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SoylentNews is people

posted by cmn32480 on Sunday May 21 2017, @08:58AM   Printer-friendly
from the effort-has-value dept.

Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story:

The IKEA effect is a cognitive bias that can influence the outcome and perceived value of products to a big degree. People tend to place high value on products they partially have created. Hence, the name IKEA effect. It is derived from the Swedish furniture retailer famous for products that require to be assembled by the customers.

Products designed by IKEA and LEGO are great examples of this psychological effect. Designers must have the IKEA effect in mind when designing solutions and use it when appropriate.

The more the needs for customization and co-production are present in your target audience the more the IKEA effect is relevant for you as a designer. The effect can help you instill feelings of competence in the user when the task is completed successfully.

The IKEA effect will create stronger bond between the user and the product. The effort that users will put into completing the product to a complete state will transform into love for that product. The subjective value will be higher in comparison to a product that hasn't cost any effort.

It is important to point out that the IKEA effect is not about putting the effort be it small or big, it is more about the completion of the task. The IKEA effect is present when the user can enjoy the completed task and the product. If the product is disassembled soon after the assembling the effect is lost.

[...] People are willing to pay more for products they create than equivalent pre-assembled products. The general rule is the higher the contribution the higher the valuation is. Yet, if the effort required is too big or the contribution too small, people won't probably complete the task. The IKEA effect is possible only when the user actually completes the task.

-- submitted from IRC

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by fishybell on Sunday May 21 2017, @03:39PM (1 child)

    by fishybell (3156) on Sunday May 21 2017, @03:39PM (#513041)

    This may explain part of the early excitement surrounding Linux.

    It may also explain why most people aren't exactly willing to make the plunge: it's too hard to DIY it vs. just downloading (and possibly even paying for) a windows application. Every person I've converted to Linux it's been about utility: providing a platform for projects like XBMC and ZoneMinder that don't have Windows alternatives that win out on the effort-vs-cost ratio. Once they get one project under their belt, they come back excited to get help to learn more and more.

    The old adage of giving a man a fish vs. teaching them to fish is very much at play here.

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +2  
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    Total Score:   4  
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 21 2017, @10:11PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 21 2017, @10:11PM (#513177)

    Perhaps 20 years ago, but these days most software you could possibly want is already in the repository and much easier to install than on Windows.

    What keeps people from getting interested in Linux is that people continue to spread the misinformation about what things were like years ago as if it's still true. Which it's not. If anything, modern Linux distros are easier and less work than modern versions of Windows.