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posted by martyb on Tuesday July 02 2019, @04:39PM   Printer-friendly
from the lawns dept.

"Front-end" developer, Pete Lambert, writes about why front-end "web" developers should start to learn HTML. More and more developers are using only pre-made frameworks and quite unfamiliar with the fundmentals of the technology they are using, such as semantic markup. He notes that the continued failure to pay attention to the basics of semantics is slowly breaking what's left of the World Wide Web and suggests reasons to correct that and has some pointers to learning resources.

I’m a ‘frontend of the frontend’ kind of guy. My expertise is in HTML and CSS, so it’s easy for me to wax lyrical about why everybody should learn what I already know (for the record, I don’t know it all - we still have heated debates in the office about what the best way to mark up a certain component might be). This isn’t about ‘my job’s more important than yours. If you’re writing code that renders things in a browser, this is your job.

It’s about usability and accessibility. If you don’t think the semantic structure of your Web page or app is important then you’re essentially saying “Well, it works for me in my browser, ship it”. I don’t think you’d do that with your Javascript and you certainly shouldn’t be doing it with your CSS. Search engines need to read your content, not enjoy your swoopy animations or fancy gradients. Screen reader software needs to read your content. Keyboard users need to read your content. Who knows what technology will come next and how it will consume your app but I’ll bet my bottom Bitcoin it’ll work better if it can easily read, parse and traverse your content. The way these things read your content is that they know it’s actually content and not just strings of text wrapped in meaningless tags. They know what’s a table and how to present it, they know what’s a list and how to present it, they know what’s a button and what’s a checkbox. Make everything from divs and they’re going to have to work bloody hard to figure that out.

Earlier on SN:
How to Build and Host an Energy Efficient Web Site (2018)
Conservative Web Development (2018)
Dodgy Survey Shows 1 in 10 Believe HTML is an STD? (2014)

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  • (Score: 2) by DannyB on Tuesday July 02 2019, @08:25PM (1 child)

    by DannyB (5839) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday July 02 2019, @08:25PM (#862518) Journal

    The other thing about LibreOffice Write's Styles, suppose you edit a style, such as Code and change it to show white text on black background, *poof* instantly all of the paragraphs of Code style instantly change throughout your document.

    Want there to be a 2 inch top and 3 inch bottom margin around all blocks of code? Just change the style.

    Want some Warning boxes in your document that point out potential pitfalls? Define a Warning style. It could have a 3 inch left indent, so that the box appears further to the right in the document. It could have a very different font weight, etc. You can fiddle with your Warning style, and all paragraphs like that change.

    I also use a Code character style. That way I can mark some characters within an ordinary paragraph as code. When I change the Code paragraph style, I make similar changes to the Code character style. But I only write very short phrases using the Code style.

    Next, I could create, say, a Filename style. It could inherit from the Code style such that by default a filename looks exactly like Code. (both of these are character styles, because I would write filenames within the main text of a document, within sentences, etc.) But if I later have an itch to make Filenames look different, I can change the Filename character style to differ from the Code character style.

    I hope that all makes since.

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  • (Score: 2) by NotSanguine on Tuesday July 02 2019, @08:47PM

    Sure. Styles work just fine in LibreOffice. I never said they didn't. And I've used them quite a bit myself.

    What I'm talking about is something more immediate that clearly shows current formats. That's so useful when you're not seeing what you expect to see. I'd love to say those are corner cases, but that happens *way* too often in both Word and Writer, with no *simple* way to see what's going on.

    As such, we're talking about different functionality. I was just lamenting that Libre/MS Office don't have a specific and very useful feature. That wasn't an attempt to badmouth your favorite word processor, just pointing out that such a feature is quite useful.

    And that it would be even *more* useful in an HTML editor.

    No, no, you're not thinking; you're just being logical. --Niels Bohr