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SoylentNews is people

posted by martyb on Sunday July 19 2020, @11:07PM   Printer-friendly
from the "parts-is-parts"-(y_oem9BqUTI) dept.

KFC is working with a Russian 3D bioprinting firm to try to make lab-produced chicken nuggets:

KFC is trying to create the world’s first laboratory-produced chicken nuggets, part of its “restaurant of the future” concept, the company announced. The chicken restaurant chain will work with Russian company 3D Bioprinting Solutions to develop bioprinting technology that will “print” chicken meat, using chicken cells and plant material.

KFC plans to provide the bioprinting firm with ingredients like breading and spices “to achieve the signature KFC taste” and will seek to replicate the taste and texture of genuine chicken.

It’s worth noting that the bioprinting process KFC describes uses animal material, so any nuggets it produced wouldn’t be vegetarian. KFC does offer a vegetarian option at some of its restaurants; last year it became the first US fast-food chain to test out Beyond Meat’s plant-based chicken product, which it plans to roll out to more of its locations this summer.

Bioprinted nuggets would be more environmentally friendly to produce than standard chicken meat, KFC says, citing (but not linking to) a study by the American Environmental Science and Technology Journal it says shows the benefits of growing meat from cells, including reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption compared to traditional farming methods.

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  • (Score: 3, Funny) by ilPapa on Monday July 20 2020, @02:14AM

    by ilPapa (2366) on Monday July 20 2020, @02:14AM (#1023931) Journal

    I think their biggest beef is with the...

    I see what you did there.

    Well done.

    You are still welcome on my lawn.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +1  
       Funny=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Funny' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   3