Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by Fnord666 on Saturday May 04 2019, @08:16PM   Printer-friendly
from the oxy-clean dept.

It’s no secret that Google tracks a lot of data about you, from the websites you visit to the videos you watch, the things you’ve searched for, and the places you have visited. Scrubbing this data from your Google account has required you to manually dig into your settings each time. That’s changing soon.

In the next few weeks, Google will be rolling out a feature to users around the world that will let them set this information to be deleted automatically every three or 18 months.

"We work to keep your data private and secure, and we’ve heard your feedback that we need to provide simpler ways for you to manage or delete it," Google said in a blog post published Wednesday.

For now, these controls are only coming to your location history and web and app activity, but it’s likely that they’ll come to more of your data history at some point.

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  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Phoenix666 on Sunday May 05 2019, @12:46PM (3 children)

    by Phoenix666 (552) on Sunday May 05 2019, @12:46PM (#839195) Journal

    Using the feature is useful--for flagging you as a malcontent who will be dealt with when the global corporate state purges resistance.

    Washington DC delenda est.
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    Total Score:   3  
  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by acid andy on Sunday May 05 2019, @01:11PM (2 children)

    by acid andy (1683) on Sunday May 05 2019, @01:11PM (#839203) Homepage Journal

    True, though I rather suspect most of us Soylentils have already done (and not done) more than enough to be categorized as such. Simply the fact I won't use Farcebook would likely count against me.

    Consumerism is poison.
    • (Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Sunday May 05 2019, @07:48PM (1 child)

      by Phoenix666 (552) on Sunday May 05 2019, @07:48PM (#839331) Journal

      I took an approach Heinlein recommended in his story Friday, wherein it's safer to have an innocuous, neutral presence than an absence for the reason you stated. There was a Soylentil in the early days who was so offended by that that she unfriended me (marked me "foe").

      It was astonishing at the time, but now it comforts me whenever i worry that I'm too strident to know that there are those much further out on the limb than I am.

      Washington DC delenda est.
      • (Score: 2) by acid andy on Tuesday May 07 2019, @03:36PM

        by acid andy (1683) on Tuesday May 07 2019, @03:36PM (#840213) Homepage Journal

        I just figure I've enjoyed life this long as a free man. If someone insists on putting an end to that some day sooner or later, at least I stuck, mostly, to my principles. The pleasures in this life are finite.

        Consumerism is poison.