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posted by chromas on Monday June 10 2019, @08:57PM   Printer-friendly
from the lynx++ dept.

Opera, Brave, Vivaldi to Ignore Chrome's Anti-Ad-Blocker Changes, Despite Shared Codebase

Despite sharing a common Chromium codebase, browser makers like Brave, Opera, and Vivaldi don't have plans on crippling support for ad blocker extensions in their products -- as Google is currently planning on doing within Chrome.

The three browsers makers have confirmed to ZDNet, or in public comments, of not intending to support a change to the extensions system that Google plans to add to Chromium, the open-source browser project on which Chrome, Brave, Opera, and Vivaldi are all based on.

A few hours after reading about Brave, Opera, and Vivaldi breaking with Google blocking ad-blockers, I find this story -
Firefox may introduce a paid version in order to reduce its reliance on Google revenue

Mozilla, the maker of open source browser Firefox, is by no means strapped for cash; although the said browser is offered free of charge, the foundation has a lucrative search deal with Google.

Some of the revenue also comes thanks to its controversially proprietary online bookmarking service Pocket, and some from sponsored content and donations.

But although the Google deal is sweet – Mozilla is very dependent on it and nervous about the prospect, however unlikely, of losing it. Therefore it always seems be on the lookout for new revenue streams.

Mozilla will reportedly launch a paid version of Firefox this fall

In an interview with German media outlet T3N, the company's CEO, Chris Beard, said that it's aiming to launch the new version by October, with features like a VPN and secure cloud storage.

The company's already experimented with a VPN service by partnering up with ProtonVPN and offering a $10 subscription. Now, the company's thinking of offering some amount of free VPN bandwidth to get you started, and then charge a premium for metered access in the form of a monthly subscription.

So - what is the future? Are browsers to be divided between "free" browsers, that play games with Google, and paid browsers, which thumb their noses at Google?

And, how will all of that affect those of us who routinely modify their browsers? Will we have to work harder, for the same effect - or will we just be shot down in flames? Surrender to Google, or pay to browse?

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  • (Score: 1, Troll) by realDonaldTrump on Tuesday June 11 2019, @02:10AM

    by realDonaldTrump (6614) on Tuesday June 11 2019, @02:10AM (#854023) Homepage Journal

    It's one that certain people don't want you to know about. It's called Internet Web Browser for Desktop & Mobile. Also referred to as The Microsoft Edge. And I'm hearing great things about that one. I'm hearing that it's like a very classy automobile. With a professional driver -- the best. Because it gets you where you want to go, very quickly and in tremendous style. And it's backed by Microsoft, the finest name in cyber. A Company that -- unlike Google (AKA, Alphabet) -- stands by it's products. 100% and very proudly. That's so rare in these days of Globalism gone wild. Very special when you find that. Very very special.

    I heard that Google opened a Social Media Site. The Google version of Facebook. Known as Google Plus, the "plus" meaning it's better. Did you hear about that one? And I said to Dan, my Social Media guy, Google's a big Company, maybe we should get on that one. He said sorry, too late, they closed it. And apparently -- this is incredible -- Google was in Social Media even before Facebook. Before YouTube. Before Twitter. Not with Google Plus, they tried a few times before that one. And they always gave up. They quit and they're becoming known as the great quitters of the Cyber World. Winners never quit, folks. And quitters never win!!!!

    Starting Score:    1  point
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    Extra 'Troll' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   1