Thousands of snow geese have been killed by the toxic waters of the Berkeley Pit, a flooded former copper mine in Butte, Montana that is one of the most poisonous and acidic bodies of water in the United States.
Unusually warm weather led the flock--tens of thousands of geese--to migrate south from Canada to the American Southwest later than usual, and they ran into a snow storm in Montana. The only open water in the area on which they could land was that contained in the Berkeley Pit.
The geese landed in the pit, whose water is contaminated with arsenic, cadmium, cobalt, copper, iron, and zinc, in late November. The heavy metal contamination has resulted in water so acidic that the organisms able to survive within the pit are the objects of scientific study.[1] Thousands of birds did not survive after touching down on the red-tinged toxic waste.
[...] Montana Resources, the mining company [who jointly manages the pit with the Atlantic Richfield Company], will face fines if the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) finds that its efforts to keep the birds away from the mine were not in compliance with regulatory standards.
[1] Abstract with link to full-text PDF.
In related news, Common Dreams reports Scott Pruitt is an Unacceptable Choice to Run EPA
"Scott Pruitt is the wrong choice to run the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA plays an absolutely vital role in enforcing long-standing policies that protect the health and safety of Americans, based on the best available science. Pruitt has a clear record of hostility to the EPA's mission, and he is a completely inappropriate choice to lead it", [said Ken Kimmell, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists.]
USA Today reports Scott Pruitt, Trump's Pick to Head the EPA, has Sued the EPA
"Having Scott Pruitt in charge of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is like putting an arsonist in charge of fighting fires", said Michael Brune, executive director of the Sierra Club. "He is a climate science denier who, as Attorney General for the state of Oklahoma, regularly conspired with the fossil fuel industry to attack EPA regulations."
(Score: 3, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:04PM
It's really the fault of the EPA for failing to do it's job. Government incompetence all the way down.
The coal mining company did it's job by digging the mine, stripping it bare of any value, taking profits and abandoning it. This let the toxic heavy metals leach into rain water that then accumulated in the former mine. Not their fault. If the government didn't want that to happen they should have done something about it.
The only solution is to get rid of the EPA. The free market is more efficient and can solve problems rather than create them. I hear cadmium is the new calcium. Toothpaste additives, hello?! I'm just telling you what the MSM won't tell you.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:23PM
Coal? In Butte? Clearly you do not know what you are talking about. Evel Knievel?
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:35PM
What is the goal of this "efficiency"?
Clearly, that is maximizing short-term profits--and screw everything else.
You haven't read enough Charles Dickens to find out what The Free Market actually looks like.
get rid of the EPA
We have here an example of what happens -with- a regulatory agency.
Now, just imagine what things would be like if the ONLY consideration is the lowest cost of production EVERYWHERE.
The coal mining company did it's job
What that bunch did was break the law.
The company needs to suffer the corporate death penalty and the officers deserve long prison terms.
N.B. I'm betting that the corporate officers live VERY far away and that the workers live nearby.
If the workers were the owners and were making the decisions, I don't see how they could have made WORSE choices.
My bet is that they would have managed things in a way that was more responsible WRT their environment.
That's right. I'm calling, once again, for worker-owned cooperatives.
A pronoun never requires an apostrophe to make it possessive.
its == belongs to it
it's == it is; it has
-- OriginalOwner_ []
(Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:41PM
Reel it in dude.
When you can no longer distinguish obvious parody in support of your own cause it means you've been seduced by the zealot side and are now doing more harm than good.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by meustrus on Friday December 09 2016, @10:41PM
Whoever modded this comment "+1 Insightful" is clearly the subject of this limerick [].
If there isn't at least one reference or primary source, it's not +1 Informative. Maybe the underused +1 Interesting?
(Score: 0, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:48PM
Somehow you overlooked this happen on Obama's watch.
I mean there's stupid, and then there's liberals.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by bob_super on Friday December 09 2016, @10:53PM
Indeed, those idiots don't realize that those bad things will stop happening once and for all, as soon as we get rid of the government trying to prevent them.
(Score: 5, Informative) by Soybean on Friday December 09 2016, @10:57PM
> Somehow you overlooked this happen on Obama's watch.
Mining operations at the pit ended in 1982.
You could try to blame the EPA for not forcing a clean-up under Obama.
But under the terms of the deal that saw the mine become a superfund site in 1983 that would require new legislation passed by congress. The same congress that the republicans have basically made non-functional for 6 years.
(Score: 1, Troll) by Reziac on Saturday December 10 2016, @06:45AM
And if the mine was still operational, it would have 24/7 bright lights and noise and activity that would keep the geese away, as well as being continually pumped out so it doesn't form an invitingly large lake in the first place (this isn't your everyday mining pit).
You want to blame someone? Blame the union that wanted an ever-larger slice of a pie that shrank rapidly when costs suddenly went up. I remember when the mine closed and overnight Butte hit as close to full unemployment as you can get without shuttering the town entirely.
Oh, and if you're using DSL in North America, that phone line was probably strung with copper from the Berkeley Pit.
And there is no Alkibiades to come back and save us from ourselves.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @07:11AM
> You want to blame someone? Blame the union that wanted an ever-larger slice of a pie that shrank rapidly when costs suddenly went up.
No. I'm going to blame the mining company. You know, the people actually responsible for making the decisions.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @01:22PM
Ah, another liberal trait- lack of responsibility. Much like the election, it's everyone elses' fault.
Legislation from congress has fuckall with the EPA ensuring compliance with regulations.
I mean that's some righteous gall to serve up doomsday scenarios of Trump's cabinet on the sly of even more proof liberals have no fucking clue how to govern
(Score: 0, Flamebait) by jmorris on Friday December 09 2016, @10:05PM
Scott Pruitt is the wrong choice...
Newsflash ya delicate snowflakes. You lost. Get over it. When you win you get your people and policy preferences, when you lose you don't. I think President Obama explained that concept very clearly in the first days of his administration, perhaps you missed the memo?
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:18PM
Its funny how you take complaints about basic competence of government officials and conflicts of interest and somehow spin it into a partisan debate. If anyone is the special little snowflake who's feelz are easily hurt its YOU jmorris. Even the slightest bit of criticism such as
"Scott Pruitt is the wrong choice to run the Environmental Protection Agency. The EPA plays an absolutely vital role in enforcing long-standing policies that protect the health and safety of Americans, based on the best available science. Pruitt has a clear record of hostility to the EPA's mission, and he is a completely inappropriate choice to lead it", [said Ken Kimmell, president of the Union of Concerned Scientists.]
has you saying stupid partisan shit like it is some personal attack. More and more it is clear the angry conservative folks throw around insults that better match themselves.
In case you care to object, please explain to me the mature reactions of conservatives when Obama first took office and how it was so much better than the people complaining about Trump now.
(Score: 1, Flamebait) by jmorris on Friday December 09 2016, @10:35PM
Obama to GOP: 'I won' [] Please explain why our "swift one word answer" to every Democrat objection and attempt to get in the way with procedural tricks should not also be "No."
You guys are probably so dimwitted / cocooned you really can't see the problem with that text you quoted. It is the premise that rankles, that one side's partisan policy positions are "best available science" and somehow "long-standing policies" must never be realigned when Republicans win elections but Obama was free to "fundamentally transform" the country to wild applause. Well to again quote President Obama, "Elections have consequences."
(Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:46PM
> that one side's partisan policy positions are "best available science"
It wouldn't be partisan if the other side wasn't so intent on denying the science.
Kind of like that time when the church insisted that the sun actually circled the earth.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by edIII on Friday December 09 2016, @10:55PM
Oh go fuck yourself. The science is clear, and your side doesn't have the moral, ethical, intellectual, or spiritual high ground in ANYTHING. Damn fucking right we can get upset when a complete fucking ignorant tool is chosen to lead an organization that he HATES. You point out that you get to destroy it, because you "won".
What the fuck did you win you stupid fucking shit? The right to shove your anti-science down our throats?
Fuck you. Every reasonable intelligent person understands we need regulations, and we need to fight hard to clean up our environment NOW. You argue against it, and the ONLY reason you do is because of your arrogance, callousness, and that your PAYCHECK is speaking to you.
You've won nothing, and you're too fucking stupid to see that. What did you win again? Thousands of geese continuing to die? Do you think the world is so big it can continually survive things like that?
I hope you die on fire, then spend an eternity it.
Technically, lunchtime is at any moment. It's just a wave function.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by digitalaudiorock on Friday December 09 2016, @11:44PM
...hopefully with the ghosts of thousands of snow geese pecking at his nuts. Seriously though, j really is about the biggest fucking asshole on this forum.
(Score: 2) by LoRdTAW on Saturday December 10 2016, @04:44PM
People like jmorris, ethanol fueled, and buzzard think they are strong independent folk but are very bit as fucked in the head as I am. So they take some cross arm stance while talking down to people just so they don't have to down more drugs/booze to feel slightly better about themselves. They feel bad and want others to feel bad too. That's why they voted Trump. They are so fucking blind with rage and butt hurt that they want to see the country burn so everyone can enjoy the same shit life they have.
I get it, I almost wanted to vote trump too as a big fuck everyone. I hate people, I want to hurt people. But I do what I can to try and better myself because what other option do I have? Suicide? Fuck that. They're angry. I get it. But for fucks sake, they need to wake up. Be the adults they want to be instead of pretending to be. Go out for a walk or something. Turn your TV off and stop reading the news. Clear your head of the anger.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:42AM
Bravo, I could not have worded that any better.
I'm sure J believes that's how the world's gonna end anyway very soon, tomorrow hopefully. Been waiting for it for a couple of centuries now...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @08:57AM
I hope you die on fire, then spend an eternity it.
Wording best posted by.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @02:07AM
Brilliant work there, genius. The Obama EPA lets thousands of animals die to pollution, but half the article is about why the person who is going to replace him next year is bad.
(Score: 2) by edIII on Saturday December 10 2016, @04:49AM
Citation please. I love how people bring up Obama as a rebuttal, as if I'm a full fledged Democrat that loves that treasonous betraying sob.
So, what? The entire article should have been filled with explanations of how all the Democratic administrations suck and Obama ruined the EPA? What do want? An article glowing and full of hope now that this asshole is going to arrive? Are you seriously saying he wants to save the animals, and protect our environment?
The reason why most the article about him is bad, is because his a toxic motherfucker to environmentalism and has been a staunch opponent of everything they do. The guy wanting to destroy them is now being handed power over them, and he openly doesn't believe that the environment and animals are in danger anyways.
We have every right to be extraordinarily concerned.
Technically, lunchtime is at any moment. It's just a wave function.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @11:10PM
I know you are but what am I???
You argue like a child. I never said Obama was good, and (I know I'm AC) I have often commented on how terrible he has been for the US. That's all you've got in response to this? "Your guy did it toooooo" when he's not even my guy... Its the most evasive defensive insecure bullshit method of avoiding a real discussion. If you have a significant other (who knows?? maybe you're a self-loathing homosexual that scores society points by being pro-douche) I'm sure they have some serious resentment from how you handle problems and would like you for once in your life to discuss a problem directly. Not evade, not shift blame, not immediately backtracking, but dealing with the fucking point.
And the point here is that Scott Pruitt is a terrible choice for the EPA. Obama bailed on his promises and left us worse off, now "your guy" is doing the same thing and you're too busy "winning" that you can't see the shit about to fall on your face! Stop getting mad at the messengers, start getting mad at the broken promises!
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @04:09AM
Ssssssh, they're experiencing buyer's remorse.
(Score: 3, Touché) by bob_super on Friday December 09 2016, @10:19PM
I'm telling you folks, Hillary was so crooked that people voted for smog, leaded water and flaming rivers!
(Score: 4, Funny) by JoeMerchant on Friday December 09 2016, @10:34PM
smog, leaded water and flaming rivers!
Back when America was GREAT we had all those things.
MAGA, indeed.
🌻🌻 []
(Score: 2) by Joe Desertrat on Friday December 09 2016, @11:14PM
smog, leaded water and flaming rivers!
Back when America was GREAT we had all those things.
I'm sure America's Leaders of Capital enviously hear about (they certainly won't visit those sort of places to see) China's smog choked cities and the various other toxic places of the world, wondering how much more they could profit if only they were allowed to do those things. They are likely to be getting at least part of their wishes fulfilled in the next four years (or less, if the US wakes up and does to Trump what Korea is doing to Park).
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @11:36PM
Just results in Pence as President. Do you really think that will be an improvement before the next 4 years is up?
America won't be great again until the top 1 percent, and the bottom 96 percent are both purged.
And then China, Russia, Mexican Cartels, or Brazil will roll in and clean up what is left.
There is no good outcome left, only a successively worse series of bad ones.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:36AM
At least Mike Pence is predictable.
Trump is simply a loose cannon.
Donnie Tiny Hands has never in his life worked for a boss.
Trump was gifted millions of dollars[1] by his father (who had to send him to military school because the boy was such a complete dick).
He doesn't seem to have matured at all since childhood.
Donnie reminds me of a Twilight Zone episode where someone with the emotional stability of a small child has great power.
It's a Good Life []
[1] A prompt for the implementation of a 100 percent inheritance tax.
-- OriginalOwner_ []
(Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:36PM
Their hair and face will turn a toxic orange, and their mouth will pucker into a lemon-sucking shape.
(Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:33PM
That is totally correct!!!
Once a president is anointed no one is allowed to criticise or comment on ANY of their decisions and should just lube up and bend over with cheeks spread.
That is how American democracy is SUPPOSED to work. You get to vote for a team (or equally likely not bother) and then you get fucked regardless by the more popular team while you just shut the hell up.
Take a leaf out of jmorris and the rest of the right who as you know have been silent and patient this entire time...
(Score: 3, Interesting) by krishnoid on Friday December 09 2016, @11:18PM
Once a president is anointed no one is allowed to criticise or comment on ANY of their decisions and should just lube up and bend over with cheeks spread.
So ... *everybody's* getting covered in grease?
(Score: 0, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:46PM
Eh, doesn't matter.
As if it were humanly possible, liberals are only building more animosity towards themselves as they cluck to themselves how wonderful they are.
What matters more is laying the groundwork for the future of the Republican party since they CONTROL THE ENTIRE GOVERNMENT.
I mean what are liberals going to do? Win the next election?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @08:55AM
It's a good point. But when one side continually wins all the elections despite getting less than 50% of the votes, then things end up ugly.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:51PM
It's called "advise and consent".
(There's a cool book/movie about it which uses that title.)
Presidential appointments require approval by the Senate.
The Reds have a slim 52-48 majority in the Senate.
We'll just see if 2 of The Reds don't balk at Donnie Tiny Hands' choices; pretty sure all The Blues will reject them.
...and, when it comes to legislation, you can expect The Blues in the Senate to do to Donnie Tiny Hands what the Reds have been doing to O'Bummer for 8 years (filibuster everything).
We're in for 4 more years of stagnation--at best; I'm betting on another big dip Joe Average's economic condition.
-- OriginalOwner_ []
(Score: 2) by weeds on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:46PM can expect The Blues in the Senate to do to Donnie Tiny Hands what the Reds have been doing to O'Bummer for 8 years (filibuster everything).
True, but the Reds may take the "nuclear option" [] and the filibuster will be gone.
Get money out of politics! []
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @08:52PM
Yeah. That would be the next step of escalation.
...and the response to that is that dozens of senators leave DC and "get lost" such that they can't be found.
Without a quorum, the Senate can't be called into session and the measure that was under consideration (and anything else they were planning to accomplish for the next while) doesn't get done.
The president of the Senate (the Vice-President) now looks like a monkey for pulling the partisan power-play.
The absentee guys will also catch flak for what they're doing, but that will be spread out over their number; the VP will catch all the shit aimed at only him for his use of the almost-never-used maneuver.
Politics is not for the faint of heart.
If you're going to play hardball, expect the other guy to know lots of tricks too.
-- OriginalOwner_ []
(Score: 2) by linkdude64 on Saturday December 10 2016, @02:13PM
Look dude, I was as happy as you were that Trump won, but lakes so poisonous they kill everything they touch is not what I want for the country that I love. Scott Pruitt is not Trump. Scott Pruitt is an individual with a separate agenda. That is what this discussion is about.
If you've devolved to the point where you are only "pretending to be retarded" just to spite the idiot liberals on this site who refuse to acknowledge reality (and there are many) you are acting none above them with this kind of behavior.
Not that it isn't your right to make an ass of yourself, but I want better for this site just like we want better for the US.
(Score: 5, Funny) by snufu on Friday December 09 2016, @10:37PM
Untold numbers of illegal geese entering our country with no vetting. Thank god for vigilant mining companies, or these foreigners would be taking our jobs and committing crimes as we speak.
Fortunately Trump's wall will prevent this breach of national security in the future.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @11:06PM
Man, I'm usually the 1st to spot these stories.
A **second** wall, on the northern border this time??
That should be awesome!
Oh, wait. Who is he going to get to build it?
Foreigners[1]? More Wetbacks? Snowbacks?
If it's USAians, where is he going to get the money to pay them?
Hmmm. Now I'm depressed.
[1] Despite saying he's all for USAian workers, what he actually does is hire Polish workers and Caribbean workers (and not pay them prevailing wages--if he doesn't stiff them entirely).
-- OriginalOwner_ []
(Score: 2) by krishnoid on Friday December 09 2016, @11:12PM
Fortunately Trump's wall will prevent this breach of national security in the future.
And if he doesn't end up building one, the skittles^H^H^H immigrants^H^H^H encroaching waterfowl will poison themselves. Problem solved.
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @10:46PM
There are some Montanans here on SoylentNews who can fill in the rest of us on the history that lead to the disaster of the Berkeley Pit. Robber Barons, Anaconda Mining Company, owned by John D. Rockefeller, mounds of mill tailings that still line the Clark's Fork of the Columbia, which used to run red with heavy metals, Montana laws against corporations spending money on politics that stem from that period which Citizens United has overturned. Anaconda Corp! The gift that keeps on giving. Rockefeller makes Trump look like some two-bit slumlord.
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Joe Desertrat on Friday December 09 2016, @11:05PM
Rockefeller makes Trump look like some two-bit slumlord.
Trump doesn't like coming in second. You can bet that he will do everything he can to make sure his administration allows businesses to do worse than any historical figures, even a Rockefeller.
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Friday December 09 2016, @11:16PM
Ha! Trump isn't even in the same league. The Rockefellers are the type of folks Trump tries so hard to be a part of. Sadly he's just a city bred redneck bigot who's such a loud mouth I doubt anyone wants him at their parties except to play the clown. It is even funnier when the clown takes himself 100% seriously, well at least till he spoils the party by becoming a full blown ass.
(Score: 2) by takyon on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:05AM
Whatever Trump once was, he is now poised to become the most powerful human being on the planet. Maybe less powerful than some of his predecessors, but at least he starts off with a Republican Congress. Even if the Republican Congress turns against him, he can get a lot done and stop a lot from being done. But he seems to be playing nice with the Republican establishment on most issues.
(inb4 "the Bilderberg elites, Skull and Bones, and Reptilians hold the real power")
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:57AM
Many of the Reds in Congress loathe him.
The inauguration is January 20 (a Friday).
If he hasn't divested his holdings by Monday January 23, expect to see articles of impeachment brought to the floor of the House as soon as they are in session.
Don't be surprised when a bunch of Reds vote to accept them (along with all of the Blues).
...and the Senate has been a case of the-minority-rules for years (because of the kind of "filibuster" where you don't even have to talk and hold the floor to kill something).
-- OriginalOwner_ []
(Score: 3, Insightful) by takyon on Saturday December 10 2016, @01:10AM
Trump's cabinet picks betray the direction of his administration. He has also met with and made nice with the Republicans who would have the power to oppose him (chiefly Paul Ryan).
He will "make a deal". There will be no impeachment. At least not in the first two years.
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @04:05AM
> Trump's cabinet picks betray the direction of his administration.
This. He is catering to the most extreme of the republicans, so there is a chance that some of the not so delusional will oppose him. But they are going to feel a ton of party pressure to fall in line. Trumps MO is starting to look like he will play the role of distractor-in-chief while his appointees quietly go about the nuts-and-bolts work of implementing a hard-right wish list.
(Score: 1) by dboz87 on Monday December 12 2016, @07:14PM
Good. The Republicans won.
(Score: 2) by ilPapa on Saturday December 10 2016, @01:08AM
The Rockefellers never had a reality TV show.
But I believe they would have respected a man who can grift like Donald Trump can grift. He gets the Secret Service to PAY HIM to protect him by renting them floors in Trump Towers just because Melania wants to stay in New York (though who could blame her). He's going to continue to be executive producer of his TV show while he's president, which means he'll be in business with a network that is supposed to cover him. It is a long con that old Mr Rockefeller would have admired.
You are still welcome on my lawn.
(Score: 1, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @07:50AM
Montanan here. An interesting historical episode was when Hauser [] convinced Anaconda Company to convert from steam power to electrical for its Butte mines. Hauser was involved in the construction of several hydro-electric dams on the Missouri River and elsewhere. But Anaconda then wished to break contracts with Hauser, sabotaged his dams, and formed the Montana Power Company. MPC became the monopoly power company in Montana eventually, using other dirty tricks to try and bankrupt rural electrical cooperatives, and opening coal-powered generating facilities to produce power for export (see Colstrip. []) Montana Power went belly up in 1997 when they tried a Enron-type re-purposing that resulted in bankruptcy and the loss of much on the part of retirement funds that thought investments in regulated utilities was safe. And you may have also seen Anaconda Company in the movie "Motorcycle Diaries" about Che Guevara. Yes, The Donald can only dream about doing as much damage as Rockefeller did.
(Score: 2) by Snotnose on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:22AM
Take all the carcasses, cook as appropriate (I'm guessing like turkeys), and make the Cxx's of the mining company dine on them just like they do for turkey day. As in, day one, pig out. Day 2, leftovers. Day 3, sandwiches. Day 4 oh jeez what am I gonna do fark let's make goose enchiladas. Day 5, enchilada leftovers. Day 6, getting old, toss the leftovers to the homeless while the press watches and see's how caring I am.
Is anyone surprised ChatGPT got replaced by an A.I.?
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:28AM
Are there even carcasses? Or is this like that guy who fell into a Yellowstone hot spring? :-/ I know morbid eh?
(Score: 4, Funny) by Username on Saturday December 10 2016, @12:31AM
I’d set it up as a landfill. Plastics would float keeping the birds out and the heavies would sink creating a barrier between the mine and the water. If they keep pumping out the copper water eventually it will just be normal landfill and can cover it with rock before it gets above the water line and build a giant walmart on top of it.
Though 13 metric tons of copper a day is an impressive haul from copper water. Might just be better to fill it with plastic jugs and barrels just to keep the birds out and keep going.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday December 10 2016, @01:21AM
Do you want to summon roko's basilisk?? Cause according to southpark that is probably how it will happen...