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posted by LaminatorX on Tuesday January 20 2015, @02:18AM   Printer-friendly
from the stormy-weather dept.

I would like to throw this out to the community for a little guidance.

In the last year my wife and I jumped on the tablet bandwagon and are very happy with our respective Android tablets for regular email and web surfing from the couch. In our house we also have a Linux laptop where I do a lot of work and such as well as a Windows Vista box I have basically made a file and media machine (hay it's been good to me).

So now it has become time to do some easy sharing and syncing across all these machines and installing a personal cloud server on the Vista box seems like what I need to do. I have looked at ownCloud and Tonido so far which both look similar but require the enterprise or paid versions for mobile sync apps although they do both have free regular access clients. So before I start spending money, as the sync is important to me, I would like to ask my fellow Soylas..uhh.. Soylanistas.. have you had any luck with personal cloud servers and specifically have you got one syncing with Android?

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  • (Score: 1) by Yenya on Tuesday January 20 2015, @09:08AM

    by Yenya (3478) on Tuesday January 20 2015, @09:08AM (#136284) Homepage

    I have been using Baikal [] for some time now. It is pretty minimalistic (compared to Owncloud), and works with CalDAV-sync/CardDAV-sync from f-droid, and also with Evolution. It can use a local storage in sqlite, so it does not require a separate MySQL instance.

    It does not do file sharing, though (which I don't need, I use rsync-over-ssh for that). It also does not support shared calendars with read-only or busy-only access for some users.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 20 2015, @10:21PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday January 20 2015, @10:21PM (#136526)

    ownCloud default install runs sqlite out-of-the-box.