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SoylentNews is people

posted by Fnord666 on Monday May 06 2019, @02:15PM   Printer-friendly
from the maybe-not-Call-Of-Duty dept.

As part of a new pilot program, 22 VA facilities around the country will be receiving a gift from Microsoft: X-Box Adaptive Controllers, which are specially designed for gamers with mental or physical disabilities. "We owe so much to the service and sacrifice of our Veterans, and as a company, we are committed to supporting them," Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella said in a press statement. "Our X-Box Adaptive Controller was designed to make gaming more accessible to millions of people worldwide, and we're partnering with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs to bring the device to Veterans with limited mobility."

The military hospitals will be using them to help rehabilitate wounded warriors, and X-Box chief Phil Spencer says if it's successful - the program could expand. The collaboration aims to improve rehabilitation and recreation for veterans by challenging muscle activation and hand-eye coordination, and encouraging greater participation in social and recreational activities. That will include participation in e-sports as well as traditional solo gaming.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @05:21PM (9 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @05:21PM (#839710)

    "We owe so much to the service and sacrifice of our Veterans, and as a company, we are committed to supporting them,"

    No you don't. Them veterans got hurt while aimlessly murdering millions of foreigners in foreign lands on the instructions of the khazar jewish vermin.

    How many civilians and soldiers in far away lands do you make software for, to help them live their lives better, who got hurt fighting for their country?

    And what about those deaths from american bombing missions around the world each day? Lots of children lost limbs, eyes, ... while playing in the field?

    But veterans... veterans must get the best treatment who fought for the dangerous enemy khazar jewish vermin.

    Some people never learn from history.

  • (Score: 2) by sshelton76 on Monday May 06 2019, @06:35PM (6 children)

    by sshelton76 (7978) on Monday May 06 2019, @06:35PM (#839760)

    Must resist the urge to smack the troll.

    It's unfortunate you feel that way and it goes to show that you have no idea what you're talking about.
    You speak of millions, but there aren't millions who were killed on either side whether combatants or innocents, the total number is still in the thousands.

    Most of these people were killed by their own local warlords and not the US Military. I'm not in any way saying there weren't mistakes and that no innocent blood was shed. However I am saying that the blood shed, especially of innocents would be far, far worse without our intervention.

    Imagine you are at school and you see a bully. Does the person with enough balls to step up to the bully and get him to stop, deserve what's coming if the bully fights him? The military is like this. We protect those who cannot protect themselves and we're absolutely willing to smack the bully down so hard he never gets back up again.

    In the meantime these actions did damage to otherwise normal men and women. Whether you feel like they deserved it, had it coming or whatever, the fact is they were assets to our society and they were damaged. The implied social contract is that we do everything we can to help them.

    After all, do you really want to deal with the consequences of highly trained ex-military personnel wandering the street with nothing to fall back on for survival other than the skills they learned while in the military?

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @09:31PM (4 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @09:31PM (#839844)

      a minimum of 1.5 million and a maximum of 3.4 million []

      There were no people dying in Iraq until the illegal U.S invasion. Do not misrepresent history.

      they were assets to our society and they were damaged

      The people dying in invaded countries are also assets to their society. They did not ask to be killed. American military employees get paid to kill and be killed... in order to make money for corporations and special interests... and to clear away countries in the middle east for a greater israel... and to invade Europe with migrants who were pushed out of their homes.

      You are a propagandist for the U.S/israeli khazars (might be a JIDF agent) and we see you for what you are.

      • (Score: 2) by sshelton76 on Tuesday May 07 2019, @12:24AM (3 children)

        by sshelton76 (7978) on Tuesday May 07 2019, @12:24AM (#839916)

        You are a propagandist for the U.S/israeli khazars (might be a JIDF agent) and we see you for what you are.

        Hilarious considering you posted AC. But then again, you've clearly got mental health issues so I'm not certain whether to laugh at you or with you.

        Who is we in that sentence? Do you have a mouse in your pocket or does "we" actually mean that all the voices in your head concur on this point?

        It seems to me that you're plagued by your own imaginary demons because quite clearly you were brought up to be a special little snowflake and yet still you have somehow managed to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory by failing at life.

        Rather than accept your limitations and failures, owning them, learning from them, you choose to blame those around you.

        I know that nothing I say here will matter to you. You've managed to construct a brutal internal narrative. A self re-enforcing imaginary playground based on your own delusions of grandeur. One where you are being watched and persecuted by the elite lest you gain too much power and threaten their power base. One that no one can dispel because you assume that anyone who has a different viewpoint must be in service to the enemy you've constructed. So you regurgitate a bunch of BS about people you've never met, to other people you've never met and sadly it looks like you genuinely believe the stories you were fed.

        All of this exists for you, because you can't be honest with yourself and realize just how insignificant you really are. You fail to see that no one really cares who you are, what you think or why you think it. That must be a sad existence. But you know something? It's your existence.

        Many of the people you are blaming for killing innocents were fighting on your behalf. We fought and many died with many more injured in an effort to put down forever an enemy that would kill you because you didn't worship their imaginary sky fairy or didn't worship him in the right way. A problem which continues to this very day.
 [] [] but at least they aren't pulling it off on our soil []

        Keep believing what you want to believe. But if you really believe it then stop posting as AC. Come out of the shadows and be the hero you imagine yourself to be. Lead the insurrection and be the change you want to see in the world. Of course you have no real courage, so instead you'll charge me with being a foreign agent, part of the conspiracy, whatever. A coward is a coward, you're a coward because you can't own your own opinion. So keep hiding lest the Jews or whatever find you;

        I'm just sorry there are cowardly traitors such as yourself who feel that they have the moral high ground and will accept any narrative they're sold by the raging conspiracy loonies who in most cases don't even believe their own tripe, []
        but are still totally willing to sell you books, tapes, videos and other propaganda as long as they continue to get money for it and they can laugh all the way to the bank at your expense. These guys make their money off the gullible, and sorry to tell you this but you were gullible enough to believe them.

        In the meantime, I have brothers and sisters in arms who were damaged trying to protect you from something you choose not to understand. You seem to want to be blind and ignorant and I'm not Jesus, I can't give you sight and frankly I'm not sure I can fix your flavor of stupid. The article was about someone doing something to help those men and women that were damaged. Some small light in the world for a group of people who suffer through living nightmares. So yeah, kudos for anyone that wants to reach out and help them.

        The world is far more complex and subtle than you've been lead to believe.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 07 2019, @12:48AM (2 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 07 2019, @12:48AM (#839928)

          Jew writes:

          wall of text containing nothing of value but personal attacks

          You khazar jewish agents are easy to spot. Always asking for names and phone numbers. You never stop. There is no jail for you yet but there will be.

          And by the way, ISIS is israeli khazar army. And the Phillipines bombing happened just a week ago. Israeli khazars have been pushing the agenda for far longer. They made the U.S invade Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya, ... They are pushing for sanctions against Iran and others.

          There is a special place in hell for the khazars, but right here on Earth, we have to make it for you. You are the ones that were kicked out 109 times from lands not your own.

          The world is indeed far more complex and subtle than we've been led to believe.

          Jewish rat begone!!!

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 07 2019, @02:26AM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday May 07 2019, @02:26AM (#839965)

            Found the Russian troll!

            Seriously though, what does the KGB pay now days traitor?

            • (Score: 2) by sshelton76 on Tuesday May 07 2019, @02:36AM

              by sshelton76 (7978) on Tuesday May 07 2019, @02:36AM (#839967)

              Bah! Just leave it be. I stepped right in that one by assuming he was sincere in his beliefs. But now I see his reply, I realize no one could actually be that stupid. This is probably the same AC running around saying the moon landing was a hoax and the earth is flat. Yes there are people who really believe those things. There are even people who genuinely believe that everyone who disagrees with them is an an agent of whatever they feel threatened by that day.

              But this moron is just getting his jollies from riling people up and I fell for it. /facepalm

              Now I have mod points I could down mod it, but that seems like a waste of good mod points. Better to just not feed the trolls in the first place, lesson learned.

    • (Score: 2) by realDonaldTrump on Tuesday May 07 2019, @10:53AM

      by realDonaldTrump (6614) on Tuesday May 07 2019, @10:53AM (#840085) Homepage Journal

      We spent $7 trillion in the Middle East. Now if you want to fix a window someplace they say, "oh gee, where will we get the money, let’s not do it." $7 trillion, and millions of lives -- you know, because I like to count both sides. Millions of lives. I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary, and will only do so if we have a plan for Victory. With a capital V!!!!

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @07:17PM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @07:17PM (#839780)

    >Some people never learn from history.
    Like when russia messes with the rest of the world for the nth time and spends another next decade in a recession. Dang globalists. Dang dirty unfair international sanctions.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @09:35PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 06 2019, @09:35PM (#839845)

      Who did Russia invade from 1991 to 1998 ?

      "international sanctions"

      The U.S bullies nations into sanctioning the competition, and that is nothing new. But these days people are refusing to sanction more.

      The United Sanctions of America is going down and the empire is taking its last breaths, so is getting desperate.