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posted by CoolHand on Wednesday May 29 2019, @04:45PM   Printer-friendly
from the pot-meet-kettle dept.

Chinese tech giant Huawei has filed a motion in a US court challenging the constitutionality of a law that limits its sales of telecoms equipment, the latest action in an ongoing clash with Washington.

Huawei's chief legal officer Song Liuping said the firm had filed a motion for summary judgment asking the court to rule on whether it is constitutional for the US to implement a military spending provision that bars the government and its contractors from using its equipment.

Mr Song said the "state-sanctioned campaign" against the company will not improve cybersecurity.

"Politicians in the US are using the strength of an entire nation to come after a private company," he said. "This is not normal."


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[Ed Note: full disclosure - The submitter is also the author of the linked news story and a junior editor at the web site]

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  • (Score: 2) by NotSanguine on Wednesday May 29 2019, @05:14PM

    If that is your real name.

    This is a much better and more interesting submission than most of the others you've subbed. Good show! Hopefully it will spark a good discussion.

    The actions of China over the past 30 years or so WRT surreptitious technology and IP transfers is absolutely an issue. I also find it quite interesting that the Chinese are savvy enough to act just like any other military contractor when they don't get "their" slice of the pie.

    There are a whole host of issues raised by both the Federal government's ban on using Huawei, as well as encouraging other governments to pass on them. Even more, this fits right in with the Trump administration's combative style which, while making for good sound bites, hasn't really paid off in any meaningful way. That's not to say it won't, but as they say (incorrectly [], but the meaning is clear) you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

    That said, I'd personally prefer that we'd play hardball with the Chinese regarding their oppressive, manipulative and murderous treatment of their own citizens, and use economic levers to impact those behaviors.

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