from the this-is-the-most-2020-thing-of-2020-yet dept.
Gig Economy Company Launches Uber, But for Evicting People:
"SINCE COVID-19 MANY AMERICANS FELL BEHIND IN ALL ASPECTS," reads the website copy. The button below this statement is not for a GoFundMe, or a petition for calling for rent relief. Instead, it is the following call to action, from a company called Civvl: "Be hired as eviction crew."
During a time of great economic and general hardship, Civvl aims to be, essentially, Uber, but for evicting people. Seizing on a pandemic-driven nosedive in employment and huge uptick in number-of-people-who-can't-pay-their-rent, Civvl aims to make it easy for landlords to hire process servers and eviction agents as gig workers.
Helena Duncan, a Chicago-based paralegal who also participates in housing activism, saw a Craigslist post from Civvl while searching for jobs. The ad alarmed her.
"It's fucked up that there will be struggling working-class people who will be drawn to gigs like furniture-hauling or process-serving for a company like Civvl, evicting fellow working-class people from their homes so they themselves can make rent," she told Motherboard.
[...] At the time of writing, Civvl and OnQall did not return requests for comment, but did appear to block the author's IP address from visiting OnQall.com.
There is a federal ban on evictions, declared by the CDC, but landlords are still attempting to press on. There is a penalty for violating the ban, which can include a combination of fines and jail time. Civvl did not respond to a question about how the company ensures evictions are legal, though based on the Terms of Service, it appears to pass all risk onto the companies using its platform, stating that it simply "provides lead generation to independent contractors," and does not actually carry out the work itself.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @03:49PM
So you tell the gig worker to fuck off. Maybe the Sheriff gets called, but they don't bother to come out. If someone does force you out, you sue everybody.
(Score: 2) by loonycyborg on Tuesday September 29 2020, @05:04PM (7 children)
Rents gonna collapse since otherwise only CEOs will be able to afford them and drive for remote work will make current "hot" overpriced properties less desirable.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @05:06PM
Starlink vs. Landlords
(Score: 2) by Tork on Tuesday September 29 2020, @05:21PM (2 children)
🏳️🌈 Proud Ally 🏳️🌈
(Score: 2) by RS3 on Tuesday September 29 2020, @09:55PM (1 child)
This is a great idea. We need a "yelp" just for landlords and their history. Trouble is, people will still rent from those landlords because they can't afford anything else, and as the rent goes down, so will the landlord's attitude and treatment of tenants. But it's still a great idea that should help.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 30 2020, @08:01PM
Doesn't really help when apartments in most areas are owned by one or two large corporations, and none of them will rent to you if you "owe" another one.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday September 29 2020, @08:10PM (2 children)
rent prices are decided by supply and demand. rent for things like student housing and cheap places millennial roommates shared are gone when people move back in with parents. those are not "hot" overpriced properties. The rest of us, successful professional adults, renting high-priced properties, are not moving back in with parents. Demand for those is not going down, since for it to go down, there would need to be less people. The age group for these "hot" properties is not effected by covid, so the count of people is the same.
what happens here is the demand for dirt-cheap apartments has gone down. places where landlords are making almost no money. they lose rent, sell at a loss or get foreclosed on, and you now removed that apartment from the rental supply. increasing the price of the remaining apartments to previous levels - no change in prices, just more vacant homes.
the joke is indeed on the landlords - the ones barely scraping buy - they lost their life savings, which were put into 2-3 condos or a single 3-story house. no rent going down though.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Tork on Tuesday September 29 2020, @10:32PM (1 child)
I'd just like to mention a complication here: I, as well as a number of my coworkers and colleagues. are pretty much in the boat you've described, living in close-to-work in high priced 'hot' properties. Now that we're doing work-from-home we're starting to look into moving into places where the rent has gone down. There's a strong correlation between rent prices and proximity to work where I live, and we no longer have to worry about that so we can upgrade our living standards while lowering our rent. I'm not attempting to refute your point, just pointing out that your language is a bit strong. The complex I live in is unlikely to shut down over it but they are hurting... at least to hear them tell it.
🏳️🌈 Proud Ally 🏳️🌈
(Score: 3, Insightful) by fakefuck39 on Wednesday September 30 2020, @08:26PM
I don't see anyone doing that. Working remote is a temporary thing, and everyone realizes it will be over next year. By the time your current lease is over, and before your next year of lease on a cheaper apartment is over, you're back in the office already. In fact, many companies are resuming partial onsite work - as in come in a day a week on a rotation, to minimize the number of people in the office.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @05:49PM (4 children)
Landlords need the rent to pay the mortgage
So have missed mortgage payments automatically added to the mortgage with no penalty no credit hit for the duration of the pandemic
It’s not like mortgage lenders are hurting
https://www.wsj.com/articles/mortgage-refinancings-boom-even-as-coronavirus-hits-economy-11599557401 [wsj.com]
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @06:13PM (3 children)
1. Put off rent. 2. Put off mortgage. 3. Put off interest payments to holders of mortgage-backed securities. 4. Reduce dividend payouts from funds that hold such securities. Such funds are often held by retirees and others who need them to supplement their income and/or finance an eventual retirement. 5. GOTO 1.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @07:27PM (2 children)
To mostly pay their rent!
See how circular everything is
(Score: 2) by DECbot on Tuesday September 29 2020, @07:33PM (1 child)
OMFG! It's applied logic in action! So which happened first, the renter having no money or the landlord having no money?
cats~$ sudo chown -R us /home/base
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @08:29PM
I think the term for this process is proletarianization.
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @05:51PM (13 children)
Or well off for that matter. I know of one with only one piece of property to rent. He lives in his van. The $1k/m he gets is his only income for food, taxes, home repairs etc. The renter has a good job and well paid. She refuses to pay until he shows up on her door every month. The CDC/State has effectively taken his land and given it away. Last I checked that is not in the constitution. Unless it's martial law. I've had to lone the man $ every now and then for food. I'm now living check to check.
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @05:57PM
Yeah, fuck the CDC. I'm don't rent to or from anyone, so this doesn't directly effect me, but people should sue. If that don't work, start executing feds until they learn their place.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @07:07PM
The govt is fucking over both sets of people: the renters by taking away their jobs (non-essential), and the landlords by seizing their property.
Government-created problem, and the solution to their problem is a different problem. It's all been a show of power that they illegally exercised.
(Score: 2, Informative) by fakefuck39 on Tuesday September 29 2020, @08:18PM (5 children)
Oh, it's worse. People are renting, refusing to pay rent, and then renting that "free" property on airbnb. And nothing can be done about it.
Now, I thankfully sold my 3-unit house a year before this shit started and dumped it all into mutual funds, which have earned me 35% this year. But if this happened to me, I would evict them by turning off the water and electrical, or just changing the locks. They can then go to court or the cops to try and get back in. Yes, it's against the no evictions law, but by the time this goes through the courts, they've been out on the street for a month. And if it actually gets to court, the judge hopefully would ask things like "did you stop paying rent because you lost your job, and have no unemployment, and didn't apply for the 5000 in free state rent assistance?" and the answer in most of these asshole cases would be "I have my job and not only am I using the pandemic to save extra cash, but I'm renting it out on airbnb, breaking the terms of my lease."
It's like the 1st amendment. No evictions doesn't mean you're free to break other laws.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 30 2020, @12:16AM (1 child)
Are you in the US? How would you turn off the water and electical? Would the utilities allow you to have them turned off? What if the "renter" gets an injunction against you? Or gets you fined by the health department for having uninhabitable rental property? In current times, I wouldn't expect a fast, fair hearing for rental disputes in an agglomeration of more than 10 000 people this year.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Wednesday September 30 2020, @08:23PM
I would turn off the water by walking up to the main with a big wrench and turning it. The same thing I do if a pipe bursts and starts flooding my house. I would turn the electric off by walking up to the fuse box and flipping the 2 50 amp line fuses, then locking the fuse box. I would change the locks by pulling out the lock cylinder and putting in a new one, when the renters aren't home.
If someone does things that break the lease, they are not protected by the no eviction order. The eviction order protects people not paying - renters. Once the lease is broken by the resident, they are no longer a renter, and not under the lease. Now, they are free to take it to court or another city department and argue their case, while looking for a new apartment and moving their shit off the lawn in the rain to self-storage.
No eviction doesn't mean you can do anything you want. I may indeed lose in court - months later. After they spend thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours defending their scam and their breaking of the lease. Let me put it into perspective for you: does no evictions mean they're free to cook meth and start bonfires in the living room of their rental property?
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday September 30 2020, @02:40AM (2 children)
The Invisible Hand of the Free Market (TM) is flipping you the digitus impudicus. You chose to try and make money on rent instead of productive work, now take your lumps like a man. How dare you blaspheme against your God, the Free Market! Sad! Loser! Low-energy! =P
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 30 2020, @03:44AM
The invisible hand of the free market™ is making me postpone my plans to expand the available housing market for renters by competing with others. Increased supply would have been good for renters. Instead, I'll allocate my investment assets to those the government is currently smiling upon. Likely, those don't benefit people looking for affordable housing.
(Score: 2) by fakefuck39 on Thursday October 01 2020, @05:16AM
umm, how about no. i'll take my lumps like a man, but i certainly won't take your lumps just because you aren't a man. i got no issue of not having a rented out property. i'm in no way obligated to house you when you have issues. you're free to die on the street for all I care -not my problem.
now, that doesn't mean you should be left to die on the street via gov programs funded by our taxes. it just means I, personally, am not here to support you, personally. if my car breaks down and i need to getnto work, i don't have the right to steal your car that you're not using that day.it's up to society as a whole to help. and it does. if you can't pay rent because you got fired, unemployment was $5k/month, then 4k/month, and now will start at 2.5k/month. that is plenty for food and a cheap place to live. and no, when you're unemployed, you're not entitled to live in an expensive city area or a nice place. fucking move. da fuck out of my house. bitch.
(Score: 1, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @09:42PM (4 children)
He sounds like an idiot then. Why didn't he sell? Too late now? Why doesn't he work a prole job for a while? Warehouse work beneath him? Can't handle such chores are busing tables, flipping burgers, or stocking shelves? Might break a nail? So many places are hiring right now! Some even "urgently" according to the ads. Oh, but all those jobs are just beneath him.
Spoilers: no they aren't... you know when those jobs are beneath you because you're living off interest, and those jobs aren't beneath you until you are living off interest! Fuck man, it's how the game is played! Don't try to pretend the game doesn't have these systemic behaviors, because reality will grind you into proletarian dust.
You have to anticipate the boom-bust cycle, otherwise you go bust and can't realize the next boom. It's like clockwork so don't be surprised. Karl Marx told no lies about the systemic behavior of capitalism. Don't stick your head in the sand and pretend it isn't so because OMG socialism. It is so!
What are you going to do about it? Proletarian revolution? Abolish private accumulation?
lol, no you're not, because your primitive brains cannot construct an equitable culture. Your primitive brains cannot create a society that is not hierarchical and exploitative. You need kings, you need nobles, you need mercenaries, and you need peasants, and your primitive brains construct these roles as though they're inherent attributes of the person in the role. You struggle with the idea that these roles are external to the person and circumstantial in the capitalist era.
Hence your confusion about why your friend, who you (and he) thought was a noble, is living like a peasant.
(Score: 2) by PartTimeZombie on Tuesday September 29 2020, @10:46PM (2 children)
Oh ho! That is going to be an extremely unpopular opinion here. All those people who have never read The Communist Manifesto, or Das Kapital are going to be along shortly to tell you how Marx personally murdered 100 million people, because he didn't like their tie.
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Wednesday September 30 2020, @06:26AM (1 child)
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Wednesday September 30 2020, @06:39AM
As someone who's read too much Marx, I will now happily dive in with an actual response to:
>>> Karl Marx told no lies about the systemic behavior of capitalism.
My response being:
Bullshit. Marx discombobulated completely and utterly on that matter. He viewed capitalism as *necessarily* self-destructive, which is what made revolution *inevitable*. However, while retreating to purer philosophising for a while (as preparation for writing das kap) he did manage to prove to himself that this wasn't the case, but then the cognitive dissonance got too much, so he purged that sensibility from his brain and went back to plan A and proceeded to lie through his teeth.
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 30 2020, @02:33PM
To answer. He has tried to get a job at 60+y old. No young ass hat will hire him. "Too old" but they can't say that so they make up shit answers. He worked all is life and he has some land to rent. Better than most people whom squander their $ on shit like cell phones and hookers. Grow up ass. You'll be in that condition(old) one day. I just hope someone is there for you to fall back on when it hits the fan. If you die before then: well good ridens.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Tuesday September 29 2020, @05:53PM (5 children)
So, I'm a renting landowner and homeowner. The economy has crashed down around my ears, and 65 of my 100 tenants tell me that it is impossible to pay the rent. Half the other 35 are paying later and later. I kick them all out - and I'm still getting no rent for those units. Advertising is ineffective, no one has money to pay for rent. I lower my rent prices, repeatedly, and no one has the money, my units still sit idle.
Months (or years) later, the economy begins to recover, but now, despite the fact that some people have money, no one WANTS to live in my rental units, at any price. In fact, people are skulking around in the night, setting my rental units on fire!!
Damn, maybe I've screwed myself? Maybe I should have just left people alone, maybe even worked with them? The people living in a rental unit would have provided some degree of security and protection for my properties!!
“I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @06:01PM
Don't worry, its just the invisible hand telling you to get out of the market.
(Score: 2, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @07:15PM
I'm sorry your investment is not making money. Would you like some free money? Can't be letting you take the downside like that.
(Score: 2) by Tork on Tuesday September 29 2020, @07:22PM
Why didn't you anticipate this in May?
🏳️🌈 Proud Ally 🏳️🌈
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @10:25PM (1 child)
Yeeesh, nice propaganda piece you got there. LIVE IN FEAR YOU SUBURB DENIZENS ANTIFA IS COMING FOR YOUUUUUU!!!
Lol you wackjob
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 30 2020, @12:12AM
No Peace, Anywhere
(Score: 3, Funny) by Azuma Hazuki on Tuesday September 29 2020, @06:47PM (7 children)
tHe FrEe MaRkEt Is So MuCh MoRe EfFiCiEnT aNd FaIr! a RiSiNg TiDe FlOaTs AlL bOaTs!
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday September 29 2020, @07:03PM (5 children)
Losers in life support communism because you are jealous of what others have and you never will because you make bad decisions.
You are infantile and want others to solve all your adult problems for you--by stealing from others.
(Score: 2) by Tork on Tuesday September 29 2020, @10:36PM
🏳️🌈 Proud Ally 🏳️🌈
(Score: 3, Insightful) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday September 30 2020, @02:38AM (3 children)
Denmark, Finland, Sweden, and Norway are Communist now? That's news to me. Because *that's* what I support, a properly-regulated capitalism where money works for people and not the other way around. If you think that's Communism, you're a lost cause.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday September 30 2020, @05:59AM (1 child)
All of the countries you list have free market economies.
(Score: 3, Funny) by FatPhil on Wednesday September 30 2020, @06:54AM
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 2) by FatPhil on Wednesday September 30 2020, @06:52AM
I paid 44e for 4 x-rays, 3 consultations (5e for the lot), 2 crutches (24e), 1 leg brace (15e), and 1 ambulance ride this month. How dare you miss Estonia off that list!??!
The leg brace alone has a street price of 150e, so I might try to sell it for a net profit! ;-)
Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people; the smallest discuss themselves
(Score: 4, Insightful) by maxwell demon on Wednesday September 30 2020, @11:34AM
Sure, the rising tide floats all the boats. Bad luck for you if you can't afford a boat.
The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.