Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by chromas on Friday March 08 2019, @08:48PM   Printer-friendly
from the cookie-cutter dept.

Cookie walls that demand a website visitor agrees to their Internet browsing being tracked for ad-targeting as the ‘price’ of entry to the site are not compliant with European data protection law, the Dutch data protection agency clarified yesterday.

The DPA said it has received dozens of complaints from Internet users who had had their access to websites blocked after refusing to accept tracking cookies — so it has taken the step of publishing clear guidance on the issue.

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  • (Score: 2) by RandomFactor on Saturday March 09 2019, @06:01PM

    by RandomFactor (3682) Subscriber Badge on Saturday March 09 2019, @06:01PM (#812072) Journal

    There are people that don't browse with scripts off?
    What do they do after their computer mysteriously slows down to the point of unusability?
    (It's not like they can go buy a new one with an empty bank account)

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