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posted by cmn32480 on Saturday July 11 2015, @04:40AM   Printer-friendly
from the titilation-saturation dept.

In the study of about 1,400 US youths, 47% of middle-school boys and 61% of high school boys agreed that women are treated as sex objects too often in games.

The findings, gathered by education consultant Rosalind Wiseman and games writer Ashley Burch, counter familiar assumptions that boys will voraciously consume media images of scantily clad women without a second thought.

For many years in the mainstream games industry, there has been an apparent assumption that the male teen demographic was the only one that mattered. Much of the time this meant beefy male protagonists (to identify with – or aspire to) and sexualised women (too gaze at or rescue).

The survey questions and methodology used are not disclosed in the article.

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  • (Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Sunday July 12 2015, @05:18PM

    by Phoenix666 (552) on Sunday July 12 2015, @05:18PM (#208178) Journal

    That because you personally who most likely run in a very limited number of like minded thinking circles have never heard of this term?

    I guess you missed the part where I read right-wing blogs on a regular basis. No denizen of an echo chamber am I. "SJW" is an epithet that has no currency in any political discourse on any part of the spectrum of politically active people. "PC," as in, "politically correct," is probably the closest thing to your slur that people use. And there are many other slurs that the Left pastes on the Right and that the Right uses to smear the left, but "SJW" is not one that enjoys common use (in fact so rare that, as I said, I had never seen it before you wrote it).

    Sargon of Akkad

    So you found a random crazy on the Internet and have extrapolated that to legions of people? You're quite mistaken about the character and behavior of people who identify as Leftist. They're so incredibly afraid to give offense to anyone that they have endless discussions about the use of non-offensive pronouns, for Pete's sake. They invented political correctness and all its absurd extremes because they were trying to come up with new language that wouldn't offend anyone or make them feel oppressed or excluded.

    I found those with all of 5 seconds in a Bing search

    Yeah, and I can find endless results on "goatse" with the Google machine, because it works like that. But should we ascertain from that there's a billion-strong secret army of people who want to tempt you to perverse relations with ASCII art? (Well, maybe on Slashdot...)

    But whether you like it or not this group IS trying to co-opt the left wing politics

    So are the LaRouchies [] and the guys who are always selling copies of the Socialist Worker Weekly [] at every. Single. Protest. Or the Free Mumia! people. So are the Tea Party guys trying to co-opt the Republican party, or the libertarians, or the Moral Majority. That you don't know how normal that is suggests you may not have had much first-hand experience with political activism, such that you go to organizing meetings or rallies or canvass or poll watch or any of that sort of thing.

    you'll find out that SJWs are VERY real and very nasty.

    Yes, champions of PC can be nasty. All you would have to do to experience that is to walk into the Park Slope Food Co-op and ask for a good cut of veal. Or suggest to a Free Palestine! advocate that all Jews are not evil incarnate. There are forms of intolerance on the Left, too, just as there are on the Right. Which proves what?

    I urge you to do some actual research on the subject.

    Does a Master's in Social Science from the University of Chicago on top of a Bachelor's in Economics from selfsame place count? 25 years' of in-the-trenches activism? Significant living, working, and studying abroad in East Asia and Europe? Dunno, I feel pretty secure in the amount of actual research under my belt. We used math and everything, too.

    You do often have a bee in your bonnet, and I can respect that because I do too on many subjects. Many of us here do. But is there no value to you in having colleagues wave at you and say, hey man, I think you might not realize you've got the blinders on a little?

    There is no SJW army out to get you. They couldn't even get so far as to agree on what variety of cruelty-free stationery to write a sternly worded, carefully equivocated message on, much less consent to use UPS to deliver it to you before UPS has fully recognized unionized labor.

    Washington DC delenda est.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 13 2015, @03:21AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday July 13 2015, @03:21AM (#208325)

    From what I gather, aside from just being a general, meaningless attack slur for anyone who disagrees with the attacker about anything, "SJW" has an alternate definition - the one the people who use it insist is the only definition, but never with an actual definition but only with "examples" that they use to "prove" that an "army" of "SJW"s are out to get them - that seems to mean "bigoted against whites/males/heterosexuals". So basically anyone who uses the term is extremely upset and lashing out at everyone they can because they've recently found out what literally everyone in the world except whites/males/heterosexuals have known for centuries, that humans are mean, prejudiced, bigoted, spiteful creatures, and it fucking sucks to have all that hate and bigotry directed at you.