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posted by Fnord666 on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:02PM   Printer-friendly
from the good-luck-with-that dept.

Secret Service bought location data pulled from common apps:

The Secret Service paid a private company for access to location data generated by common smartphone apps, Motherboard reports. Internal documents obtained through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request show that the agency spent $35,844 for a one-year subscription to Babel Street's product Locate X, which tracks the location of devices via data harvested from popular apps.

As Motherboard notes, the glaring issue with this contract is that it allows the law enforcement agency to buy information that it would normally need a warrant or a court order to obtain.

[...] In March, Protocol reported that US Customs and Border Protection purchased Locate X, and a former Babel Street employee told Protocol that the Secret Service and US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) were using the location-tracking tech. But Motherboard has the first confirmation that the Secret Service did in fact purchase Locate X.

[...] Senator Ron Wyden is reportedly planning legislation to block law enforcement from purchasing products like Locate X.

"It is clear that multiple federal agencies have turned to purchasing Americans' data to buy their way around Americans' Fourth Amendment Rights. I'm drafting legislation to close this loophole, and ensure the Fourth Amendment isn't for sale," Wyden said in a statement provided to Motherboard.

Original Submission

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'FYI. a Warrant Isn't Needed': Secret Service Says You Agreed to be Tracked With Location Data 36 comments

Officials inside the Secret Service clashed over whether they needed a warrant to use location data harvested from ordinary apps installed on smartphones, with some arguing that citizens have agreed to be tracked with such data by accepting app terms of service, despite those apps often not saying their data may end up with the authorities, according to hundreds of pages of internal Secret Service emails obtained by 404 Media:

The emails provide deeper insight into the agency's use of Locate X, a powerful surveillance capability that allows law enforcement officials to follow a phone, and person's, precise movements over time at the click of a mouse. In 2023, a government oversight body found that the Secret Service, Customs and Border Protection, and Immigration and Customs Enforcement all used their access to such location data illegally. The Secret Service told 404 Media in an email last week it is no longer using the tool.

"If USSS [U.S. Secret Service] is using Locate X, that is most concerning to us," one of the internal emails said. 404 Media obtained them and other documents through a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request with the Secret Service.

Locate X is made by a company called Babel Street. In October 404 Media, NOTUS, Haaretz, and Krebs on Security published articles based on videos that showed the Locate X tool in action. In one example, it was possible to follow the visitors to a specific abortion clinic across state lines and to their likely place of residence.

Tools similar to Locate X often use data that has been collected from ordinary smartphone apps. Apps on both iOS and Android devices collect location data and then sell or transfer that to members of the data broker industry. Eventually, that data can end up in tools like Locate X.

Originally spotted on Schneier on Security

Previously: Secret Service Bought Location Data Pulled From Common Apps

Original Submission

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  • (Score: 2, Funny) by fustakrakich on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:18PM (19 children)

    by fustakrakich (6150) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:18PM (#1038376) Journal

    We can stop them from using it against us. And we can start up companies to spy on the cops. If we take away their advantage, there will be much less abuse.

    La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
    • (Score: 4, Funny) by Tokolosh on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:44PM (5 children)

      by Tokolosh (585) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:44PM (#1038383)

      Apps (or anyone or anything or any person or any corporation) should not be able to collect your data without your explicit consent. The default position is that your data is yours. And if you do consent, then that data may not be shared.

      As for the government, the opposite applies, as their data belong to us.

      • (Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:59PM

        by fustakrakich (6150) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:59PM (#1038391) Journal

        And if you do consent, then that data may not be shared.

        Yes, I understand the theory, but you're not gonna stop 'em. There's a hard drive in somebody's basement that collects everything, and nobody will ever know about it. The best we can do is prevent its misuse, and punish the people that get caught.

        As for the government, the opposite applies, as their data belong to us.

        Absolutely! We are way too tolerant of government secrecy.

        La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
      • (Score: 2) by mobydisk on Tuesday August 18 2020, @05:18PM (1 child)

        by mobydisk (5472) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @05:18PM (#1038421)

        The problem is that consumers decided that companies not only can collect the data, but that the companies own the data. I remember my parents back in the 80s talking about this. When businesses started putting their records on computers some people got scared. The question came up "Hey, is that okay that banks have records of all our financial transactions, utilities know our electricity use, insurance companies know our medical history, Blockbuster has every video I've rented, the library knows every book I've borrowed, etc...? Whose data is that?" The answer was overwhelmingly that citizens wanted the companies to control that data. It was convenient. Today we face the consequences of that decision. And legislatively, at least in the US, they have taken the route that the companies do own the data and can do anything they want with it, except for certain specific circumstances. It should have been the other way around. They should have to get explicit permission to collect it, explicit permission to keep it, and explicit permission to share it. But its too late now.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:52AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:52AM (#1038697)

          Well how you gonna stop a person (or company) remembering what you bought from them? Seems impossible to require everybody to forget.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:50AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:50AM (#1038695)

        OMG so much lol!!!

        Tell me one time and one place this has ever held true.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @11:41PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @11:41PM (#1039112)

        Do you remember google when asked about apps having internet access by default his that permission under layers of screens?


        The Play website also obscured access to it.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:45PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:45PM (#1038384)

      If you take away their advantage, or even just try to, there will be many repercussions. Good luck with your spy-on-cop company ...

      PS: who's gonna be buying that data? Most likely not the kind of people you'd like to associate with.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:55AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:55AM (#1038699)

        We can market it to defendants just like bail bonds. It adds to the burden of criminals, sorry suspects to prove their worthiness to get out on bail. Aka tough on crime.

    • (Score: 5, Informative) by Thexalon on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:48PM (10 children)

      by Thexalon (636) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:48PM (#1038386)

      We can stop them from using it against us.

      No, we can't, because most of the time when they use that data against people, it's all classified, which means that anybody who knows about the abuse of the data in question can't tell anybody without risking the Chelsea Manning treatment (years of barely-legal psychological torture prior to trial, in case you've forgotten) if they're caught.

      From what we have been able to glean:
      1. People with access to the data have used it for petty personal stuff like stalking their ex's.
      2. The basics of what you should assume they know include:
            - Where you go.
            - Who you talk to.
            - All your financial transactions not done in cash.
            - Any unencrypted Internet activity, including all emails and most social media activity.
            - Any encrypted Internet activity, if it's with a major company. And possibly anything else if they think it's worth decrypting it.
            - Any phone call or text message.
            - What you and the people you're around look like.
            - What vehicle(s) you own.
            - What vehicle(s) you regularly drive.
            - If you work, which company, which location, your job title, and your salary.
            - Who else is part of your household, and all of the above for each of them.
      3. Some of the things they are able to figure out fairly accurately from that:
            - What religion you are, if you are religious in any way.
            - Who you vote for.
            - What hobbies and interests you have.
            - A personality profile.
            - Whether you've attended any kind of protest, and if so what it was for / against.
            - What kind of sexual kinks you have, if you watch pr0n.
            - Your cash transactions (e.g. if you withdraw a bunch of money from an ATM and drive to somebody's house on a regular basis, they'll have no trouble determining that that might well be the home of your drug dealer).

      But don't worry, that's all to protect you from those Evil Foreigners Who Hate Your Freedom.

      "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
      • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:53PM (6 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @03:53PM (#1038389)

        The government isn't even jailing terrorists caught on video with multiple witnesses committing arson against a federal courthouse with people INSIDE.
        And you're worried about the govt tracking if you watch porn? The country won't even do anything to you for attempted murder.

        • (Score: 3, Insightful) by Tork on Tuesday August 18 2020, @05:08PM (1 child)

          by Tork (3914) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday August 18 2020, @05:08PM (#1038416)

          The country won't even do anything to you for attempted murder.

          Unless you embarrass the president, then your livelihood gets taken away.

          🏳️‍🌈 Proud Ally 🏳️‍🌈
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:58AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:58AM (#1038700)

            And if it's worse in Saudi Arabia, or anywhere in fact, just keep telling yourself how lucky you are.

            USA! USA! USA!

        • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:42PM (2 children)

          by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:42PM (#1038568) Journal

          The government isn't even jailing terrorists caught on video with multiple witnesses committing arson against a federal courthouse with people INSIDE.

          Yet. That we know of.

          The government is watching, collecting data, and the government will use all of that data as it sees fit, when it sees fit. Depending on who is running the government, YOU might be deemed a terrorist. Or me. Or Fustakrakich, or Aristarchus, or whoever.

          “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @09:50PM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @09:50PM (#1039060)

            Yeah, sure, the government is watching and recording you all the time. That's why they need to purchase this information from outside vendors.

            Do you even THINK about the stuff you write, or does it just flow naturally out your fingertips without going through the brain first?

            • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday August 19 2020, @11:30PM

              by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday August 19 2020, @11:30PM (#1039104) Journal

              The cameras mounted inside of the Federal building, which were used to identify rioters in Portland? That video wasn't purchased. Do YOU think about the shit you write?

              “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
        • (Score: 3, Informative) by PartTimeZombie on Tuesday August 18 2020, @11:13PM

          by PartTimeZombie (4827) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @11:13PM (#1038586)

          The government isn't even jailing terrorists caught on video ...

          They might if that weren't a fantasy though.

          What the government has done however was to kidnap people off the street, old them without charge then release them without explanation.

      • (Score: 1) by fustakrakich on Tuesday August 18 2020, @04:01PM

        by fustakrakich (6150) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @04:01PM (#1038392) Journal

        It's still up to us to pry the system open. If we don't, nobody will.

        La politica e i criminali sono la stessa cosa..
      • (Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Wednesday August 19 2020, @02:48AM (1 child)

        by Phoenix666 (552) on Wednesday August 19 2020, @02:48AM (#1038674) Journal

        There are already citizens using databases to doxx people they don't like. Its incidence is rather limited at the moment, but there is no reason it should remain so. The US is a country with less than 1 billion people; it's not that hard to reduce that data set to an identifiable number quickly.

        Even those who work for the CIA/NSA/FBI etc are not immune to the de-masking power of modern computation devices. If the citizens of the US get mad enough, they too will be found and dealt with.

        The information revolution is a double-edged sword, and its secrets are not relegated to the government or corporations alone.

        Washington DC delenda est.
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @05:57AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @05:57AM (#1038740)

          Sure would suck to have the corporations and the government as your enemy tho. I sure don't feel like I'm the enemy, but I guess I need to stop dreaming and get my head down and suck corp./govt. dick some more.

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by iWantToKeepAnon on Tuesday August 18 2020, @04:16PM (3 children)

    by iWantToKeepAnon (686) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @04:16PM (#1038397) Homepage Journal
    If you stand on a tall hill and shout out your location, would legal agencies need a warrant to listen? "Smart" phones do just that and we consent via the EULA and by enabling GPS.
    "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." -- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @05:58AM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @05:58AM (#1038741)

      There's a tall hill in my living room?

      • (Score: 2) by iWantToKeepAnon on Wednesday August 19 2020, @01:42PM

        by iWantToKeepAnon (686) on Wednesday August 19 2020, @01:42PM (#1038796) Homepage Journal
        If your phones are in airplane mode and you have no other internet devices, no. As soon as anything access the internet, yes.
        "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." -- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
    • (Score: 2) by iWantToKeepAnon on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:27PM

      by iWantToKeepAnon (686) on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:27PM (#1039393) Homepage Journal
      exactly [].
      "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." -- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  • (Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @05:21PM (6 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @05:21PM (#1038424)

    “If you reveal your secrets to the wind,
    you should not blame the wind for
    revealing them to the trees.”

    ― Kahlil Gibran, The Wanderer

    • (Score: 2) by requerdanos on Tuesday August 18 2020, @07:42PM (5 children)

      by requerdanos (5997) on Tuesday August 18 2020, @07:42PM (#1038480) Journal

      “If you reveal your secrets to the wind,
      you should not blame the wind for
      revealing them to the trees.”

      I don't think the blame is really being placed on the "wind" (data providers) here, but rather on these particular "trees" (crooked government agencies).

      From the summary:

      Senator Ron Wyden is reportedly planning legislation to block law enforcement from purchasing products like Locate X.

      Of course, if what the Founding Fathers(tm) wrote into the Constitution(tm) didn't keep law enforcement out of the data, what's another law going to do to change that?

      • (Score: 3, Touché) by Runaway1956 on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:47PM (3 children)

        by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:47PM (#1038572) Journal

        I don't think the blame is really being placed on the "wind" (data providers) here,

        If the wind keeps logs, and delivers those logs to the "trees", then yes, we can put some blame on the wind. Moreso when the wind profits from the delivery of those logs.

        “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @06:00AM

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @06:00AM (#1038742)

          Whoever started the "wind" and "logs" thing needs to stop and think about what's going to happen to their cute analogy online.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @02:03PM (1 child)

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @02:03PM (#1038813)

          Not when the wind has told you it blows everywhere and will happily pour your secrets to anyone it blows past. Not when the wind explicitly tells you we can take your secrets and sell them to anyone. That's your fault for not thoroughly examining what the wind has clearly told you it will do.

          • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:26PM

            by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:26PM (#1038835) Journal

            Because, everyone reads every word of a EULA, a TOS, the privacy policies, etc ad nauseum. Worse, all of that legal mumbo jumbo doesn't explicitly spell out the fact that your data is sold for profit to the highest bidder.

            I made mention in another discussion of visiting the American Heart Association's site, to look at using one of their health monitoring tools. All free of course. I clicked the privacy policy link, which few people probably do. It mentioned "partners", and sharing of information, blah blah blah. I learned that AHA can "share" information with just about anyone in the world, at their discretion, and that I had no rights to monitor such "sharing". It wasn't a 30 second read, either - I spent minutes reading, and finally just closed AHA's page, and got the hell out of there.

            Why in hell does AHA, of all organizations, need to "share" my information with ANYONE? That data should only be shared with other organizations that I explicitly approve of, such as my personal healthcare provider(s).

            “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
      • (Score: 2) by iWantToKeepAnon on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:33PM

        by iWantToKeepAnon (686) on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:33PM (#1039395) Homepage Journal

        block law enforcement from purchasing products like Locate X.

        The data is out there for *anyone* to purchase, including Big Brother. Once it is out there you/I/we have no control over it. Is it crooked to buy anything that is on the market? Your data and my data is out there available to the highest bidder; be that FBI, China, ex-lovers, bosses, future bosses; *anyone*.

        "Happy families are all alike; every unhappy family is unhappy in its own way." -- Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @07:18PM (6 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @07:18PM (#1038470)

    If the government needs a warrant showing just cause and making a record to get cell phone location data from the phone company.

    Why should the same folks be able to get the same data thru another path without a warrant?

    If the fruit is forbidden, that should be the end it.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @02:01PM (5 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @02:01PM (#1038811)

      Because neither the Fourth nor Fifth Amendments has ever applied to when you voluntarily give information (or control of something) to a third party. Never. Give information, data, belongings, whatever, to someone else and you lose your right of privacy before the government to that information when the holder of control voluntarily surrenders it. You consent for the third party to have your information and sell it there is absolutely no restriction on the government being one of the buying customers.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:55PM (4 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @03:55PM (#1038856)


        Is the phone company a third party you voluntarily give information to where a warrant is required?
        If so, seems it would violate never apply 4th or 5th to third party info voluntarily given?

        Or maybe the telephone is so necessary for life that the information is not voluntarily given.
        If so, now days could not the same be said of cell phones?

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @06:09PM (2 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday August 19 2020, @06:09PM (#1038941)

          Cell phones should be covered by papers and effects in the 4th. Communications are NOT covered, but many people believe they should be. The best ways to do that IMO would be:
            Amend the Constitution to cover it, and nationalize phone and internet service under a mandate similar to USPS (and eventually we will run into the same problems of technology advancing and changing the methods of communication)
          Amend the Constitution to expand 4th Amendment protections to explicitly cover privacy and communications (establishment would not be a fan of this one)
          Cut out the middlemen and create direct communication devices that do not require infrastructure that can be used to spy on people (technologically infeasible ATM, but maybe someday)

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:10PM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:10PM (#1039381)

            "Communications," as in the voice content of a telephone call, are indeed covered by the fourth amendment, even if it is on a cell phone. Just because it is on a cell phone does not entitle the government to listen in - a warrant is required. The data ABOUT a phone call like the number dialed and the length of a call are NOT covered by the Fourth Amendment but nevertheless require a court order to obtain (even a blanket once, thanks Patriot Act!) Data a company collects as part of an App where the company has explicitly said they can convey such information to others.... no. You've signed away your right of privacy with the developer and the government can just be another customer to obtain that data.

            The way to fix it would be to enact a law saying such information may not be accessed by the government without some condition like a court order with a warrant. The same way pen registers were created. And if one wants to change the law around pen registers, again legislation would be the way to fix it. No constitutional amendments necessary.

            If true and total end-to-end encryptions were possible to the point of obfuscating even the location (i.e. no pen register data) the government would act to prevent such a system under the ethic that it would facilitate crime. They might even be right about that, given the current mores of the country. One might be able to engineer a different system where the right to privacy is paramount, but you would also have to account for other moral imperatives like how crime can be investigated and not just scream about "muh rights!" If rights and responsibilities are not balanced then trouble will ensue.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20 2020, @05:53PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20 2020, @05:53PM (#1039475)

              Crime is never a reason to give up freedom. Fix the root causes of the crime, or find the individuals responsible and punish them. No reason to take my privacy because $criminal doing $crime. Especially when the vast majority of "crimes" are completely victimless acts possessing or selling contraband.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:03PM

          by Anonymous Coward on Thursday August 20 2020, @03:03PM (#1039376)

          First, understand what pen registers are and how they're different. Info about who you called, duration of call and if it connected or not, where the call was made from, and even content of text messages are pen register information. They require an ex parte court order but not a warrant to obtain. You have a limited right of privacy on such information. Listening to content of a voice call requires a warrant, that you made a call only requires a court order but not a warrant. (And remember the initial rulings were that information about your call has no right of privacy at all and all the police had to do was ask. Then the legislature intervened to require a court order...) But all of these things, currently, are granted because it has been found that a person should have some reasonable right of privacy.

          This is different because in these apps that are used the user has voluntarily ceded any expectation of privacy in the terms of agreement. If you have voluntarily agreed that certain information is not private between you and the company why should you have any expectation of privacy? And why can't the government be just another customer buying that data alongside any other interested party who will pay?

          Does it have to be that way? No. But it will take either not doing business with any such company or convincing the legislature that new laws need to be enacted to prevent companies from selling such data to the government. Probably a hard sell in today's political environment.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @09:43PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @09:43PM (#1038530)

    Marissa Van Eck FAKENAME NIGGER CUNT Azuma Hazuki: So "that was NOT me posting" [] which YES, you said when you LIBELED me publicly BEFORE it with YOU saying "So that's a "yes" to schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder and a "no" to "am taking meds for said disorder" LIBELING ME then...?" per YOUR [] you stupid pitiful FAKENAME fuck online LIAR piece of fucking SHIT NIGGER?


    Was it when I GOT YOUR REAL NAME & found you are a satanist/anti-god HERE [] also which most ALL you "LEFTIST" LOSER weirdos usually are (which YES, in THIS other exchange "Why do you assume that you finding discussion threads on other sites with me in them will scare me?" quoted from [] you DID admit FINALLY to saying it was you - ESPECIALLY AFTER dozens of doctors RECENTLY seconded me on Hydroxychloroquin + Zinc (& Vitamin D3 imo along w/ other things I noted that are anti-viral + antibacterial like RAW GARLIC too)).

    Do me a favor - DENY ANY OF THOSE, please & I will continue PROVING YOU ARE A NIGGER SHITBAG LOSER, devil... as I already DID here []

    The TRUE BEAUTY of SATANIST FUCKS like YOU (antigod assholes)? TRUTH & FACT DESTROYS LIBELOUS DEVILS LIKE YOU - just like I did you & OTHER AHOLES who doubted what I wrote on what is NOW PROVEN TRUE by DOCTORS, admitted in mainstream media etc. (as I showed in those links' exchanges above easily) & especially LATELY by DOZENS of doctors (I have proof from pros - NOT LIBEL like you did to me PUBLICLY & I can still FRY YOU FOR IT FUCKER, live in fear fuck) MINUS any psych pros backing you.

    SAY 1 THING, YOU STINKING LIBELOUS NIGGER FUCK & I will CONTINUE LEVELLING YOU PUBLICLY with facts - not libel as you tried on me, stupid "Marissa von DUMBO", lol - please, say 1 thing & the BEATING on you, PUBLICLY will continue in this thread where you will have a HELL of a TIME "downmod burying it" via downmod brigades doubtless ONLY yourself via multiple sockpuppet accounts etc. (downodding to HIDE it? FORGET IT vs. me - everyone sees you @ it now, lol - thanks, just as I SAID "your kind", demonic SWINE/antigod LOSERS, always do).


    TOUGH HIDING YOU LIED about LIBELING ME, especially via INHERENTLY DAMAGING STATEMENTS libeling me as you did see GOLDWATER RULE below too fuckface CUNT you are (wikipedia proof [] & you said "No jury or judge would back it" here [] Ok - like I said earlier here which you TRIED TO DOWNMOD HIDE as I knew you HAVE to (everyone sees it anyhow) - TRY ME FUCKER - say 1 thing you COWARDLY STUPID LITTLE FUCK & we'll SEE what happens to you, fuckface CUNT you are).

    As I said "DO YOU WANT TO BE SUED" for breaking the GOLDWATER RULE? See here again [] for YOUR (& everyone else's) reference of YOUR LIBEL of myself


    P.S.=> Oh, I am going to have a FIELDDAY on YOUR ASS fucker - catching you not ONLY IN LIES above, but also in the fact you are a GODLESS fucking LOSER - come on, say something, question the above where you LIED fucker ("it was not me saying it" but it WAS in those links calling me a nutcase essentially when YOU SAID YOU DID NOT (because it IS grounds for SUING THE LIFE OUT OF YOUR WORTHLESS ASS because your statements are NOT BACKED BY actual psychiatric pros in professional psychiatric grounds LIBELING ME)) - oh, you are NEVER going to LIVE THIS DOWN & believe you me - I am going to MAKE SURE you don't - live with your HUMILIATION loser... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:30PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:30PM (#1038562)

    Marissa Van Eck FAKENAME NIGGER CUNT Azuma Hazuki: So "that was NOT me posting" [] which YES, you said when you LIBELED me publicly BEFORE it with YOU saying "So that's a "yes" to schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder and a "no" to "am taking meds for said disorder" LIBELING ME then...?" per YOUR [] you stupid pitiful FAKENAME fuck online LIAR piece of fucking SHIT NIGGER?


    Was it when I GOT YOUR REAL NAME & found you are a satanist/anti-god HERE [] also which most ALL you "LEFTIST" LOSER weirdos usually are (which YES, in THIS other exchange "Why do you assume that you finding discussion threads on other sites with me in them will scare me?" quoted from [] you DID admit FINALLY to saying it was you - ESPECIALLY AFTER dozens of doctors RECENTLY seconded me on Hydroxychloroquin + Zinc (& Vitamin D3 imo along w/ other things I noted that are anti-viral + antibacterial like RAW GARLIC too)).

    Do me a favor - DENY ANY OF THOSE, please & I will continue PROVING YOU ARE A NIGGER SHITBAG LOSER, devil... as I already DID here []

    The TRUE BEAUTY of SATANIST FUCKS like YOU (antigod assholes)? TRUTH & FACT DESTROYS LIBELOUS DEVILS LIKE YOU - just like I did you & OTHER AHOLES who doubted what I wrote on what is NOW PROVEN TRUE by DOCTORS, admitted in mainstream media etc. (as I showed in those links' exchanges above easily) & especially LATELY by DOZENS of doctors (I have proof from pros - NOT LIBEL like you did to me PUBLICLY & I can still FRY YOU FOR IT FUCKER, live in fear fuck) MINUS any psych pros backing you.

    SAY 1 THING, YOU STINKING LIBELOUS NIGGER FUCK & I will CONTINUE LEVELLING YOU PUBLICLY with facts - not libel as you tried on me, stupid "Marissa von DUMBO", lol - please, say 1 thing & the BEATING on you, PUBLICLY will continue in this thread where you will have a HELL of a TIME "downmod burying it" via downmod brigades doubtless ONLY yourself via multiple sockpuppet accounts etc. (downodding to HIDE it? FORGET IT vs. me - everyone sees you @ it now, lol - thanks, just as I SAID "your kind", demonic SWINE/antigod LOSERS, always do).


    TOUGH HIDING YOU LIED about LIBELING ME, especially via INHERENTLY DAMAGING STATEMENTS libeling me as you did see GOLDWATER RULE below too fuckface CUNT you are (wikipedia proof [] & you said "No jury or judge would back it" here [] Ok - like I said earlier here which you TRIED TO DOWNMOD HIDE as I knew you HAVE to (everyone sees it anyhow) - TRY ME FUCKER - say 1 thing you COWARDLY STUPID LITTLE FUCK & we'll SEE what happens to you, fuckface CUNT you are).

    As I said "DO YOU WANT TO BE SUED" for breaking the GOLDWATER RULE? See here again [] for YOUR (& everyone else's) reference of YOUR LIBEL of myself


    P.S.=> Oh, I am going to have a FIELDDAY on YOUR ASS fucker - catching you not ONLY IN LIES above, but also in the fact you are a GODLESS fucking LOSER - come on, say something, question the above where you LIED fucker ("it was not me saying it" but it WAS in those links calling me a nutcase essentially when YOU SAID YOU DID NOT (because it IS grounds for SUING THE LIFE OUT OF YOUR WORTHLESS ASS because your statements are NOT BACKED BY actual psychiatric pros in professional psychiatric grounds LIBELING ME)) - oh, you are NEVER going to LIVE THIS DOWN & believe you me - I am going to MAKE SURE you don't - live with your HUMILIATION loser... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:38PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 18 2020, @10:38PM (#1038566)

    Marissa Van Eck FAKENAME NIGGER CUNT Azuma Hazuki: So "that was NOT me posting" [] which YES, you said when you LIBELED me publicly BEFORE it with YOU saying "So that's a "yes" to schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder and a "no" to "am taking meds for said disorder" LIBELING ME then...?" per YOUR [] you stupid pitiful FAKENAME fuck online LIAR piece of fucking SHIT NIGGER?


    Was it when I GOT YOUR REAL NAME & found you are a satanist/anti-god HERE [] also which most ALL you "LEFTIST" LOSER weirdos usually are (which YES, in THIS other exchange "Why do you assume that you finding discussion threads on other sites with me in them will scare me?" quoted from [] you DID admit FINALLY to saying it was you - ESPECIALLY AFTER dozens of doctors RECENTLY seconded me on Hydroxychloroquin + Zinc (& Vitamin D3 imo along w/ other things I noted that are anti-viral + antibacterial like RAW GARLIC too)).

    Do me a favor - DENY ANY OF THOSE, please & I will continue PROVING YOU ARE A NIGGER SHITBAG LOSER, devil... as I already DID here []

    The TRUE BEAUTY of SATANIST FUCKS like YOU (antigod assholes)? TRUTH & FACT DESTROYS LIBELOUS DEVILS LIKE YOU - just like I did you & OTHER AHOLES who doubted what I wrote on what is NOW PROVEN TRUE by DOCTORS, admitted in mainstream media etc. (as I showed in those links' exchanges above easily) & especially LATELY by DOZENS of doctors (I have proof from pros - NOT LIBEL like you did to me PUBLICLY & I can still FRY YOU FOR IT FUCKER, live in fear fuck) MINUS any psych pros backing you.

    SAY 1 THING, YOU STINKING LIBELOUS NIGGER FUCK & I will CONTINUE LEVELLING YOU PUBLICLY with facts - not libel as you tried on me, stupid "Marissa von DUMBO", lol - please, say 1 thing & the BEATING on you, PUBLICLY will continue in this thread where you will have a HELL of a TIME "downmod burying it" via downmod brigades doubtless ONLY yourself via multiple sockpuppet accounts etc. (downodding to HIDE it? FORGET IT vs. me - everyone sees you @ it now, lol - thanks, just as I SAID "your kind", demonic SWINE/antigod LOSERS, always do).


    TOUGH HIDING YOU LIED about LIBELING ME, especially via INHERENTLY DAMAGING STATEMENTS libeling me as you did see GOLDWATER RULE below too fuckface CUNT you are (wikipedia proof [] & you said "No jury or judge would back it" here [] Ok - like I said earlier here which you TRIED TO DOWNMOD HIDE as I knew you HAVE to (everyone sees it anyhow) - TRY ME FUCKER - say 1 thing you COWARDLY STUPID LITTLE FUCK & we'll SEE what happens to you, fuckface CUNT you are).

    As I said "DO YOU WANT TO BE SUED" for breaking the GOLDWATER RULE? See here again [] for YOUR (& everyone else's) reference of YOUR LIBEL of myself


    P.S.=> Oh, I am going to have a FIELDDAY on YOUR ASS fucker - catching you not ONLY IN LIES above, but also in the fact you are a GODLESS fucking LOSER - come on, say something, question the above where you LIED fucker ("it was not me saying it" but it WAS in those links calling me a nutcase essentially when YOU SAID YOU DID NOT (because it IS grounds for SUING THE LIFE OUT OF YOUR WORTHLESS ASS because your statements are NOT BACKED BY actual psychiatric pros in professional psychiatric grounds LIBELING ME)) - oh, you are NEVER going to LIVE THIS DOWN & believe you me - I am going to MAKE SURE you don't - live with your HUMILIATION loser... apk
