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Merge: janrinok (06/02 08:50 GMT)

Accepted submission by janrinok at 2015-06-02 08:50:04
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Chemical leak at Apple's NC Data Center

Around 2:00 PM EDT on Monday, Apple's Maiden, NC, data center suffered a chlorine leak that injured five people []. It remains unclear whether the injured were Apple data center employees or construction workers.

Last week, a fire broke out among the solar panels [] atop the Mesa, AZ, sapphire manufacturing facility that Apple recently bought from GT Advanced. No injuries were reported.

The two events do not seem to be linked, except that Apple is having a bad run of luck with site safety.

Chlorine Gas Leak at Apple Data Center Puts 5 in Hospital

from the defanged-OSHA dept.

El Reg reports []

Emergency crews received a call [June 1] about 2pm local time from the Apple facility on Startown Road, in Maiden, North Carolina. Local news helicopters captured footage of people being given medical attention and oxygen masks outside the facility.

The Catawba emergency services said initially two unknown chemicals were involved in the alert, later stating that it was a chlorine gas leak.

[...]It is speculated that the chlorine was a key component in the facility's water-cleaning facility, perhaps for its water-cooled components.