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posted by NCommander on Friday March 13 2015, @01:00PM   Printer-friendly
from the big-changes-are-afoot dept.
As we get past our first anniversary, its time to sit back and talk about future site updates. While I alluded to it in a journal post, we're getting ready to roll out a fairly large update to the site, which is in line with the first major update we made in April 2014. For those of us who were with us back then, you'll likely remember that the site finally got to 'mostly usable' status with that upgrade which fixed many of the broken CSS (such as and the like.

Given the unique nature, we're breaking it into two parts. The first is Slashcode 15.03, which is mostly a housekeeping/bugfixing update. This will be the final update of the legacy mod_perl 1 branch, and our final update using Slashcode. Here's what you can expect with this feature-packed installment.

Slashcode 15.03 - Changelog
  • Moderation Improvements (better handling of Spam mods, template fixes, etc) (credit: TMB)
  • Require prior moderation to use Overrated/Underrated (credit: TMB)
  • No karma hits for someone moderated Overrated/Underrated (credit: TMB)
  • Add karma floor of 10 to be able to down mod, tweakable in vars (credit: TMB)
  • Monthly and Semiannual Subscriptions (credit: paulej57)
  • User Selectable Pricing, with minimum (credit: paulej57)
  • Auto Renewing Subscription option from PayPal (credit: paulej57)
  • Reorganized the moderation dropdown list to avoid miss-moderations (credit: paulej57)
  • Mod-bomb detection page for admins: this can now get you banned from moderating the same as if you'd abused Spam (credit: paulej57)
  • Closed out the following bugs:
    • Fix for issue #412: fixed login redirects to user Apache request_uri string.
    • Fix for issue #411: added mod_banned info to admin user screen, now with date validation
    • Fix for issue #405: removed users email from the daily stats email.
    • Fix for issue #401: remove coremetrics scripts from few templates.
    • Fix for issue #378: updated moderation FAQ to reflect new mod system.
  • SN-specific: Retiring nitrogen, carbon, and beryllium back-end servers (in progress)
  • Other Miscellaneous Fixes

If you can't wait to see what this is all about, take a look at our development version of the site. Feel free to create an account and try things out. If you find a bug, please Report it on GitHub or let it be known on the #Soylent or #Dev channel on IRC using your favorite client, or using a web-based interface.

If you want to know what this mysterious 'Rehash' is, check past the break.

Introducing Rehash

One of the long-standing complaints is that we should finalize our break with The Other Site, by renaming slashcode. In what has been a running theme with SoylentNews since golive, naming stuff seems to be our Achilles heel. While calls for renaming to SoylentCode, or something similar have been long been made, the fact is this site, and the engine that powers it is something more. Rehash is our port of slashcode to MP2 (mod_perl version 2), and introduces the first set of upgrades to allow greater community building and interaction.

The name came about due to paulej72 renaming my work folder on lithium to "rehash", and well, I liked it (before this, the Apache 2 port was 'imaginatively' called Slashcode 15.03a2)

One of the longest points of tension within the community is what SoylentNews aims to be — what our focus should be. Even now, I'm not sure we could define it in one specific sentence. Some of you may remember when I wrote up the draft of the site manifesto, which lays out our goals and values. As a reminder, here is both the preamble, and mission statement from that document, which goes into why we were founded, what we stand for, and what we intend to do:


In recent years, many alarming trends have surfaced regarding the free interchange of news and ideas on the internet. The practice of selling users' information for profit, without their approval or even knowledge, has become rampant. People are being prosecuted simply for expressing their opinions. A "Big Brother is Watching" mentality from both state and commercial actors, with universal surveillance now becoming common, has created a chilling effect, preventing people from exercising their rights or speaking up.

Unpopular or unusual views are being actively suppressed, diversity of opinion is too often deemed a problem, and actively restricted, at the whim of corporate and political power.

Too often, the focus upon profit has led to owners forgetting that sites exist for the benefit of their community, and the leadership and staff live to serve that community.

Too often, useful help and input from a site's community is ignored by staff and management who are so out of touch with the very people they serve that they will destroy the support of the community they built, and eventually the business itself.

Statement of Purpose

Our aim is to stand in stalwart opposition to these trends. We will be the best site for independent, not-for-profit journalism on the internet, where ideas can be presented and free discussion can take place without external needs overshadowing the community.

With rehash, we're going to be able to *finally* deploy a long talked about feature: nexuses. We've talked about them in passing, but due to various technical issues, we've held off deploying them on production. For those who remember the other site of old, you may remember how the site was subdivided into sections, such as,, etc. The initial deployment of this feature will allow editors to select a nexus for a story, and then individual users can select which nexuses they wish to read (or not read) in the user control panel.

In effect, this is our version of reddit's subreddits. Furthermore, having full nexus functionality allows us to implement features like hosting different languages of SN, and allow our community to create their own sections of the site for any topic they want. Want to talk about DIY projects, Pokémon, or similar? Well, soon, that will be possible.

A little known feature of the codebase is that its built on a plugin architecture which makes expansion easier and allows for multi-hosting. That is to say, we can have multiple sites out of a single installation; i.e., and can both point to the same installation, but show a different mainpage. While we're still somewhat far off from supporting this kind of user-generated content, this upgrade sets the framework for allowing it to happen. The mainpage of SN will remain as it is, but allow the community to form and discuss any topic they wish, all handled under the same familiar interface you use now.

I'll probably write more on the topic of nexuses in the coming weeks, but I figure this sneak-preview on where we're going should introduce some interesting discussion. As always, I'll be reading comments below, and responding.

Related Stories

What We Are Going To Be: The Manifesto 151 comments

You know, this is probably one of the hardest things I've had to write since we went live. My first few attempts just lead to writer's block and frustration, so I tried to take a different tack with this and do it the way I usually do my write-ups for anything; by the seat of my pants. The staff have poked and prodded my early attempts, and I think we're ready to open this up to everyone to add their two cents in as we work towards a final version.

Since we've gone live almost three months ago (yeash, time flies), we've already had our fair share of debates, strife, and conflict, yet at the end of the day we remain operational with an involved community that keeps growing day after day. As I continue my relocation to NH, we're getting scary close to the point we're going to need to start drafting the bylaws and operating principles for this site. One of the pressing questions that have been asked time and time again is, "What will we be?" I'm ready to give you that answer.

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by c0lo on Friday March 13 2015, @01:15PM

    by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Friday March 13 2015, @01:15PM (#157242) Journal
    A mod won't produce more than one hit (at most one point lost), so it can't be based on impact (bomb suggest a devastating impact).
    One doesn't an unlimited number of mod points, so not even "mod machine-gunning" doesn't seem appropriate.
    • (Score: 4, Informative) by cmn32480 on Friday March 13 2015, @01:25PM

      by cmn32480 (443) <{cmn32480} {at} {}> on Friday March 13 2015, @01:25PM (#157250) Journal

      Generally, it would refer to a user (or a group of users) that choose to negatively mod another user into oblivion. This can be compounded by someone (or group of someones) who have created sock puppet accounts for this specific purpose.

      There are a few threads where this has happened, but it has been (at least as far as I understand it based on the comments) taken care of by the admins.

      Generally it is used to screw up somebody's karma, or silence a voice of dissent that they don't like.

      "It's a dog eat dog world, and I'm wearing Milkbone underwear" - Norm Peterson
      • (Score: 3, Interesting) by c0lo on Friday March 13 2015, @01:35PM

        by c0lo (156) Subscriber Badge on Friday March 13 2015, @01:35PM (#157255) Journal
        Ah, mob-modding (or mod-mobbing?)
      • (Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:37PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:37PM (#157257)

        That's still not much of a definition.

        One concern of mine:

        What if one poster has a habit of making pointless, non-offensive, but still high-noise posts. Say half of his posts are noise and half his posts are at least mildly insightful. Once you notice this pattern it becomes one of those things where after you become aware of it, it really stands out. I get mod points and decide to moderate down those high-noise posts whenever I see them, and since I'm primed to see them, I see them a lot - but I don't touch his posts that I feel contribute to the discussion.

        It sounds like this "mod-bomb detection" thing is going to pick me out as a mod-bomber because it isn't going to show all the other posts by that user which I did not down-mod, chances are anyone reviewing the pattern of down-modding the noise will think I just ran out of points instead of deliberately picking-and-chosing the posts based on their content.

        • (Score: 2) by q.kontinuum on Friday March 13 2015, @01:46PM

          by q.kontinuum (532) on Friday March 13 2015, @01:46PM (#157264) Journal

          If I understood previous discussions correctly, they intend to use hashes of the IP-addresses to identify sock-puppet accounts owned by the same user used to mod the same other user. So, normally you shouldn't be identified as a mod-bombe.

          I have some other concerns, though.
          - IPv4 pool is small enough that hashing IPs doesn't provide any benefit. It would be trivial to get plaintext-IPs from the hashes via rainbow-tables or even brute-force. Storing the IPs is not good for a site used for controversial discussions.
          - Some organizations might use proxies, all users of those organizations would share one public IP

          Registered IRC nick on qkontinuum
          • (Score: 2) by paulej72 on Friday March 13 2015, @02:29PM

            by paulej72 (58) on Friday March 13 2015, @02:29PM (#157276) Journal

            Although there is a page to help us identify mod-bombs, all changes are done by a human looking at the situation. The report just shows us places where there might be a problem. I expect that the admins will look at each comment of a possible mod bombing individually and determine if it a true down mod or someone who has a vendetta against the commenter.

            As for the hashed ip values, the code was already there, so it seems silly to change it. It does make it harder for us to give out a user's ip address if asked by law enforcement. The ips are only stored for the time that moderation and comments are allowed for a story, then purged. We need this data to help keep rogue ACs from becoming a problem on the site, because ip is the only way to differentiate between different ACs.

            Proxies will also be relatively easy to spot as we can see multiple users from the ip, and real users behave differently from most sock puppet accounts.

            Team Leader for SN Development
          • (Score: 3, Interesting) by The Mighty Buzzard on Friday March 13 2015, @03:54PM

            Yeah, that is an issue but it's one without a really good solution. I'm currently pondering ways of salting the ip addresses before hashing them to make this less of an issue but it's still an extremely small pool. Maybe a unique salt for each permutation of the first three quads and just any salt for ipv6 addresses and rotating the salts on a monthly basis, I dunno, haven't put a lot of thought into it yet. If you have any suggestions feel free to drop me an email. Anonymously if you feel the need.

            Without us having some way to compare an incoming ip addresses, we'd be incredibly limited in our ability to block spam/hack attempts/similar acts of douchebaggery, so realistically they have to stay unless you all are willing to put up with that.

            My rights don't end where your fear begins.
            • (Score: 2) by NCommander on Friday March 13 2015, @11:50PM

              by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Friday March 13 2015, @11:50PM (#157576) Homepage Journal

              Or just removing the salts. Honestly, I've been leaning to this option a *lot*

              Still always moving
            • (Score: 2) by Justin Case on Saturday March 14 2015, @10:57AM

              by Justin Case (4239) on Saturday March 14 2015, @10:57AM (#157720) Journal

              > I'm currently pondering ways of salting the ip addresses before hashing them to make this less of an issue but it's still an extremely small pool. Maybe a unique salt for each permutation of the first three quads and just any salt for ipv6 addresses and rotating the salts on a monthly basis, I dunno, haven't put a lot of thought into it yet.

              That's pretty much where my thoughts were heading as well, although I haven't spent a lot of cycles cogitating about it. My instincts are that it would still be reversible by someone who obtained the algorithm and had some CPU to spend on it.

              Maybe you need flat out encryption, repeatable so the same plaintext always produces the same cyphertext, but computationally difficult to brute force without the secret key. Then your remaining issue becomes protecting and rotating that key.

              Open to criticisms of that too... when writing code to keep secrets, many eyes are needed.

              • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Saturday March 14 2015, @11:20AM

                by The Mighty Buzzard (18) Subscriber Badge <> on Saturday March 14 2015, @11:20AM (#157726) Homepage Journal

                Real problem there is it's primarily law enforcement I'd worry about and they'd just seize or have the chops to hack the servers which would necessarily have the key to any two-way encryption on them. One-way is really the way to go here, I just haven't had time to work out how best to do it what with being in the middle of preparing to move. Probably do two-way for stored email addresses soon-ish but anyone who thoroughly pwns the boxes will have the key to that as well.

                My rights don't end where your fear begins.
        • (Score: 2) by mrcoolbp on Friday March 13 2015, @02:44PM

          by mrcoolbp (68) <> on Friday March 13 2015, @02:44PM (#157287) Homepage

          To clarify, this is not something we see an immediate-need for, but it was relatively easy to implement, so we did. What we do see a lot of is complaints about potential cases, so we worked up this tool to help us monitor in case something like this does happen.

          (Score:1^½, Radical)
        • (Score: 3, Insightful) by frojack on Friday March 13 2015, @09:42PM

          by frojack (1554) on Friday March 13 2015, @09:42PM (#157507) Journal

          Say half of his posts are noise and half his posts are at least mildly insightful. Once you notice this pattern it becomes one of those things where after you become aware of it, it really stands out.

          If you worry that it might hurt you to be doing this, then stop doing that.

          From the moderation box on the front page: Concentrate on promoting more than demoting.

          Any comment that is not destructive is constructive. All we need do is mod down destructive comments, and mod up the good comments, and let the rest fall where they may.

          I contend, sir, that your gate keeping is a tad too aggressive.

          No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
          • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Saturday March 14 2015, @04:02AM

            by Reziac (2489) on Saturday March 14 2015, @04:02AM (#157658) Homepage

            "Any comment that is not destructive is constructive."

            This should be the primary rule to mod by.

            And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
          • (Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @05:53AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @05:53AM (#157671)

            > Any comment that is not destructive is constructive.

            Adding noise is destructive.

            • (Score: 2) by frojack on Saturday March 14 2015, @06:15AM

              by frojack (1554) on Saturday March 14 2015, @06:15AM (#157675) Journal

              says the AC.....

              No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @08:16PM

                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @08:16PM (#157839)

                Are you really trying to intimate that AC posts are all destructive?
                Because of those two posts, yours seems to be a much more negative contribution to the discussion than the other.

                Or is it just that having lost the argument you felt you had get in some sort of quip in order to assuage your wounded ego?

  • (Score: -1, Offtopic) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:34PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:34PM (#157254)

    The Humpty Dance is your chance to do the hump
    Do the Humpty Hump, come on and do the Humpty Hump
    Do the Humpty Hump, just watch me do the Humpty Hump
    Do ya know what I'm doing, doing the Humpty Hump
    Do the Humpty Hump, do the Humpty Hump

  • (Score: 2, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:39PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:39PM (#157258)

    Add karma floor of 10, tweakable in vars

    Which means what? Karma cannot go below 10 any more? Please explain.

    • (Score: 3, Informative) by rts008 on Friday March 13 2015, @03:09PM

      by rts008 (3001) on Friday March 13 2015, @03:09PM (#157303)

      IIRC, that is regarding the level of karma needed to start getting mod points, if you have chosen to participate in moderation.

      • (Score: 5, Informative) by paulej72 on Friday March 13 2015, @03:25PM

        by paulej72 (58) on Friday March 13 2015, @03:25PM (#157310) Journal

        Actually it is just for down modding, you need a minimum of 10 karma. You will be able to up mod if you have points and your karma is below 10. Sorry that was not explained better in the article.

        Team Leader for SN Development
  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:45PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @01:45PM (#157263)

    Mod-bomb detection page for admins: this can now get you banned from moderating the same as if you'd abused Spam

    Is the banned user ever informed of this ban?
    If not, I say he should be. At a bare minimum the user needs to know in case there is a bug.

    My experience at slashdot was a pattern where I would get a ~6-month drought of zero mod points and then a month of being awarded mod points as fast as I could use them. That went on for years, might even still be going on. I was a daily poster and as far as I knew I didn't use my mod points abusively.

    Silently punishing users is bad policy. I understand it totally appeals to someone with a mechanistic understanding of human nature but it is both extremely brittle and does not allow for people to learn from their mistakes and improve their behavior.

    • (Score: 2) by q.kontinuum on Friday March 13 2015, @01:56PM

      by q.kontinuum (532) on Friday March 13 2015, @01:56PM (#157267) Journal

      Here, users get 5 mod-points a day. So you should notice the next day.

      Registered IRC nick on qkontinuum
      • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @02:03PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @02:03PM (#157269)

        Sorry but that is just mechanistic thinking.

        (1) You can't expect every user to know that, especially new ones
        (2) What if that policy of awarding 5 points every day is changed?

        • (Score: 2) by tibman on Friday March 13 2015, @04:59PM

          by tibman (134) Subscriber Badge on Friday March 13 2015, @04:59PM (#157355)

          I have this text just in the moderation box:

          You get 5 points per day, given out at 00:10 UTC.

          SN won't survive on lurkers alone. Write comments.
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @09:43PM

            by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @09:43PM (#157509)

            I am not sure I get your point?
            Perhaps you think that the complete absence of the moderation box is the equivalent of a message telling you that are supposed to get 5 points per day and that today you didn't get any?

            • (Score: 2) by tibman on Friday March 13 2015, @10:38PM

              by tibman (134) Subscriber Badge on Friday March 13 2015, @10:38PM (#157543)

              I still don't think we're on the same page. If you log in, you will see this: []
              That box is always present and always tells you how many mod points you will have along with the next time you will get new ones.

              SN won't survive on lurkers alone. Write comments.
    • (Score: 3, Informative) by paulej72 on Friday March 13 2015, @02:34PM

      by paulej72 (58) on Friday March 13 2015, @02:34PM (#157282) Journal

      Yes, we should send the user a message, but currently we do not. I will make this a priority for the next update to the code. As of right now the number of the bans has been very small so at his time it is not a major issue, but it is an issue. Another requested feature is an admin report to show all current bans. This will help manage thes situations better.

      Thanks for the suggestion.

      Team Leader for SN Development
      • (Score: 2, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @08:18PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Friday March 13 2015, @08:18PM (#157442)

        Place it on top of every page the client sees on SN. This will help both AC and regular posters. Something to the effect of:

        The [IP]/[user] is blocked from:
        . Mod-ing until xx/xx/xxxx because of [ ]
        . Posting until xx/xx/xxxx because of [ ]
        If you like to try to resolve this issue please follow to this page.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @12:10AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @12:10AM (#157586)

          ^^^ This ^^^

          The great failing of automation is that it is easy to automate when everything is taking the happy-path.
          When things go wrong, exception-handling is an art. Especially when people are involved.
          At a minimum provide clearly written, informative and obvious feedback to the user what wrong, why it wrong, and what they can do to fix it.

    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by joekiser on Friday March 13 2015, @06:01PM

      by joekiser (1837) on Friday March 13 2015, @06:01PM (#157376)

      Heh. I had negative karma on /. back in 1999. I had 15 years of solid posting after that, including excellent karma the whole time, but all of my posts started out at -1 and had to work their way back up, even in 2014 when I left.

      Debt is the currency of slaves.
    • (Score: 2) by NCommander on Friday March 13 2015, @08:17PM

      by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Friday March 13 2015, @08:17PM (#157436) Homepage Journal

      The old /code mod point algo was notoriously broken, and very very ugly. I'm not suprised it generated as uneven results as it did.

      Still always moving
  • (Score: 2) by sudo rm -rf on Friday March 13 2015, @02:36PM

    by sudo rm -rf (2357) on Friday March 13 2015, @02:36PM (#157283) Journal

    For some reason the link in the sub header ("posted by NCommander on 15-03...") doesn't link to the User NCommander (Which is where I wanted to go to read the journal entry NC mentioned) but instead to, so if anyone else has this issue, here's the link to his journal []

    • (Score: 2) by paulej72 on Friday March 13 2015, @02:44PM

      by paulej72 (58) on Friday March 13 2015, @02:44PM (#157288) Journal

      That is because NCommander has set as his homepage. This overrides the default behavior of the editor's link in the details section. It's a feature not a bug. Should we keep that feature? I am willing to hear discussion on it.

      Team Leader for SN Development
  • (Score: 1) by Balderdash on Friday March 13 2015, @05:07PM

    by Balderdash (693) on Friday March 13 2015, @05:07PM (#157358)

    I would like to see the site modified so that when moderating a post, the site returns me to the post that I just modded.

    Right now with ~20 posts per story it is easy to find my previous place in the dialogue after modding.

    When the site starts getting ~200 posts per story, split over multiple pages, that will no longer be the case.

    I browse at -1. Free and open discourse requires consideration and review of all attempts at participation.
    • (Score: 2) by paulej72 on Friday March 13 2015, @06:29PM

      by paulej72 (58) on Friday March 13 2015, @06:29PM (#157392) Journal

      That will hopefully get into 15_04 if I have enough time to code it. It is high on our todo list, with getting rehash fully dynamic being the biggest one I am worried about now. Slash has a bad habit of creating html files behind the scenes and handing them out instead of the dynamically generated one. The generation of the files is done by a cron type script that is run separately from the frontend. So having two frontends requires that the file systems be synced so the static files all work.

      As we have found out the file syncing solutions suck on VMs. If we go full dynamic, having frontend redundancy is very easy. The rehash update is the best place to get this done and thus is high on the todo list for me.

      Team Leader for SN Development
      • (Score: 2) by NCommander on Friday March 13 2015, @08:18PM

        by NCommander (2) Subscriber Badge <> on Friday March 13 2015, @08:18PM (#157440) Homepage Journal

        I'm going to try and go through and purge the rest of this out of backend. Need to go through the rest of the slashd jobs.

        Still always moving
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @12:34AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @12:34AM (#157593)

          I love this place.

          -- gewg_

      • (Score: 2) by frojack on Friday March 13 2015, @09:50PM

        by frojack (1554) on Friday March 13 2015, @09:50PM (#157514) Journal

        Good to see that worked on, it was an annoyance to me as well.

        Suggest you take to capitalizing Rehash. Saves my pea brain's parsing resources.
        Completely OT: Think your parsing skills are up to snuff? Go read the Federalist Papers. Gawd how far we have fallen!

        No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.
      • (Score: 2) by Reziac on Saturday March 14 2015, @04:06AM

        by Reziac (2489) on Saturday March 14 2015, @04:06AM (#157659) Homepage

        I'd also love to see this feature, so thank you!

        As to how you're getting all this to work, my brain hurts just thinking about it.

        And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
  • (Score: 1) by barrahome on Friday March 13 2015, @08:31PM

    by barrahome (3580) on Friday March 13 2015, @08:31PM (#157450) Journal

    It would be nice to have the interface of this website in Spanish, not the content but at least the interface, a function that other sites do not have.

    • (Score: 2) by juggs on Monday March 16 2015, @01:57AM

      by juggs (63) on Monday March 16 2015, @01:57AM (#158188) Journal

      That's an interesting suggestion. So basically all buttons, navigation and tool tips text would need to be abstracted out to probably some localisation DB table which holds equivalents for whatever languages / locales we wish to support. Plus a user control panel option to select locale. Community help would be required building the translations for any given localisation.

      I'm not a dev but I imagine this would be something that would be easier to contemplate once we get the code base to be fully dynamic in page generation as we would not need to be concerned with updating the page caching functionality to hold pages for every locale.

      I will flag this to paulej72 and NCommander for contemplation :D Anything is possible of course, but I have no idea at all how much work it would take to achieve - so don't hold your breath!

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by SlimmPickens on Friday March 13 2015, @11:37PM

    by SlimmPickens (1056) on Friday March 13 2015, @11:37PM (#157572)

    The best posts are always a mixture of interesting informative and insightful, and it would be nice to have a more granular view of what people think.

    My opinion:
    - A user should be able to apply 1...10 mod points to a post
    - Be able multi-mod the same post (ie +3 informative, +3 interesting and +6 insightful)
    - A maximum value of 50 for any particular post
    - Receive 50 mod points per day

    This would keep the overall ratio of modding the same while allowing greater granularity. Things would sort themselves out just as they do now..

    It would be more enlightening for strong posts, but perhaps more-so for the low-mid strength posts, where you might feel inclined to give it +2 or +3 (out of ten) but you wouldn't use a whole mod point in todays system.

    Being able able to hover the mouse over some part of the post and get a kind of tool-tip displaying the exact breakup of the modding would be sweet too.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @12:13AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @12:13AM (#157587)

      Acck! No.
      More moderation dicking around?
      Micro-optimization is counter-productive.
      The site is about talking, not fiddling knobs.

  • (Score: 2) by Justin Case on Saturday March 14 2015, @10:43AM

    by Justin Case (4239) on Saturday March 14 2015, @10:43AM (#157716) Journal

    > take a look at our development version of the site

    OMG! Soylent Beta???

    What's next? God having lunch with the Devil?

    My head is spinning...

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @03:00PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday March 14 2015, @03:00PM (#157775)

    Will the that you mentioned be in Japanese? If so, interesting. I've been wondering about multilingual SN.

  • (Score: 2) by kaszz on Monday March 16 2015, @03:21PM

    by kaszz (4211) on Monday March 16 2015, @03:21PM (#158407) Journal

    When someone else responds to my posts and it shows up in the inbox [] link [] at this site. The link to the other persons answer will intermittently be invalid. (don't recall if it was a malformed link or missing destination)

    There is an answer however which I found by using the link to my own post [].

  • (Score: 2) by kaszz on Monday March 16 2015, @03:24PM

    by kaszz (4211) on Monday March 16 2015, @03:24PM (#158409) Journal

    Seems some links to articles [] lacks any posts, intermittently.