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posted by janrinok on Monday November 14 2016, @09:17PM   Printer-friendly
from the not-a-different-president dept.

I've come across an article on The Atlantic that analyses Trump's personality:

Many questions have arisen about Trump during this campaign season—about his platform, his knowledge of issues, his inflammatory language, his level of comfort with political violence. This article touches on some of that. But its central aim is to create a psychological portrait of the man. Who is he, really? How does his mind work? How might he go about making decisions in office, were he to become president? And what does all that suggest about the sort of president he'd be?

It's a long, but very interesting read.

Here's a list of sentences the article itself highlights:

Combined with a gift for humor, anger lies at the heart of Trump's charisma.

Trump appeals to an ancient fear of contagion, which analogizes out-groups to parasites and poisons.

Narcissism in presidents is a double-edged sword. It is associated with historians' ratings of "greatness"—but also with impeachment resolutions.

Andrew Jackson displayed many of the same psychological qualities that we see in Trump.

Trump has never forgotten the lesson from his father: The world is a dangerous place. You have to be ready to fight.

And the final paragraph summarizes:

Who, really, is Donald Trump? What's behind the actor's mask? I can discern little more than narcissistic motivations and a complementary personal narrative about winning at any cost. It is as if Trump has invested so much of himself in developing and refining his socially dominant role that he has nothing left over to create a meaningful story for his life, or for the nation. It is always Donald Trump playing Donald Trump, fighting to win, but never knowing why.

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  • (Score: 1, Troll) by linkdude64 on Tuesday November 15 2016, @04:48AM

    by linkdude64 (5482) on Tuesday November 15 2016, @04:48AM (#426867)

    The thing that you don't seem to understand is that the people on the right (including myself) who are enjoying your tears and butthurt are only in that position because we are more inclined to respect competent authority as a result of understanding it.

    Petulant children whine and stamp their feet when they lose. That is what the left is doing.
    No, there absolutely were not week-long riots in the streets by middle-aged, job-holding, and child-raising responsible Republicans when Obama was elected. "Right wingers are so DUMB and racist and...DUMB! LET'S ALL GO WALK ON THE FREEWAY BECAUSE...DUMB!!!" is what the left is doing as a whole.

    When a shitheaded snot-nose bully (And yes, the Clinton side are absolutely the bullies) gets his just desserts, schaudenfraude is absolutely understandable.

    You are children who do not understand what it is to be a stern leader. You do not understand that a father refusing to open the door at 3AM for a guy who's car broke down a mile up the street has more to do with love for his family than hate for the outsider, and you do not understand that because you have never been in a position where you actually care, actually have authority, and actually make conscious decisions with it. The governments of Europe who have let millions of migrants into their countries leading to (in some cases) over 1000% increases in rape DO NOT CARE for their citizens. Trump does not hate outsiders - he LOVES America and ALL Americans.

    Both sides want things to get better, but the Democrats think you get there with Free Candy and Republicans think you get there with hard work and vegetables.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   -1  
       Troll=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Troll' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   1  
  • (Score: 2) by G-forze on Tuesday November 15 2016, @12:44PM

    by G-forze (1276) on Tuesday November 15 2016, @12:44PM (#426929)

    Both sides want things to get better, but the Democrats think you get there with Free Candy and Republicans think you get there with hard work and vegetables.

    There are so many things wrong with what you wrote above, including citing the blatant rape propaganda, but the above takes the cake. This might be how you think you are acting, but in reality you don't appreciate hard work at all. The people working two or three jobs, and that still have to collect wellfare are the ones doing the hard work. The robber barons just sitting on their asses abusing the corrupt system and unwilling to pay their employees a living wage, which incidentally are the same ones you keep voting into power, are certainly not.

    If I run into the term "SJW", I stop reading.
    • (Score: 2) by linkdude64 on Thursday November 17 2016, @12:36AM

      by linkdude64 (5482) on Thursday November 17 2016, @12:36AM (#427877)

      " in reality you don't appreciate hard work at all. "

      I'm in my early twenties and making well over 6 figures a year (before all of those taxes for everyone's free candy) right out of trade school - where I put in 5 20 hour days a week between full time school and full time work, which included weekends (just 8 hour days).

      I have absolutely taken notice of my peer group - 20-somethings who are BARELY willing to show up to class, NOT willing to stay late because "I want a social life, too", and who ALL wanted Bernie to win so their 100k Fine Art degree debt would be forgiven.

      "he robber barons just sitting on their asses abusing the corrupt system and unwilling to pay their employees a living wage, which incidentally are the same ones you keep voting into power, are certainly not."

      You have absolutely no idea how the world works if you think that the people working their asses off as janitors (of which I was one - actually, was 3 at the same time, at different places) can change the system we have. Hillary is the EMBODIMENT of the corrupt system which allows robber barons to exist. You think that hugs and kisses and tax increases will stop the robber barons? You're out of your mind. Obamacare is a perfect example - a well-intentioned policy that was an absolute DISASTER because it was the robber barons (insurance companies) who wrote it to fool the Little People into thinking they had a chance. It would have been the same with Bernie.

      When you are a Little Person, you cannot fight a big person, you need a Big Person to fight for you. Hillary is a puppet. Trump is a free man.

    • (Score: 2) by linkdude64 on Thursday November 17 2016, @12:39AM

      by linkdude64 (5482) on Thursday November 17 2016, @12:39AM (#427879)

      "The robber barons just sitting on their asses abusing the corrupt system [...] which incidentally are the same ones you keep voting into power, are certainly not."

      Oh, and incidentally, Barack Obama was President for the past EIGHT YEARS.

      He increased the debt to 20 Trillion and in exchange got the country...? Less jobs, more racial division, more terrorism around the globe, and a build-up to a war with Russia to protect Saudi Arabia and their ISIS friends. (No small thanks to Clinton)

      Tell me again how we need MORE of that kind of progressivism?