Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by NCommander on Sunday February 16 2014, @12:56PM   Printer-friendly
from the still-under-construction dept.
So, since this site went up three days ago, we've made tremendous progress in getting this site up and functional, and many of you gone above and beyond to try and give us content and provide meaningful comments. I'm completely blown away to say the least. I've got some big news to share, and a list of site improvements made over the last few days. Read on for more details ...
Moderation: IT WORKS! I finished implementing the algorithm last night, and purging slash of the old one so they won't conflict. The new algorithm is somewhat of a radical departure from the old one. I won't go into full details in this post, but there's a good write-up in my comments here.

Comment Counts: Got these working (again). ACs will only see a static HTML page which is updated every once in awhile. Logged-in users get the dynamic index which should have up-to-date counts. The fix is a bit wonky, so it might snap again. Let me know ASAP as the moderation scripts depend on this number being present (and correct!)

Theme: As you may have noticed, the site looks less ass. Due to the heroic efforts of audioguy, Paul, and others, we've gotten a steady stream of CSS fixes to make the site look and feel more consistent. Its not perfect (Firefox still has width issues), but its a fair improvement. This is one of the last major launch blockers

Topics: Finally got them implemented after we snapped the site in two last night. For the moment, they're all sharing the same icon, so it seems kinda unimpressive, but hopefully we'll have the art assets sometime soon to get them in place. Editors will notice I updated the labels to make them a bit clearer; two important notes on this: For an article to show up you MUST have "The Main Page" in the topic list (slash will complain if you don't have it).

Signoff Requirements: A new feature of SoylentNews requires that editors must have a peer sign-off an article before it can be displayed to the world. Slash has some limited support for this, and I got it working last night. For editors, stories are now marked in red and state "unsigned" on the index if only one person has edited it. Right now, this check is not enforced, but I plan to hopefully address that soon. For the moment, editors can future date and use the buddy system to get things checked off properly so we can have consistent formatting and quality.

Other Changes: I stripped out some of the dead features that I probably won't have time to fix before launch like OpenID login, and fixed the admin spellchecker. I also have a couple of ideas to get varnish going I need to bounce off Robin.

Related Stories

Welcome to SoylentNews! 23 comments
I know it's been a long wait, but we've been steadily moving towards launch. With luck, you're reading this on the main index of the site, which means we've gone, and haven't gone mad in the process. Now that we're here, we hope to have made the wait worth it, but we depend on everyone in the community. To make this site a success, we depend on each and every single user even if its just from passing word of mouth. Remember, every single user can submit stories, moderate, and contribute to discussions all at the same time, and that's what makes us unique. May I be the first to welcome you to your new home.
Reworking Moderation Access 30 comments
As the to-do list of tasks continues to be whittled bit by bit towards launch, one large item remains: distribution of moderation points. While I wish I could reuse the existing Slash code, the fact is that this code is completely inappropriate for a site smaller than Slashdot. So, I've been working with a couple of users in chat to rework the underlying math so that mod point distribution actually works in a reasonable way. If you're interested in the potential algorithm behind this, read on. Be warned, it is a bit dry and technical.
State of the Site: 02/23/2014 108 comments
Well, we've survived our first week as a functional website, and have yet to go belly up because of it. The speed and growth of our community is staggering to say the least, and we are working hard to get this site fully operational. I'm pleased to announce that a development VM is now available for public consumption, and if you're interested in site development, one should join us in #dev on Beyond that though, I've got a few points to address on and updated statistics to share ...
Meta: Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Observance and Observations 29 comments

On behalf of all the staff I wish all of you a Happy Thanksgiving!

I am grateful for all the support the community has shown us since we started on February 12, 2014. Has it really been that long? Back then, the internet was dominated by HTTP; it would take some time (years?) until we transitioned to Gandhi and then Let's Encrypt!

I have been active on the site since we started. Why? It was the spirit of gratitude I saw here to be free from having "corporate overlords"; how people pitched in trying to help. They were looking not at what they could get but rather what they could give! That spirit lives on to this day. Where? I see it in the people who submit stories and journal articles. I see it when people post (and moderate) comments. And lets not forget those who subscribe to the site which pays bills (hosting fees and accounting expenses, primarily). We are all volunteers here; nobody has ever been paid anything for their work here!

I'm taking this opportunity to thank all the editors who perform the seemingly thankless task of selecting, reviewing, editing, and posting stories to the site. I hereby invite them to enjoy the long holiday weekend.

We will be on a holiday/weekend story schedule from the start of Thursday through the end of Sunday (UTC). Enjoy the well-deserved break! Thank You!

Another story will be along presently; this story is in addition to our normal schedule. --martyb/Bytram

End of Day 1: Systems Update 149 comments

So, as I write this, day one has officially come to an end. I'm still somewhat in shock over it. Last night when I was editing the database to change over hostnames and such, I was thinking, man, it would be great if we got 100 regular users by tomorrow. Turns out I was wrong. By a factor of ten. Holy cow, people. I'm still in a state of disbelief, partially due to the epic turnout, but also because our very modest server hardware hasn't soiled itself from the influx (the numbers are, well, "impressive" is a way to put it). Anyway, I wanted to do a bit of a writeup of where we stand now, what works, and what doesn't. Check it out (and some raw numbers) after the break! Warning, it is a bit lengthy.

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 5, Informative) by NCommander on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:41PM

    by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:41PM (#253) Homepage Journal
    From a users perspective, the biggest change is you're going to get mod points. Possibly a lot more. At any given time, 30% of all active users are going to be moderators, and the number of modpoints handed out is dynamically calculated from the posts per day (minimum of 10). This might require adjustment, but having too many points in the system is far better than having too few.

    Fun bit of trivia: neither admins nor editors have unlimited mod points. We get them just the same way as you (and the same rules of restrictions apply). SuperAdmins can access the Security page and use to mass-mod (or use the "bitchslap" script) if we need to fight spam on a massive scale. I *might* make it so editors can post at a higher moderation level (i.e., /. admin appear to be able to post at +5) to balance out this change.

    Also, since I fixed moderation, you guys are going to mod this up to +5, right? :-)
    Still always moving
    • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Vanderhoth on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:47PM

      by Vanderhoth (61) on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:47PM (#254)
      Excellent Job NCommander. I'm sure I can speak for the community that we all appreciate your dedication to this project. I'm looking forward to replacing my regular morning /. routeing with SN.
      "Now we know", "And knowing is half the battle". -G.I. Joooooe
      • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2014, @11:57AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2014, @11:57AM (#592)

        I am seeing an issue with moderation. Whenever I mod a post, the page refreshes and takes me back to the top of the page. This will be a big problem with posts containing a large number of comments.

        Posting Anonymously to save my mods.

    • (Score: 2, Funny) by martyb on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:48PM

      by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:48PM (#255) Journal

      Amazing work! Hats off to all involved!!!!!!!

      Also, since I fixed moderation, you guys are going to mod this up to +5, right? :-)

      Will do, as soon as I can GET some mod points! :-)

      Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
      • (Score: 1) by xlefay on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:49PM

        by xlefay (65) on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:49PM (#256) Journal
        Exactly, good work guys!
      • (Score: 1) by NCommander on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:54PM

        by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:54PM (#257) Homepage Journal
        You posted on this thread, so you can't moderate me :-P
        Still always moving
        • (Score: 1) by martyb on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:02PM

          by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:02PM (#259) Journal

          NCommander wrote:

          You posted on this thread, so you can't moderate me :-P

          Oh, I *KNOW* that! I was just hoping someone would take the hint to mod ME up! THEN I could moderate you up, later!!

          Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
          • (Score: 2, Informative) by NCommander on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:03PM

            by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:03PM (#260) Homepage Journal
            At the moment, anyone is eligible if their karma is 0 or higher. We'll change that, but we need it to bootstrap the system so to speak.
            Still always moving
            • (Score: 3, Interesting) by martyb on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:11PM

              by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:11PM (#262) Journal

              That makes sense... thanks for the tip!

              Would love to stay and play, but I need to head off to my day job... will be back this evening.

              BTW, how do I set things up so that I see all comments expanded on Classic? I just see "headlines" for all the comments here. I set the thresholds to be be very generous, or so I thought.

              And, while I've got your attention, one of the things I wished for on /. was the ability to export a summary of all my settings, so that if I play around with something and don't like it, I can find my way back to how I had things before. I dunno, XML, JSON, or even just a plain text summary page with all my settings displayed would be a huge win for me.

              Might also make it easier for people to submit bug reports. Just an idea. Keep up the great work - absolutely amazing progress!!!!!

              Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
              • (Score: 2, Informative) by martyb on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:17PM

                by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:17PM (#263) Journal

                I know it's bad form to reply to myself, but to save others the need to reply, I wrote:

                BTW, how do I set things up so that I see all comments expanded on Classic? I just see "headlines" for all the comments here. I set the thresholds to be be very generous, or so I thought.

                Never mind... found in my preferences that I had the index mode threshold set to +3; just set it to 0 (zero) and now it's all clear!

                Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
                • (Score: 2, Informative) by NCommander on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:23PM

                  by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:23PM (#264) Homepage Journal
                  You can also change your index type to "Nested". Works wonders.
                  Still always moving
                  • (Score: 1) by martyb on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:26PM

                    by martyb (76) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:26PM (#266) Journal

                    Nested? Oh yeah. I had that already! That's one of things I loved about the old site. Glad to see it made it over unscathed!

                    Wit is intellect, dancing. I'm too old to act my age. Life is too important to take myself seriously.
                    • (Score: 1) by ticho on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:25PM

                      by ticho (89) on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:25PM (#298) Homepage Journal

                      Nested is what I use as well. I never understood how Threaded mode was supposed to be useful, it is pretty awkward. But maybe it's just me missing something about it.

                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2014, @11:48AM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2014, @11:48AM (#589)

                    Yes, yes it does! Thank you kindly for the suggestion, in addition to everything else.

    • (Score: 4, Funny) by NCommander on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:56PM

      by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Sunday February 16 2014, @01:56PM (#258) Homepage Journal
      Oh, as a slight follow up: Funny moderations give karma again. So laugh, be funny, but just remember, one man's funny is another ones flamebait.
      Still always moving
      • (Score: 1) by Nerdfest on Sunday February 16 2014, @05:33PM

        by Nerdfest (80) on Sunday February 16 2014, @05:33PM (#279)

        This is a great idea. I think the humour of the SlashDot crowd is some of the best available, frequently jaw-droppingly funny. It'll be nice to have it rewarded a little more.

        • (Score: 4, Funny) by dilbert on Monday February 17 2014, @12:34PM

          by dilbert (444) on Monday February 17 2014, @12:34PM (#622)

          What is this 'SlashDot' you refer to?

    • (Score: 1) by omoc on Sunday February 16 2014, @05:46PM

      by omoc (39) on Sunday February 16 2014, @05:46PM (#281)

      I'm curious how modpoints are handed out now, is it a cronjob that runs at fixed hours or does it happen on the fly?

    • (Score: 1) by crutchy on Tuesday February 18 2014, @11:02AM

      by crutchy (179) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @11:02AM (#1525) Homepage Journal

      in div id "commentwrap", TFA title, preferences, top and search discussion links are blue on a maroon background... can barely read

  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by janrinok on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:03PM

    by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:03PM (#261) Journal

    While many have been involved in varying degrees in the creation of this site, the majority of the work has been done by a relatively small group of very hard working individuals. To them I send a genuine 'Thank You'.

    I am taking part in, for me at least, a very exciting project and I've discovered how little I know about lots of things that many of you take for granted. It has been difficult at time, frustrating at others - and I've loved every minute of it! If we can maintain the enthusiasm that I have seen during this last week or so, SN cannot fail!

    Thanks to everyone.

    I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
    • (Score: 1) by Covalent on Sunday February 16 2014, @03:08PM

      by Covalent (43) on Sunday February 16 2014, @03:08PM (#267) Journal
      I agree 100%. Hats off to my amazingly talented nerd heroes. :)
      You can't rationally argue somebody out of a position they didn't rationally get into.
    • (Score: 1) by mtrycz on Sunday February 16 2014, @03:43PM

      by mtrycz (60) on Sunday February 16 2014, @03:43PM (#273)
      Just popped in to say thank you to everyone.
      It's really great to see all this progress in realtime.
      In capitalist America, ads view YOU!
  • (Score: 1) by Gaaark on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:24PM

    by Gaaark (41) on Sunday February 16 2014, @02:24PM (#265) Journal

    This has been extremely interesting and the whole process has taught me a lot...

    Thanks to all involved for the efforts given.

    I shall now 'Use the Preview Button!' and 'Check those URLs!'

    --- Please remind me if I haven't been civil to you: I'm channeling MDC. ---Gaaark 2.0 ---
  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Popeidol on Sunday February 16 2014, @04:04PM

    by Popeidol (35) on Sunday February 16 2014, @04:04PM (#275) Journal

    While the signoff requirements are initially to help with quality control issues, the idea has a bit of promise long term. By requiring some level of peer review, you're basically introducing meta-moderation into the editing process.

    It could lead to a larger pool of editors with a much lower workload, it could be used to identify if an editor has an obvious bias for certain subjects or sites, or it could just be used to subject new editors to a more rigorous check than established ones. There's a whole raft of possibilities here.

    Sites like reddit base their posts on raw popular opinion, but I like my content curated. This idea could, eventually, become a solid middle ground between the two extremes.

    • (Score: 1) by mrbluze on Sunday February 16 2014, @07:45PM

      by mrbluze (49) on Sunday February 16 2014, @07:45PM (#290) Journal

      I agree fully. The system now is quite honest and open but also rock solid. I reckon at some point there should be an article on just how much power admins HAD with the old slash.

      Do it yourself, 'cause no one else will do it yourself.
    • (Score: 1) by Solaarius on Monday February 17 2014, @06:11AM

      by Solaarius (127) on Monday February 17 2014, @06:11AM (#441)

      "It could lead to a larger pool of editors with a much lower workload,"


      If there was ever going to be a fundamental change to the way the site worked, why not start here. Much like Wikipedia's content is created by the community, I really like the idea of a discussion site with primarily user-generated articles (i.e. published by users, not just stories submitted by users) .

      Keep up the good work, folks!

      • (Score: 1) by rcamera on Thursday February 20 2014, @08:07PM

        by rcamera (2360) on Thursday February 20 2014, @08:07PM (#3668) Homepage Journal

        i know i'm a newb here (4-digit-uuid),but here's an original thought; allow anonymous submissions to some sort of system which we can call "firehose", which anyone can up/down vote a submission. once they get voted high enough, the editor (without so much as a proofread) accepts the submission.


        (patent pending)

        /* no comment */
  • (Score: 2, Informative) by Foobar Bazbot on Sunday February 16 2014, @05:02PM

    by Foobar Bazbot (37) on Sunday February 16 2014, @05:02PM (#277) Journal

    two important notes on this: For an article to show up you MUST have "The Main Page" in the topic list (slash will complain if you don't have it).

    Was the other important note something to do with drinking your ovaltine?

  • (Score: 2, Interesting) by Khyber on Sunday February 16 2014, @06:00PM

    by Khyber (54) on Sunday February 16 2014, @06:00PM (#282) Journal

    Having been watching this almost since its inception, I've been quite happy to say the progress made here is far more measurable than any other site I've visited, and everything so far seems to be shaping up quite nicely!

    Just a small group of people have almost faithfully recreated the slashdot of yore. Now we just need to get the older crowd here.

    Destroying Semiconductors With Style Since 2008, and scaring you ill-educated fools since 2013.
    • (Score: 1) by janrinok on Sunday February 16 2014, @06:40PM

      by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Sunday February 16 2014, @06:40PM (#283) Journal

      How much older do you want me to be - I was born in 1952!

      I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
      • (Score: 1) by unitron on Sunday February 16 2014, @07:23PM

        by unitron (70) on Sunday February 16 2014, @07:23PM (#287) Journal

        "How much older do you want me to be - I was born in 1952!"

        Yeah, some of us are getting older as fast as we can, whether we want to or not.

        something something Slashcott something something Beta something something
    • (Score: 1) by bigjimslade on Monday February 17 2014, @07:51AM

      by bigjimslade (212) on Monday February 17 2014, @07:51AM (#487)

      are you talking vacuum tube old?
      or are you talking discrete transistor old?
      or through-hole IC old?
      or surface mount IC old?
      or BGA old....oh wait, that's not old.

      (how about finned selenium rectifier old)

      Remember, Tuesday is Soylent Green Day
      • (Score: 1) by Khyber on Monday February 17 2014, @08:00AM

        by Khyber (54) on Monday February 17 2014, @08:00AM (#491) Journal

        Shellac audio old!

        Destroying Semiconductors With Style Since 2008, and scaring you ill-educated fools since 2013.
      • (Score: 1) by DECbot on Tuesday February 18 2014, @12:37AM

        by DECbot (832) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @12:37AM (#1218) Journal

        or string and tin can old?
        or pen and paper old?
        or tablet and chisel old?
        or club and forehead old?

        I doubt you'll see too much of the club and forehead crowd, but then again, neo-club to forehead communication never seems to be too far out of style.

        cats~$ sudo chown -R us /home/base
    • (Score: 1) by pacov on Monday February 17 2014, @11:18AM

      by pacov (383) on Monday February 17 2014, @11:18AM (#574)

      Have to agree the speed which my new home was brought into existence is simply amazing. I quite like the layout and look forward to seeing the direction the founders take the site.

      Thank you all for the hard work you put in during the transition!

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @07:53PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @07:53PM (#292)

    T͢o̧ ͢i͢ńvoke ҉th̀e ̴h͏i͢ve̵-mi҉nd͞ rep҉ŗe͏se͢ntin͝g̷ c͢haos̴.
    In͏v͏o͜kin͘g the feel̀įn͢g ̷of ̛cha̧os.̷
    ̨Wi͝th̴ ̧o͢ut̨ ̕o̸rder.̶
    The̵ ̡N҉e̴z̛p͝e҉rdia̷n̢ ̴hi͡v҉e-mi͟nd҉ ҉o͠f ch͠ao̢s͟. Zalg͠o̢.
    ̸H҉e w̶h̛o W̕a͞i͝ts ̨Behi͏n̨d͏ T̀h̢e҉ W͡a҉ll̵.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:17PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:17PM (#296)

      Unicode emoticons...

      ◕ ◡ ◕
      ( ゚o゚)
      (≥_'o’)> ♥ ‘o’)> v( ‘.’ )v ‘.’)> v( ‘.’ )v
      ♪┏(・o・)┛♪┗ ( ・o・) ┓♪┏ ( ) ┛♪┗ (・o・ ) ┓♪┏(・o・)┛♪
      Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ /╲/\╭ºoꍘoº╮/\╱\
      (* ・(エ)・ *)
      (\/) (°,,°) (\/)
      ’;‘ /:€
      (० ्०)
      ಠ , ಥ
      โ๏௰๏ใ ื
      ‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
      ( ̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅[̲̅ ̲̅]̲̅:̲̅:̲̅:̲̅)
      ı̴̴̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡ ̡͌l̡*̡̡ ̴̡ı̴̴̡ ̡̡͡|̲̲̲͡͡͡ ̲▫̲͡ ̲̲̲͡͡π̲̲͡͡ ̲̲͡▫̲̲͡͡ ̲|̡̡̡ ̡ ̴̡ı̴̡̡ ̡͌l̡̡̡̡
      lıllı ((((|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|̲̅̅=̲̅̅|̲̅̅●̲̅̅|)))) ıllı

      source: wrttn dot me slash 30dbfd

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:52PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:52PM (#300)
      japanese link []
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:56PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:56PM (#301)


    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:01PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:01PM (#304)

      Wide  characters...

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:16PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:16PM (#306)

      ∀(x, y ∈ A ∪ B; x ≠ y) x² - y² ≥ 0

      • (Score: 1) by cx on Monday February 17 2014, @12:58PM

        by cx (239) on Monday February 17 2014, @12:58PM (#643)

        So how does this work? I just paste Unicode characters?

        ∀(x, y ∈ A ∪ B; x ≠ y) x² - y² ≥ 0

        • (Score: 1) by cx on Monday February 17 2014, @01:01PM

          by cx (239) on Monday February 17 2014, @01:01PM (#649)

          Obviously not. Anyone able to provide a hint?

      • (Score: 1) by Non Sequor on Tuesday February 18 2014, @12:55AM

        by Non Sequor (1005) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @12:55AM (#1233) Journal

        Pimp tight!

        Write your congressman. Tell him he sucks.
    • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:34PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:34PM (#312)

      ಠ︵ಠ凸 fuck  beta

    • (Score: 1) by combatserver on Monday February 17 2014, @12:59AM

      by combatserver (38) on Monday February 17 2014, @12:59AM (#360)

      Dear God...for a moment there I thought you were testing CAPTCHAs.

      I hope I can change this later...
  • (Score: 1) by umafuckitt on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:24PM

    by umafuckitt (20) on Sunday February 16 2014, @08:24PM (#297)

    It's been wonderful to watch the process unfold and I'm really impressed with the speed and dedication of those involved. Thanks everyone!

  • (Score: 3, Informative) by Dopefish on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:10PM

    by Dopefish (12) on Sunday February 16 2014, @09:10PM (#305)

    This SoylentNews project is taking off faster than I would have envisioned it. I have a great team to work with, bugs are being quashed left and right, and quality submissions are flowing it at a decent pace. Thank you all for making this possible!

    • (Score: 1) by pbnjoe on Monday February 17 2014, @09:57AM

      by pbnjoe (313) on Monday February 17 2014, @09:57AM (#534) Journal

      Hear, hear. Just a few days ago this site was a single wiki page; now it's flown out the gate. Thanks to all the hard work going on around here!

  • (Score: 2) by deimios on Monday February 17 2014, @09:16AM

    by deimios (201) Subscriber Badge on Monday February 17 2014, @09:16AM (#520) Journal

    Can we have part of the summary in the description tag in the RSS feed?

  • (Score: 1) by VLM on Monday February 17 2014, @02:13PM

    by VLM (445) on Monday February 17 2014, @02:13PM (#707)

    Missed a golden opportunity to launch on the hostname

    There's still time if you want to put in a CNAME or redirect.

    Aside from that, I'm guessing "contribute story" has a karma threshold or something?

  • (Score: 2, Funny) by iWantToKeepAnon on Monday February 17 2014, @03:56PM

    by iWantToKeepAnon (686) on Monday February 17 2014, @03:56PM (#790) Homepage Journal

        # So, this basically works in a very simple process
        # 1. Stir the modpoint pool, which also expires old points out
        # 2. Work out if we need to issue more points to get the system
        #    balanaced if we have points
        # 3. Work out who to give points to, and issue
        my $points_to_handout;


    Just after its TV broadcast and before the sleep cycle, NASA asks 13 to stir the tanks. I always yell "DON'T STIR THE TANKS!" They never listen. :-/

    "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." -- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  • (Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2014, @07:43PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday February 17 2014, @07:43PM (#987)

    Former Slashdot(RIP) user here...
    I just want to give you guys a heads up about a cool Greasemonkey script which works on Soylent News:

    Slashdot Expandable Comment Tree v2

       Adds [+][-] symbols next to all comments allowing you to expand and collapse any of them for viewing.
       The script is here----- []

    To modify the script to work on SoylentNews:

       Open the script in a text editor, and add this line:
       // @include    http*://**


    • (Score: 1) by Litron286 on Thursday February 20 2014, @11:20AM

      by Litron286 (2272) on Thursday February 20 2014, @11:20AM (#3350)

      This should be implemented without additional scripts

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 18 2014, @03:01PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday February 18 2014, @03:01PM (#1631)
    As a member of the "other site" since 2000, I think this is a great thing y'all have done. As another poster mentioned, I may bounce back and forth for a time, but I feel more pulled to SN then the "other site".

    As a developer, I can accept a few hiccups and gotchas along the way to building a solid site. One minor beef I have is how the MOD points are applied (note, I am posting AC as I have been awarding mod points. I go by bucc5062 (#699)). On the "other site", when I awarded mod points they would be reflected right away. In the case of SN I feel like I've gone back to the early 2000s where I select the comments I want to mod, read the rest then click 'Moderate' which applies all the changes at once. Meh! Since it tosses me back to the beginning I have to go to the end of all comments or scroll back down. It also does not adjust my mod points till applied so if I go all mod crazy I can over spend and get spanked later.

    If I was a developer in PHP I'd be happy to help on this one, but I can only point out what I feel was a good process. The old style wont stop me from enjoying SN, but it would make moderating less onerous. All in all, Well Done!!
    • (Score: 1) by bucc5062 on Tuesday February 18 2014, @03:03PM

      by bucc5062 (699) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @03:03PM (#1634)
      SO I am going to reply to my own post and say WTF? I posted as AC since I had awarded mod points, but when I submitted, the code took the points away. As I remember, you could post AC and still have your points set.

      Is this a bug? Now I am posting as me since SN was pretty clear I lost the points I awarded to others.
      The more things change, the more they look the same
      • (Score: 1) by quacking duck on Tuesday February 18 2014, @06:13PM

        by quacking duck (1395) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @06:13PM (#1771)

        That is how it's worked on /. for awhile now, months at least (when I ran into the same issue); possibly years if it's unchanged in the source code SN is using.

        • (Score: 1) by bucc5062 on Tuesday February 18 2014, @07:21PM

          by bucc5062 (699) on Tuesday February 18 2014, @07:21PM (#1817)

          Having mod points on the other site I tested that supposition and turns out you are incorrect. If I award points then in the same article post AC those awards are not removed.

          Not a big thing here, but it is a difference. After reading the daily summary I see now why the old system is in place (D1 vs D2). Makes sense.

          The more things change, the more they look the same
          • (Score: 1) by Non Sequor on Thursday February 20 2014, @01:50AM

            by Non Sequor (1005) on Thursday February 20 2014, @01:50AM (#3057) Journal

            I believe the other site revokes mods if you post anonymously while logged in.

            Write your congressman. Tell him he sucks.