda. They will talk about healthcare and how to fund it, also transportation, infrastructure, and pointless wars of aggression in the middle east. They might talk about immigration and how it isn't the bugbear the right-wing media makes it out to be. If you bring up race or LGBT or womens' right or whatever then yeah, they will say that those groups have a hard time and will doubtless have ideas on what might be done to redress the balance, but they are never saying "who can speak" and who can't.

              Did you really meet the people you describe? Are you completely sure they really representative of an entire half of the political spectrum, or are they just an outlying bunch of foolish kids?

              • (Score: 2) by crafoo on Thursday September 28 2017, @05:03PM

                by crafoo (6639) on Thursday September 28 2017, @05:03PM (#574432)

                Google "Evergreen Day of Absence" as a start. These ideas are in general sweeping over university campuses in the USA. It's raw post-modernism and identity politics.

                Listen to any 20-something liberal talk. It's always about their identity and how they are placed in the in-group/out-group power structure.

                Try and talk about biological reality of race, gender, sex, and evolution with the same people. See how that conversation goes. Read about how it went for the Evergreen professor.

              • (Score: 2) by c0lo on Friday September 29 2017, @12:21AM

                by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Friday September 29 2017, @12:21AM (#574595) Journal

                Where are you finding these people?

                In US, mate, in US. Not even on your continental plate, I think.

        • (Score: 3, Disagree) by DannyB on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:27PM (9 children)

          by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:27PM (#573782) Journal

          [the left] is hateful, spiteful division of people along race/gender/sexual and any other divisive trait they can come up with.

          Um, cluebat.

          The left is the side that is working to fight intolerance.

          The left does not like intolerance.

          People on the left will not tolerate intolerant people. Absolutely no tolerance for intolerance.

          Hope that helps.

          When trying to solve a problem don't ask who suffers from the problem, ask who profits from the problem.
          • (Score: 4, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:17PM (6 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:17PM (#573804)

            The left is the side that is working to fight intolerance.
            The left does not like intolerance.
            People on the left will not tolerate intolerant people. Absolutely no tolerance for intolerance.

            Corollary: the left do not tolerate themselves. :)
            Therefore, if in practice they do, they are just pathological liars. So sad.

            "Fighting intolerance" by inciting more intolerance is perfectly like "dousing a fire" with a flamethrower. An arsonist doing the latter does not a firefighter become, and a bigot doing the former remains a bigot just the same.

            • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:11PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @04:11PM (#573856)

              While explosives are not a flame-thrower, there may be situations where a flamethrower is the proper firefighting gear. Explosives are used to put out flaming oil wells in some situations(remember the Gulf Wars? Around then there were a number of clips showing this.)

            • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:43PM (4 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:43PM (#573948)

              I, for one, regret that the right has to suffer so! It must be terrible to not be intelligent enough to comprehend the con job that the RightStream Medial is put on you! There are people who think Fox is news, O'Reilly is moral, Newt is smart, or the Donald is wealthy? Just amazing! And there are people who believe Britbarf, who think Gellar is an expert on Islam, and think SJWs exist! Inconceivable!

              As for this:

              An arsonist doing the latter does not a firefighter become, and a bigot doing the former remains a bigot just the same.

              Let me use a car analogy, no, wait, that would be too subtle. Ah, here it is! An arsonist becomes a fire-fighter when he does not start the fire, but starts another fire to put out the fire the actual arsonist started. It is called a "back-burn" and is a time honored technique amoungst fire-fighters. So your entire point is, well, idiotic.

                Liberals could teach you that intolerance is wrong, but you would probably just complain about censorship and "political correctness" and all that. So I think it would be better, both for you and society at large, if you were just set on fire. I know that this sounds kind of like a "Final Solution" to the Alt-Right Problem, but evidently we have no choice.

              • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:36PM (3 children)

                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:36PM (#573976)
                With this perfect example of debating skills, how can anyone doubt that the left do desperately need any literate opponents censored away? :))))))
                • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:15PM (2 children)

                  by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:15PM (#574066)

                  Taking a tongue-in-cheek comment as some sort of validity is pretty weak, shows how desperately you're searching for cracks in the ideological armor.

                  • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:48PM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:48PM (#574078)

                    I think we found a witch He's made 'o wood! 'Cause 'e weighs the same as a duck. So, logically, conservatives burn! See, that wasn't that hard, was it! Thinking can be fun!

                  • (Score: 1, Disagree) by khallow on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:49AM

                    by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:49AM (#574169) Journal
                    Stupid tongue-in-cheek comments are still stupid. I've made my fair share of them, but at least I was trying to be funny.
          • (Score: 2, Disagree) by crafoo on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:21AM (1 child)

            by crafoo (6639) on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:21AM (#574137)

            Demonstrably false. The left is openly intolerant and divisive. It is the entire premise of identify politics and post-modernism philosophy applied to social groups (instead of economic strata). How many people has the left shouted down across our nations' university campuses? Hardly the group of people I would turn to as an example of enlightened rhetoric and debate.

            • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:12AM

              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:12AM (#574174)

              What's with all the hasty generalizations some people are throwing around? Why talk about The Left or The Right as if they're some kind of hiveminds? Why even use such ambiguous terms at all? Just discuss individual policies and address people as individuals. That would be nice.

        • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:10PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:10PM (#573802)

          "It is hateful, spiteful division of people along race/gender/sexual and any other divisive trait they can come up with."

          Exactly. Many of America's left look at me, and see how good looking I am. So, they say demeaning things about my looks, and tell each other to take pride in their butt-ugliness. It's so disheartening, not only for me, but for all those hot chicks on Fox News.

        • (Score: 5, Disagree) by bzipitidoo on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:10PM (8 children)

          by bzipitidoo (4388) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @02:10PM (#573803) Journal

          The left IS liberal. Every movement has some corrupt actors who care nothing for the principles of the movement and seek to use the genuine adherents for personal gain. Authoritarians hiding amongst liberals doesn't taint liberal principles, any more than fake Christians mouthing all the psalms and hymns and putting in face time at church but behaving in very unchristian ways taints Christianity. See Newt Gingrich for just one example out of dozens.

          • (Score: 2, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:01PM (6 children)

            by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:01PM (#573883) Homepage Journal

            I think you might want to check your philosophies. If they're pro-"blah" but anti-liberty they are not liberal. Period.

            You cannot, for instance, be a socialist and a liberal. No, not even a Democratic Socialist. To a liberal, the good of the many makes not one bit of difference when the price is one individual's liberty.

            Neither can you be a Feminist and a liberal. Thinking of people as homogenous groups is decidedly anti-liberty. People are an amazingly broad spectrum of individuals thus all liberty is either individual or does not exist.

            Lastly, you cannot be intolerant of intolerance and be a liberal. You either believe in the liberty to think and speak as you will, no matter your opinion, or you do not.

            No, my friend, the left are not even remotely liberal anymore and have not been for a very long time. Call them progressive if you like. Nobody's ever specified what they're progressing towards, so it's meaningless enough to not be inaccurate.

            My rights don't end where your fear begins.
            • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:44PM (3 children)

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:44PM (#573949)

              Yes, way to go! There's that binary thinking again that TFA so finely lambasts.

              So, to take my cue from the article:

              Most importantly, they are never based on a misunderstanding. On the contrary, the disagreements arise from perfect comprehension; from having chewed over the ideas of your intellectual opponent so thoroughly that you can properly spit them out.

              Please, demonstrate your ability to comprehend another's position before presenting your disagreement for all to see.

              • (Score: 2, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:36PM (2 children)

                by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:36PM (#573975) Homepage Journal

                Liberty is a boolean issue. You either have a certain kind of liberty or you don't; there is no gray area between true and false. You don't believe there is either. Not really. You just want to chip away at my liberties stealthily by convincing me there is.

                My rights don't end where your fear begins.
                • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:48PM

                  by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:48PM (#573986)

                  We're comin' to gitcha! Best fly off varmint.

                • (Score: 2, Disagree) by chromas on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:00PM

                  by chromas (34) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:00PM (#573999) Journal

                  But but, liberty's on a spectrum!!

            • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:01PM (1 child)

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:01PM (#574001)

              And you cannot be a TMB and be a liberal, because being a TMB is incompatible with understanding what liberty is, and instead mistakes for it a vicious idiopathic egoism that most leave behind after primary education.

              • (Score: 2, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:40PM

                by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:40PM (#574052)

                Ya, the whole concept that our government is in place in part to guarantee the freedom of citizens is totally lost on him. If there was no government then everyone would work out voluntary agreements right? No way that could go bad, it isn't like history has a bajillion examples of it! /s

          • (Score: 2, Disagree) by crafoo on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:24AM

            by crafoo (6639) on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:24AM (#574141)

            Ah yes. The well worn, No True Scotsman argument. Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds? I think most leftists have good intentions they just don't actually know how to go about effecting change in an honest way. Somehow, they really believe the ends justifies the means, IN THEIR PARTICULAR CASE. Unlike every other case in history. This time it's OK guys!

      • (Score: 3, Disagree) by khallow on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:48PM (7 children)

        by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:48PM (#573792) Journal

        The difference between a modern-day liberal and a modern-day conservative is that if a proposal results in doing the opposite of what was expected, the liberal will say "let's do something different" while the conservative will say "well, we didn't do it hard enough - we need to do it more".

        By that metric, we'd have a massive reshuffling of who is considered liberal or conservative. Want single payer health care because Medicaid, a limited single payer system, isn't working out? Conservative. Want to elevate economic freedom to the status of the First Amendment? Liberal. I think we'd find it just confuses things even more than they already are. Everyone has something new they'd like to try and everyone has something that they think wasn't tried hard enough.

        • (Score: 4, Disagree) by meustrus on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:27PM (6 children)

          by meustrus (4961) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:27PM (#573905)

          The #1 problem with Medicaid is that poor people that don't qualify for it resent paying for poorer people to have better health care. Medicaid as health insurance is actually amazing because it covers everything immediately, no bureaucratic runaround required. No fighting with insurance co death panels to pay for covered services. The administrative overhead is minuscule compared to industry-standard overhead in the private sector.

          So while people are generally unwilling to expand Medicaid, that's usually because to them Medicaid means insurance for other people on their dime. Medicare-for-all, meanwhile, enjoys the support of a large majority of voters despite being a technically worse system.

          The real beginning of the end of private insurance is when people can buy into government-run health insurance. That's when people will have the chance to pay less for better service.

          So no, doubling down on Medicaid is not trying harder to make a failing system work. It's scaling up a successful system.

          If there isn't at least one reference or primary source, it's not +1 Informative. Maybe the underused +1 Interesting?
          • (Score: 1) by khallow on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:57PM (5 children)

            by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:57PM (#573997) Journal

            Medicaid as health insurance is actually amazing because it covers everything immediately, no bureaucratic runaround required.

            Recall that Medicaid pays less for health care than anyone else does (even after the alleged overhead of administration expenses). That translates directly into poorer quality care, IMHO.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:03PM (1 child)

              by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:03PM (#574062)

              Paying less immediated means shoddy quality?

              Or does it mean its actually better run and they have implemented well thought out cost control strategies.

              • (Score: 1) by khallow on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:16AM

                by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:16AM (#574175) Journal
                I'll go with choice a) shoddy quality. I think it'll become more evident over time what's going on when you dump more people into the system and cut funding to medical care. Keep in mind that it took several years for the disaster [] at the Department of Veterans Affairs to come to light. That's the same sort of people who run Medicaid.
            • (Score: 3, Interesting) by meustrus on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:56PM (2 children)

              by meustrus (4961) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:56PM (#574080)

              And yet they paid for my son to be flown by helicopter to a hospital 200 miles away, receive intensive care from the top specialists in the state, and remain under in-patient care for two weeks without a single contribution from my end.

              Then I got a job that paid me too much to be eligible for Medicaid, and I had to pay $200/month on top of my premiums just to receive follow-up treatment. From two separate billing departments, months after the fact, and the treatment wasn't even "pre-existing" because we had continuous insurance coverage.

              This is on top of the stellar maintenance care we received in the time prior to this hospital visit, where we were able to go to any doctor we wanted without asking the bureaucracy for permission, get whatever treatment the doctor wanted to give us without asking the bureaucracy for permission, and get whatever medications the doctor prescribed without asking the bureaucracy for permission.

              Having been on both sides, I'm not bitter that my taxes go to support poor people having better medical coverage than I do now. But I am bitter that I'm not allowed to have that coverage anymore, no matter what I'm willing to pay in premiums.

              If there isn't at least one reference or primary source, it's not +1 Informative. Maybe the underused +1 Interesting?
              • (Score: 1) by khallow on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:35AM (1 child)

                by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Thursday September 28 2017, @02:35AM (#574181) Journal

                And yet they paid for...

                I've noticed that there's this mysterious effect where people who benefit from a policy favor the policy and people who don't, don't. We also need to keep in mind that it's good politics to spare no expense for sick kids.

                My experience with Medicaid was an old coworker who got sick with some sort of kidney or bladder infection and stayed for a few days in a hospital courtesy of Medicaid. They kicked him out while he still was wearing the catheter. I got to drive him home. So I'm not equally impressed with Medicaid though I grant the treatment he received may well have saved his life.

                • (Score: 2) by meustrus on Monday October 02 2017, @05:15PM

                  by meustrus (4961) on Monday October 02 2017, @05:15PM (#575992)

                  They kicked him out while he still was wearing the catheter.

                  That's not an experience limited to Medicaid patients. Many hospitals are famous, especially in LA, for dumping patients as soon as they can get away with it.

                  It's not a problem of who is paying for the medical care, but how the medical care is delivered and for how much money. We have an abundance of for-profit hospitals in the US, and they operate by delivering the most expensive care they expect to be paid for. They get in real close with the insurers to give them a good deal while ensuring that patients are never given the information to make an informed decision that keeps anybody's costs down. And if you aren't part of this system, they want you gone as soon as possible.

                  Unfortunately, nobody is talking about how to fix this part of the system. The closest we get is Medica(re|id)-for-all, which would reduce bureaucratic expenses and streamline billing while also consolidating bargaining authority in an organization more accountable to the people. But that's not why liberals want it, so the best we can hope for is that expenses just slowly go down over time on their own because things are more efficient.

                  What we need most of all is for so-called conservatives to get their heads out of their asses and join the rest of the developed world in accepting healthcare as a government responsibility. Only fiscal conservatives would even try to solve the real problems plaguing healthcare in the US. They just have to stop shouting "NOT IT" first.

                  If there isn't at least one reference or primary source, it's not +1 Informative. Maybe the underused +1 Interesting?
    • (Score: 5, Interesting) by VLM on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:11PM (3 children)

      by VLM (445) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:11PM (#573771)

      Both major parties are currently spouting and/or governing from positions that are so epically(sic) fucked up

      I'd propose that both parties are in youth revolution, so we have a four way fight between left and right AND young and old. They're about equidistant from each other.

      I mean, purely as an observation, aren't there D party guys Trump can work with more effectively, than legacy internal traitors like Paul Ryan or McCain?

      The legacy "boomer" R party was captured by capitalist corruption and religion and really has no principles other than serving the special interests. The modern R party rebellion wants right wing principles.

      The legacy "boomer" D party was captured by holiness spiral signalling from old white cat ladies and Hollywood limousine liberals which ironically involved in practice tossing out the values they supposedly VERY publicly cherish. The modern D party is now entirely a special interest coalition of minorities and outcasts with nothing uniting them except a vague racism and sexism against white males.

      Eventually the legacy folks are going to literally die out, but in the short term its a hell of a fight to watch.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:34PM (2 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:34PM (#573973)

        hey so why is someone a traitor if they are upholding what their constituency voted them in for?

        if the correct behavior is to just toe the party line, then why have a platform at all? just say blue/red and leave it at that.

        those guys are not traitors--they do as they are instructed by their electorate, not doing what they are told to do by their party. I would prefer that most representatives behaved the same way.

        McCain laid clear that leadership is supposed to work with leadership -- not lay down and be a bitch to leadership. i respect him.

        Paul Ryan probably needs more terms as a seasoned political veteran, but... he's not Cruz. And Cruz is worthy of respect himself, but I'd never vote for him.

        Speaking of voting,I would have voted for McCain had it not been for Palin. Palin just wasn't trumpish enough to carry McCain by everyone else; I fled to team obama because of Palin.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:54PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:54PM (#573994)

          How can you say any of that with a clear conscience? From my perspective it is straight insanity! All of those people do toe the party line and routinely renege on their "platforms". Constituency? You mean corporate donors with greedy agendas that in no way help the actual people?

        • (Score: 2) by edIII on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:22PM

          by edIII (791) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:22PM (#574068)

          they do as they are instructed by their electorate

          Exactly. Wait... are you under the delusion the electorate is the middle class or the poor? Otherwise reality is Citizens United, and the electorate is the 1%. Freedom has been supplanted by big fat wallets that are far, far, far more equal than others.

          You seem to naively imply that politicians serve the people. How quaint.

          Technically, lunchtime is at any moment. It's just a wave function.
    • (Score: 5, Disagree) by c0lo on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:18PM (11 children)

      by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday September 27 2017, @01:18PM (#573776) Journal

      I do know enough to remove myself from allegiance to either the jackasses or the fudge-pachyderms.

      This doesn't make you different enough from any of the two, you are promoting censorship of expression by maintaining that lameness filter.
      Case at point, I can't use the words "Dīck nigğεrs" with normal orthography, not even with the purpose of parody.
      This in spite of being logged in and not posting anonymously and obviously not spamming the thread.

      Are we afraid of some word on S/N?
      Yes, I do understand that we hate spamming, but a regex filter is not fighting spam, is just banning some character or a sequence of them, in other words is banning a form of expression. How can you refute a position discussing the "Di¢ĸ nīğgεrs" phenomenon if you can't see it?

      What is worse, the current incarnation of the lameness filter has side-effects in banning other forms of expression. The UNICODE Greek letter iota (accented or not) is banned no matter in which context it appears. Try going to the "Know thyself" [] page on Wikipedia, copy the last letter of the first word using Greek letters (that's the one, it resembles an i without the dot), paste in in a comment and hit "Preview", see what the lameness filter has to say.

      Funny enough, the &iota; entity is not banned. Mind you, you can't kill the Dιcκ nιggεrs without shooting yourself in the foot".

      So, my point: Mister TMB, tear down the lameness filter [], not only it's ineffective, but it hurts us twice:
      - you need to spend time maintaining the filter (and any programmer worth her/his salt knows regex-es are not a solution to filter out meaning even when the meaning is spam
      - there are side effects which hurt S/N in other areas

      Consider resolving the spam problem in other ways, regex-es are not the answer.

      (how's this for something to rationally disagree with? No, I'm dead serious, this is not a troll and definitely it is not spam)

      • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:47PM (1 child)

        by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:47PM (#573914) Journal

        At this point all he could really do is make a massive freaking blacklist that had pretty much every pattern of the banned terms in it, with some wildcards and some things to filter out spaces. Might make it more efficient by scanning for strings of 4-7 characters that look like "dick" (for example l33tsp34k |)!c|), checking the next word to see if it matches everyone's favorite racial slur, etc etc.

        I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
        • (Score: 2) by c0lo on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:49PM

          by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:49PM (#573954) Journal

          a massive freaking blacklist

          Agreed. There are some tricks to keep it sorta maintainable, but it's gonna be massive.
          And, to keep it fast enough, I'd look for scanner generators, like ragel [] - at least the automata could get compi... hang on, rehash is still PERL, ain't it? Forget it then.

          (you know what's this: c? Sorta looks like an E but is a <s>c</s>; resulting in something like niggcrs during regex-ing. I bet I can come with a new daily D/N leaking out of the lameness filter for months)

          that look like "dick" (for example l33tsp34k |)!c|)

          And then... what?
          You reckon the "Cunt Whitetrash" sisterhood is not capable of replacing the "Dι̊cΚ nι̊gg૯rs" spam?
          Tell ye, the moment you allow UNICODE, you show yourself as a brave soul, trusting the community against the spam - 'cause coding cannot.


      • (Score: 3, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:46PM (2 children)

        by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:46PM (#573983) Homepage Journal

        Get over yourself. I already told dingleberry that the blanket bans on homoglyphs are going away in the next site update. I simply do not have time to write SN code right now (paying work) or they'd already be gone.

        My rights don't end where your fear begins.
        • (Score: 3, Disagree) by c0lo on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:56PM (1 child)

          by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:56PM (#573995) Journal

          I simply do not have time to write SN code right now (paying work)

          Glad to hear, I wish you to recover in the financial position you see appropriate for yourself.

          Get over yourself. I already told dingleberry that the blanket bans on homoglyphs are going away in the next site update.

          But you still intend to maintain the lameness filter? If so, why?


      • (Score: 3, Disagree) by aristarchus on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:06PM (4 children)

        by aristarchus (2645) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:06PM (#574006) Journal

        Sometimes, you get spam modded for being too right! At least here on SoylentNews!

        • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:18PM (3 children)

          by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:18PM (#574014) Homepage Journal

          Why, oh why, have we not put a +0 STFU mod in yet?

          My rights don't end where your fear begins.
          • (Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:42PM (2 children)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:42PM (#574054)

            Cause you realized that you would be flooded with it :D

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:18PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:18PM (#574067)

        I'm still not convinced that it wasn't all just TMB trolling SN and getting an excuse to implement censorship specifically to bring out this debate. Doesn't quite add up I guess, there hasn't been any real pro-censorship talk around here.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @03:23PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @03:23PM (#573838)

      Most insightful thing I have ever heard you say. Kudos.

    • (Score: 2, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:17PM (6 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @05:17PM (#573895)

      I have no idea how to actually fix it short of revolution

      How about an amiable split of the USA, or at least a non-warring split. Let's admit Lincoln made a mistake and should have let the South go. We don't get along.

      Why keep fighting the Culture Wars over and over like Groundhog Day? It's true the Culture Wars tend to wax and wane over decades, based on historical trends, but the waxing periods are nasty.

      • (Score: 3, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:47PM (2 children)

        by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:47PM (#573985) Homepage Journal

        It's not the south that hates you. It's everyone outside the largest dozen or so cities.

        My rights don't end where your fear begins.
        • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:47PM (1 child)

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:47PM (#574055)

          It is amusing seeing you try so hard to get everyone to believe the sky is orange. You're a hate filled turd monger.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @12:48AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @12:48AM (#574124)

            Hillary lost. Ha ha ha.

            Obviously, you are wrong and TMB is right.

      • (Score: 2) by crafoo on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:32AM (2 children)

        by crafoo (6639) on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:32AM (#574151)

        What you call culture wars I call people 1000 miles removed from my environment telling me how it should be governed. Not on a macro scale, but down into the details such as what kind of paper or plastics I can use. Or deciding on hunting and wildlife issues having no experience of either - never leaving their city, and not knowing real issues of day to day life in remote rural areas. I don't pretend to know whether or not a motorcycle should be splitting lanes on Long Island. Why do they think they know whats best in terms of water rights and policy in my area?

        Lincoln did make a mistake. A strong, centralized federal government was and is a mistake.

        • (Score: 1) by khallow on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:54AM

          by khallow (3766) Subscriber Badge on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:54AM (#574217) Journal
          What are you talking about? Someone needs to protect us from incandescent light bulbs and toilets that flush. \sarc
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @09:13AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @09:13AM (#574294)

          After the revolution we tried a weaker federal government and it collapsed. Remember your history.

    • (Score: 1, Disagree) by jmorris on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:05PM (15 children)

      by jmorris (4844) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @06:05PM (#573926)

      Au Contraire ye carrion eater, it be worse still. King's major speech is now an embarrassing reminder of how fast the frontiers of Social Justice move, they do everything possible to not have people quoting it. Guys like Newt Gingrich are the only ones who do now, proving my assertion that Conservatism is nothing more than holding the hills they lost a generation ago for their enemies while always preparing to fall back again and repeat. Notice how fast the National Review Conservative types shifted on gay marriage and are preparing to retreat on trans BS?

      Meanwhile, good luck finding a Republican not named Paul quoting Ms. Rand. And to be honest they probably shouldn't; Objectivism is not Conservative by any stretch of the imagination. That is what sperg Libertarians are for. A few pay lip service to Milton Friedman but it is clear none of them bellyfeel it, they are only duckspeaking it for consumption by the voters.

      Which is why the Alt-Right intends to destroy Conservatism and the useless Republican Party first so it can replace it with an opposition party that actually opposes. Then we intend to do what no Conservative can, firmly plant a flag of what we support and replace the Democrats as the governing party. Come, join us. We have a multitude of factions to pick from currently, be a part of the vigorous debate currently shaping it and narrowing down the factions.

      • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:05PM (9 children)

        by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:05PM (#573958) Journal

        Do we get spiffy uniforms and an oddly stiff-looking march too, you fucking lunatic?

        I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
        • (Score: 1, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:52PM (7 children)

          by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Wednesday September 27 2017, @07:52PM (#573989) Homepage Journal

          If you lot weren't violent authoritarians already, complete with not just a racial but also a gender demographic you despise, you might. Glass houses, Az. Glass houses.

          My rights don't end where your fear begins.
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:57PM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @09:57PM (#574057)

            What people hate are the caricatures created by the propaganda machines. Idiots like you fall for it hook line and sinker. There are plenty of sane conservatives that are not so affected by all the propaganda, and plenty of liberals who realize that not all conservatives are racist. You always seem to miss the target in favor of the cooked noodles in your skull.

          • (Score: 3, Disagree) by Azuma Hazuki on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:21AM (4 children)

            by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:21AM (#574206) Journal

            Come now, Uzzard, you know me well enough by now to know I don't fit into the standard knee-jerking leftist narrative you wish I did :) And that's what makes me such a thorn in your scruffy carcass-molesting side. Don't you have some dead wildebeest's ass to be neck-deep in somewhere?

            I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
            • (Score: 1, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Friday September 29 2017, @12:25AM (3 children)

              by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Friday September 29 2017, @12:25AM (#574596) Homepage Journal

              You do closely enough for most generalizations. You may not be actively campaigning for the SJW douchebags on every seed of hate they try to spread but you're not fighting them either; and you are adopting their exact tactics and demonizing anyone who disagrees with you as hard as you can. You disagree on minutiae not behavior.

              My rights don't end where your fear begins.
              • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Friday September 29 2017, @02:29AM (2 children)

                by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Friday September 29 2017, @02:29AM (#574624) Journal

                You desperately wish it were so, but like my mother says, wish in one hand, piss in the other, see which gets full first. And you don't actually see the "fighting them" I'm doing elsewhere, Uzzard, so you might wanna shut your beak before jumping to that conclusion :) Besides which, if you don't wanna get demonized, try adopting positions that aren't almost literally demonic.

                I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
                • (Score: 1, Disagree) by The Mighty Buzzard on Friday September 29 2017, @10:14AM (1 child)

                  by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Friday September 29 2017, @10:14AM (#574736) Homepage Journal

                  It's really interesting watching the mental gymnastics play out so that you can keep from admitting how terrible of a person you actually are.

                  My rights don't end where your fear begins.
                  • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Friday September 29 2017, @06:12PM

                    by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Friday September 29 2017, @06:12PM (#574967) Journal

                    Have you not learned your lesson yet? Accusing someone else of the same things you're guilty of pre-emptively does not remove your guilt, and anyone who's been following our respective post histories knows which one of us is the awful excuse for a human being. You've already become a by-word on these forums, and you're not even self-aware enough to see this.

                    And now it turns out all those times I told you to stick to code since that's all your good at might actually have been an overestimation of you. If you ever coded an actual working lameness filter it would auto-ban you.

                    I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
        • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:10AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 28 2017, @01:10AM (#574134)

          Do we get spiffy uniforms and an oddly stiff-looking march too, you fucking lunatic?

          I don't know... Maybe... Your name looks kinda Japanese, but you can probably pass for North Korean and they have exactly what you are looking for.

      • (Score: 0, Disagree) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:09PM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @08:09PM (#574009)

        Meanwhile, good luck finding a Republican not named Paul quoting Ms. Rand.

        And why should we care what Mrs. Rand Paul has to say about anything? jmorris, you sound a bit crazier than usual. Did you forget to take your meds, again?

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:32PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 27 2017, @10:32PM (#574073)

          The director is going to be quite pissed off when he realizes Jmo has been sneaking into his office on a near daily basis to shitpost on the internet. They'll finally have to put him in a straight jacket and we'll all get some peace.

      • (Score: 2) by GreatAuntAnesthesia on Thursday September 28 2017, @10:04AM (2 children)

        by GreatAuntAnesthesia (3275) on Thursday September 28 2017, @10:04AM (#574298) Journal

        I never visit Breitbart or any of those sites, but I don't need to. I can see exactly what their latest talking points and strategies are just by reading Jmo's posts. It's fascinating, in a perverse sort of way. Translation:

        The alt-right realise that installing Trump was a mistake. At the very least, his usefulness has now come to an end. He's too unpredictable, too toxic, and worst of all he's apparently prepared to work with Democrats ("Chuck & Nancy" on DACA). The fact that he ousted Bannon was the last straw for the alt-right, now they are manuevering against him. Bannon's two-sided speech the other day (in which he equates Trump to Julius Caesar - after Caesar was murdered by his friends) is the beginning, but it shows us the direction the Alt-Right is headed.

        In Jmo's post we see the beginnings of a rebellion against the Republican party. First they need to rewrite history, in order to create the appropriate narrative: Notice how this plan to "destroy conservatism and the republican party" is presented as some obvious, long-established objective when in fact we only heard the first of it just now. The Alt-Right was quite happy using the Republicans until Bannon got kicked. Now suddenly they have been the enemy all along, just like Eurasia vs Eastasia.

        Next on the agenda will be working to destroy Trump - minor disagreements at first, then sly, subtle insinuations (with, of course, a strong subtext of "I never liked him anyway") until eventually they are crying for impeachment alongside the Dems. Watch for it, you'll see it here from Jmo first, I guarantee. The plan from there? I don't know. Maybe it's just to get Pence in. More likely they have someone else in mind. Bannon himself? *shudder*

        • (Score: 2) by jmorris on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:10PM

          by jmorris (4844) on Thursday September 28 2017, @04:10PM (#574402)

          No, we want to destroy Conservatism and seize the Republican Party. If you haven't heard the refrain that Conservatives have failed to conserve anything before it means you are in the Prog echo chamber. Hell, *I* have been saying it *HERE* since before Trump was nominated.

          I abandoned Conservatism after reading Kirk's The Conservative Mind and realizing that the modern Conservatives are not failing because they suck, because they are sellouts, because they let the media bully them, none of that. They are doing exactly what they set out to do, gently slow the Left's journey to the Sunny Uplands of History. They do this because it was what every major Conservative thinker from Burke forward hold to be proper. The problem is the base wants them to do stuff that isn't Conservative and they keep promising it with no intent to do it because they don't believe in it.

          The alt-right realize that installing Trump was a mistake.

          Not at all. But we have to keep the pressure on him exactly like any other politician. Not only to actually remind him we expect results, but to create an environment where movement Right is more possible by making Trump appear moderate. Kinda like why the Left stays active even when they have Clinton or Obama in the Oval Office. We aren't Conservative so we read your books too. Tactics aren't tied to one Party, we can use Alinsky almost as well as the Left. What we really need is to create the impression Trump is the good cop, the moderate offering a sensible compromise, the one holding back the ravening mob of crazies out here in the Base.

          The fact that he ousted Bannon

          Ah, but did he? Or did he redeploy him to the front right as primary season started? It is now apparent to all that the Republican Party has no more intention of implementing the Trump agenda than the Democrats do, so a primary war against them is going to be required. The current ones can't be bullied enough, not until a large number of them are replaced, enough to terrify the remainder into going along to keep their jobs. They do not believe Trump or his movement can threaten them, we must find out if they are correct.

        • (Score: 2, Disagree) by crafoo on Thursday September 28 2017, @05:12PM

          by crafoo (6639) on Thursday September 28 2017, @05:12PM (#574438)

          I don't consider Trump a mistake, but then again I'm not sure who this alt-right boogeyman is you talk about. He's isn't a globalist and he's held that part up after the election. He's trying to get control of illegal immigration. TPP is dead. Non-staffing some useless organizations. All in all much better than anyone that ran against him. A pleasant surprise even.

(1) 2