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posted by janrinok on Monday May 28 2018, @02:03AM   Printer-friendly
from the not-happy dept.

School Shooting Game Angers Steam Users, Developer 'Likely' Changing It

Earlier this week, a game called Active Shooter appeared on Steam. It'd be nothing more than another heap of hacked-together pre-purchased assets—or an "asset flip," as they're known on Steam—if not for its subject matter. It's about mass shootings.

The unreleased game's Steam store page describes it as a "dynamic S.W.A.T. simulator" in which you play as a shooter, a S.W.A.T. team member trying to neutralize them, or a civilian. Its trailer depicts a player running down school halls and through classrooms, indiscriminately murdering teachers until a S.W.A.T. team shows up.

Complaints about the game have been fierce, and yesterday the person behind the game said they'll probably remove the option to play as the mass shooter. Almost as soon as the game's store listing went up, Steam users took to the game's forums to voice their distaste.

The developer will send "press review" copies out on May 30.

The Hill mistakenly claimed that Active Shooter is "created by video game company Valve" (they have since corrected their article).

Recently, Valve made headlines when it demanded that developers remove "pornographic content" from visual novel games. Some developers/publishers have since received apologies and their games are under re-review.

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  • (Score: 1) by zimmer on Tuesday May 29 2018, @03:18AM

    by zimmer (3255) on Tuesday May 29 2018, @03:18AM (#685426)

    The right to free speech just means that the government can't gag you, hence the ruling that The Donald isn't allowed to Block twitter users, but he can Mute them.

    You however can Block anyone you like, assuming you're not a representative of the government acting in your official capacity.

    The technology or ownership doesn't enter into it.

    Additionally: Hatespeech isn't an Orwellian concept, The Donald claiming he had the biggest inauguration crowd of all time despite obvious evidence to the contrary is Orwellian.