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posted by janrinok on Wednesday August 27 2014, @02:31PM   Printer-friendly
from the reinventing-the-wheel-and-making-it-open-knowledge dept.

iGyaan reports

Cochin-based Arvind Sanjeev has invented the "Smart Cap" which is basically a nerdier version of the sleek Google Glass. Now we, of course, need to cut him some slack as he didn't have the huge monetary resources backing those researchers at Google X.

Arvind's design, though rudimentary, is pretty functional. The raw materials that went into making the Smart Cap are easily available. The Smart Cap uses a USB Webcam, an LCD panel, aspheric lens, headphones, a Raspberry Pi Board, a sun board sheet, and glue which is a DIY guy's favorite tool.


What is really appreciable is that he put the entire project in DIY and posted it for anyone to create their own smart cap. He has been doing this for a while and has uploaded several DIY tutorials. He also owns a start-up called A.R.S devices which make devices for automation, connected devices, and safety purposes.

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Meta Smart Glasses Can be Used to Dox Anyone in Seconds, Study Finds 13 comments

Two Harvard students recently revealed that it's possible to combine Meta smart glasses with face image search technology to "reveal anyone's personal details," including their name, address, and phone number, "just from looking at them."

In a Google document, AnhPhu Nguyen and Caine Ardayfio explained how they linked a pair of Meta Ray Bans 2 to an invasive face search engine called PimEyes to help identify strangers by cross-searching their information on various people-search databases. They then used a large language model (LLM) to rapidly combine all that data, making it possible to dox someone in a glance or surface information to scam someone in seconds—or other nefarious uses, such as "some dude could just find some girl's home address on the train and just follow them home," Nguyen told 404 Media.

This is all possible thanks to recent progress with LLMs, the students said.

[...] To prevent anyone from being doxxed, the co-creators are not releasing the code, Nguyen said on social media site X. They did, however, outline how their disturbing tech works and how shocked random strangers used as test subjects were to discover how easily identifiable they are just from accessing with the smart glasses information posted publicly online.

[...] But while privacy is clearly important to the students and their demo video strove to remove identifying information, at least one test subject was "easily" identified anyway, 404 Media reported. That test subject couldn't be reached for comment, 404 Media reported.

So far, neither Facebook nor Google has chosen to release similar technologies that they developed linking smart glasses to face search engines, The New York Times reported.

[...] In the European Union, where collecting facial recognition data generally requires someone's direct consent under the General Data Protection Regulation, smart glasses like I-XRAY may not be as big of a concern for people who prefer to be anonymous in public spaces. But in the US, I-XRAY could be providing bad actors with their next scam.

"If people do run with this idea, I think that's really bad," Ardayfio told 404 Media. "I would hope that awareness that we've spread on how to protect your data would outweigh any of the negative impacts this could have."

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  • (Score: 3) by tangomargarine on Wednesday August 27 2014, @02:38PM

    by tangomargarine (667) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @02:38PM (#86262)

    He also owns a start-up called A.R.S devices which make devices for automation, connected devices, and safety purposes.

    Ah, so you're saying he has resources we can sue him for.

    "Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"
    • (Score: 2) by tangomargarine on Thursday August 28 2014, @02:21PM

      by tangomargarine (667) on Thursday August 28 2014, @02:21PM (#86733)

      People not putting the ending period on initialisms is one of my pet peeves, too. It's not "A.R.S", it's "A.R.S." The last letter is an initial, too. At least the guy gets it right on his own website :)

      "Is that really true?" "I just spent the last hour telling you to think for yourself! Didn't you hear anything I said?"
  • (Score: 3, Funny) by Nerdfest on Wednesday August 27 2014, @03:39PM

    by Nerdfest (80) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @03:39PM (#86303)

    It's not nearly as unobtrusive as Glass (a tad Borg-ish for out in public), but if it works, it's a nice accomplishment. I think I'd throw a red laser or two on it just for the while Borg vibe.

    • (Score: 1) by NeoNormal on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:01PM

      by NeoNormal (2516) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:01PM (#86315)
      > It's not nearly as unobtrusive as Glass (a tad Borg-ish for out in public), but if it works,
      > it's a nice accomplishment. I think I'd throw a red laser or two on it just for the while Borg vibe.


      Agreed. My first thought was "resistance is futile".

    • (Score: 1) by GoonDu on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:02PM

      by GoonDu (2623) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:02PM (#86354)

      >I'd throw a red laser or two on it just for the while Borg vibe.
      I was thinking of Snow Crash's Gargoyles. Considering that they 24/7 plugged into the internet, it's more apt.

    • (Score: 2) by frojack on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:28PM

      by frojack (1554) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:28PM (#86368) Journal

      Resistance is futile. Prepare to be assimilated.

      Our laughed out of the bar.
      But yeah, cries out for lasers!

      No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by calzone on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:54PM

      by calzone (2181) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:54PM (#86379) Journal

      Beyond concerns about Glass being intrusive/Borgish... don't people realize Google is using Glass to infect the public as a social Trojan?

      Obviously, Glass's origins can be traced back to Google's desire to collect data about the world around us. Do you really think they are satisfied with Street View being the "end all"? With Glass, they will finally be able to go to the next level and include data and imagery about interiors and other spaces a car can't just drive by and catalogue. Even better, everything will be cross-referencible with other Glass users to determine times of day when different users cross paths or when some place is more popular/busy than other times.

      Even if there's an uproar about revealing interior spaces, or a lawsuit from a mall chain, something to force them to not use any collected video and imagery, Google can STILL use the images and data regardless to create a virtual 3D map of the interior spaces that is as good as a real photograph. This data can be sold to retail businesses in the mall itself. It can be used for real estate... the potential applications are endless. This is all extremely valuable stuff.

      And yet, Glass users aren't getting paid to collect this information for Google. They happily fork over a nice chunk of change just for the privilege of harvesting data for Google.

      Google Glass isn't intended to serve the user. It's intended to serve Google and put their eyes and ears and measuring devices (compass/altimeter, whatever) in as many places as possible to gradually and doubtlessly increase their stranglehold on the very information that defines our day to day living habits and spaces.


      Time to leave Soylent News []

      • (Score: 2, Interesting) by calzone on Wednesday August 27 2014, @06:02PM

        by calzone (2181) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @06:02PM (#86386) Journal

        So... what I meant to conclude: If you want a product like Glass, it better either be open source. The "augmented reality" database associated with it should be free and open, not for sale to advertisers (though being free and open it would be accessible as a data feed to them or anyone else wanting it), and not cross referenced with demographic profiles, Android devices, Google+, Gmail, or YouTube accounts.

        Also, ideally, like Wikipedia, there would also be some way for land/space owners to censor out certain places from the database. You probably don't want your backyard in there for example.


        Time to leave Soylent News []

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @06:48PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @06:48PM (#86410)

          Notice how the apps on this guys set are ... Google's. Creepy!

  • (Score: 5, Funny) by cafebabe on Wednesday August 27 2014, @03:56PM

    by cafebabe (894) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @03:56PM (#86311) Journal


    I've got a great marketing pitch: Why look like a glasshole when you can look like an A.R.S-hole?

    • (Score: 3, Funny) by present_arms on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:21PM

      by present_arms (4392) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:21PM (#86325) Homepage Journal

      Why look like a glasshole when you can look like an A.R.S-hole?

      Because I already look like one :(

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:26PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:26PM (#86331)


      I noticed the parent comment had an empty blockquote... am testing to see if that is a bug in the site. If it was intentionally made empty, please let us know. It's caused a bit of a stir among the site's maintainers.

      • (Score: 3, Informative) by tibman on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:30PM

        by tibman (134) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:30PM (#86339)

        It's intentional. Someone figured out that pipedot chokes on blockquotes. Putting one at the beginning of a comment keeps it from being scraped. Probably only a matter of time before that is fixed though : )

        SN won't survive on lurkers alone. Write comments.
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:42PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @04:42PM (#86345)

          Thanks for the QUICK reply!

          FWIW, it appears that the scraped stories and comments have been removed from pipedot.

        • (Score: 2) by dyingtolive on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:34PM

          by dyingtolive (952) on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:34PM (#86372)

          I was going to point that out too, but you beat me to it.

          At any rate, the pipedot scraping appears to be mutually accepted by the powers that be. I fear that subverting it will cause more confusion than productivity.

          Don't blame me, I voted for moose wang!
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:57PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 27 2014, @05:57PM (#86381)

          An individual holds a copyright on everything he writes.
          If you have a problem with someone reposting something you wrote, issue a DMCA takedown.
          When Pipedot receives enough of these, it will become cumbersome for them and the behavior will stop.

          You're welcome.

          -- gewg_

  • (Score: 3, Insightful) by lajos on Thursday August 28 2014, @01:15AM

    by lajos (528) on Thursday August 28 2014, @01:15AM (#86534)

    Pretty impressive project. The best idea is using a baseball hat instead of glasses. A baseball hat is actually a useful accessory, looks less dorky than some science fiction glasses and can hold more electronics and battery.

    • (Score: 4, Interesting) by aristarchus on Thursday August 28 2014, @07:29AM

      by aristarchus (2645) on Thursday August 28 2014, @07:29AM (#86644) Journal

      Just think if you had a full on Samurai helmet! Flares, visor, crescent moon or a catfish, but lots of room for infrastructure. On the downside, it would be hard to be inconspicuous.