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posted by martyb on Wednesday November 14 2018, @04:05PM   Printer-friendly
from the submit-all-your-pics-to-Google dept.

Google Chrome Labs releases open source, browser-based image optimization tool, Squoosh

As web pages have advanced over the years, they have also dramatically increased in size. This has gradually contributed to pages loading slower and slower. To help web developers easily optimize their pages, Google Chrome Labs has released a new web tool called Squoosh that can downsize, compress, and reformat images.

[...] Supporting a variety of web formats like MozJPEG and WebP and traditional ones like PNG, Squoosh allows you to quickly make your images web-ready. The app is able to do 1:1 visual comparisons of the original image and its compressed counterpart, to help you understand the pros and cons of each format.


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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 15 2018, @02:42PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday November 15 2018, @02:42PM (#762168)

    yeah but that isnt sponsored by google and being pushed for use in their chrome browser that most consumers needing to be marketed to are using as their default browser, for some reason.

    which means anything better won't be considered because it requires too much effort than automatic and free.