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posted by hubie on Saturday April 30 2022, @09:51AM   Printer-friendly

Humans possess surprising nutritional intelligence:

The international study, led by the University of Bristol (UK), set out to re-examine and test the widely-held view that humans evolved to favour energy dense foods and our diets are balanced simply by eating a variety of different foods. Contrary to this belief, its findings revealed people seem to have "nutritional wisdom," whereby foods are selected in part to meet our need for vitamins and minerals and avoid nutritional deficiencies.

Lead author Jeff Brunstrom, Professor of Experimental Psychology, said: "The results of our studies are hugely significant and rather surprising. For the first time in almost a century, we've shown humans are more sophisticated in their food choices, and appear to select based on specific micronutrients rather than simply eating everything and getting what they need by default."

The paper, published in the journal Appetite, gives renewed weight to bold research carried out in the 1930s by an American paediatrician, Dr Clara Davis, who put a group of 15 babies on a diet which allowed them to "self-select", in other words eat whatever they wanted, from 33 different food items. While no child ate the same combination of foods, they all achieved and maintained a good state of health, which was taken as evidence of "nutritional wisdom."

The study is also notable as it features an unusual collaboration. Professor Brunstrom's co-author is Mark Schatzker, a journalist and author, who is also the writer-in-residence at the Modern Diet and Physiology Research Center, affiliated with Yale University. [...]

Professor Brunstrom explained: "I watched Mark give a fascinating talk which challenged the received view among behavioural nutrition scientists that humans only really seek calories in food. He pointed out, for example, that fine wine, rare spices, and wild mushrooms are highly sought after but are a poor source of calories.

[...] Mark Schatzker added: "The research throws up important questions, especially in the modern food environment. For example, does our cultural fixation with fad diets, which limit or forbid consumption of certain types of foods, disrupt or disturb this dietary "intelligence" in ways we do not understand?"

[...] "Studies have shown animals use flavour as a guide to the vitamins and minerals they require. If flavour serves a similar role for humans, then we may be imbuing junk foods such as potato chips and fizzy drinks with a false 'sheen' of nutrition by adding flavourings to them. In other words, the food industry may be turning our nutritional wisdom against us, making us eat food we would normally avoid and thus contributing to the obesity epidemic."

Journal Reference:
Jeffrey M. Brunstrom and Mark Schatzker, Micronutrients and food choice: A case of 'nutritional wisdom' in humans?, Appetite, 174, 2022
DOI: 10.1016/j.appet.2022.106055

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  • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @11:26AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @11:26AM (#1240977)

    Don't swallow bullshit.

  • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @11:59AM (23 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @11:59AM (#1240978)

    What makes the choice intelligent when ordering a deep fried Mars bar and 2L Diet Coke?
    What Happy Meal choices led the human by flavor looking for macro nutrients?

    Maybe it is high time we hold junk food companies likes MacDonalds and Coke/Pepsi accountable for their misleading body tricking chemicals all to rob humans of their nutrients to enrich the rich?

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @12:27PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @12:27PM (#1240979)

      Just pop a multivitamin, it will be ok.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @12:39PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @12:39PM (#1240981)

        did you forget the <sarcasm> tag?

    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:06PM (18 children)

      by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:06PM (#1240984) Journal

      There is a presumption that healthy foods are available. If the only foods that Mom and Dad make available to kids are unhealthy, kids won't choose healthy foods.

      “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:17PM (4 children)

        by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:17PM (#1240985)

        Yep, that's more or less the problem. So much of what is being marketed deliberately abuses that to get people to eat more low quality food. Traditionally those tastes could be counted on, to some extent, to figure out what to eat, but now it's likely exactly wrong.

        This is one of the dangers with genetic engineering where you look at a food and it may not longer have the nutritional value that the body expects.

        • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @05:42AM (3 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @05:42AM (#1241162)

          This is one of the dangers with genetic engineering where you look at a food and it may not longer have the nutritional value that the body expects.

          [Citation needed]

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @07:46AM (1 child)

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @07:46AM (#1241170)

            it think if someone purposefully phrases a sentence to include "may" then you can go look for citations where the sun may not shine.

            adding "may" is like putting up a big neon sign, even bright and *blinking*, with arrow that screams "hypothesis".

            requiring citation for a " may" sentence is like flaunting your "think police" armband and warning not to think about stuff like that.

            you now may go away.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @12:16PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @12:16PM (#1241198)

              Perhaps for the uneducated. In this case it's because not all genetic engineering affects nutrition. Making a redder tomato has minimal impact on nutrition and making one that stays riper longer or requires less water may have no impact at all.

              The point is that when you start messing with the genetics of food it will negatively impact our ability to trust it body to know what to eat, it's just that not all genetic engineering changes the nutritional content of the food.

          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @12:12PM

            by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @12:12PM (#1241197)

            There's no citation needed unless you're a moron. Changing the nutritional content in food will screw this up. Only an idiot would think otherwise. It's the same issue as with highly processed foods, the nutritional content doesn't match the taste.

            Literally, the only reason for the qualifier is that some genetic engineering doesn't target nutritional content.

      • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Thexalon on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:19PM (12 children)

        by Thexalon (636) on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:19PM (#1240986)

        Also relevant here: If there's no way for mom & dad to get healthy foods, then the only foods the kids will have will be unhealthy. The phenomenon of food deserts [] where your choices of getting food are McD's, BK, Taco Bell, and a convenience store are very real.

        I'm not sure why this research is surprising though: If pre-industrial humans couldn't figure out how to get the right sort of nutrition for themselves, they'd get sick and die. Natural selection and all that.

        "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
        • (Score: 4, Interesting) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:39PM (7 children)

          by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 30 2022, @01:39PM (#1240990) Journal

          I've watched a few videos over the past couple years. Those 'food deserts' are entirely artificial, in that, grocery chains actually shut stores down, creating said deserts. Many of the deserts were properly served in recent years, others in less recent years. But, due to crime etc, stores were shut down, thereby creating the desert.

          Dollar General, however, seems to be making an effort to identify such deserts, and locating their stores in them.

          Which, is a little weird to me, because the local DGs around here do not carry fresh produce. The nearest thing to fresh produce is in the frozen foods section, where you can sometimes find packets of frozen vegetables. No fresh lettuce, celery, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

          I can't find that video now, but this article seems to support the idea - []

          And, of course, I can't say whether it's more bullshit and hype, or maybe DG actually is addressing the issue.

          We can most certainly condemn the major food chains for creating the deserts: Kroger, A&P, Piggly Wiggly, and all the rest. And, most definitely WalMart. As near as I can tell, WalMart never builds in the poor sections of any town, they much prefer shopping centers out near the city limits, sometimes outside city limits.

          “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
          • (Score: 2) by HiThere on Saturday April 30 2022, @02:03PM (2 children)

            by HiThere (866) on Saturday April 30 2022, @02:03PM (#1240993) Journal

            An additional factor, at least some places, is zoning regulations. Small operations can't get started.

            Javascript is what you use to allow unknown third parties to run software you have no idea about on your computer.
            • (Score: 5, Insightful) by Runaway1956 on Saturday April 30 2022, @02:37PM (1 child)

              by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 30 2022, @02:37PM (#1240997) Journal

              That poses an interesting question. Supposing I lived in one of those food deserts, and I wanted to invest in a grocery store, specifically addressing the status of 'food desert'. The zoning laws, as written, don't allow for a grocery store. How hard would it be to get an exception? I can imagine that in one town or city, the city council would readily agree to an exception it I just present my case to them. In another city, you might have to enlist the aid of a high profile lawyer. While, in yet another city, you will flatly be told "NO!" and no amount of lawyering will gain anything.

              Then, there is another barrier to entry. The major food distributors create barriers to creating accounts, and they may just refuse to serve Joe Schmuck's Local Grocery for one reason or another. Maybe the drivers don't want to go into a high crime area, for instance. Or, you can't meet a minimum account level. Or, you can't put $xx,xxx up for deposit. And, you, Joe Schmuck, can't create an entire food supply chain on your own, with only a million or two dollars at your disposal!

              “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:11PM

                by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:11PM (#1240999)

                There's no corruption quite like local corruption.

          • (Score: 5, Informative) by pTamok on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:31PM (1 child)

            by pTamok (3042) on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:31PM (#1241006)

            the local DGs around here do not carry fresh produce. The nearest thing to fresh produce is in the frozen foods section, where you can sometimes find packets of frozen vegetables. No fresh lettuce, celery, peppers, cucumbers, potatoes, tomatoes, etc.

            Fresh food logistics is a whole different ball game, so I can understand why they might not carry fresh produce if they are extremely cost conscious. On the other hand, under certain circumstances, some frozen vegetables actually have more vitamins than 'fresh' - frozen peas, for example, are way better than 'fresh' unshelled peas that have been in transit and storage for a week.

            BBC Future: Frozen, fresh or canned food: What’s more nutritious? []
            Food Chemistry, May 1998: A comparison of the vitamin C content of fresh and frozen vegetables []

            The hard thing is getting a decent range of frozen vegetables available.

            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @08:47PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @08:47PM (#1241281)

              I generally prefer frozen over fresh for most vegetables. I eat far more of them when I don't have to worry about eating then in the next few days. Same for no sugar added canned fruits and vegetables. They're often in better condition than the fresh stuff, just slightly less healthy.

              I can just buy a fair amount and eat whenever I want to.

          • (Score: 2) by Thexalon on Saturday April 30 2022, @04:04PM (1 child)

            by Thexalon (636) on Saturday April 30 2022, @04:04PM (#1241009)

            Walmart's major targets are rural areas where there is no other big box store around. That way, they don't really have to compete all that heavily on either price or quality, because nobody wants to travel an hour just to get groceries.

            So far, the best response I've seen to this problem is a push for community gardening, where locals turn any space they can into productive agricultural land that gives them just a bit of fresh food. In the kind of places you'd never expect to see it, among the kinds of people you might not expect to be farming, you'll find guys taking up a shovel and getting plants in the ground to feed their families. However, some places where I've seen that, the response from the city government is "Wait, we could buildings there. Get out of there, stupid gardeners!"

            "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
            • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @07:00PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @07:00PM (#1241042)

              The trouble with community gardens is the junkies that shit and piss and scatter junkie drug litter all over. The nearby garden to us has been overrun to point it is no longer safe.

        • (Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:03PM (3 children)

          by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:03PM (#1240998)

          >> The phenomenon of food deserts [] where your choices of getting food are McD's, BK, Taco Bell, and a convenience store are very real.

          Then the solution is simple: move out of the ghetto. Your food choices will improve and you're less likely to be bitten by a rat.

          • (Score: 2) by mhajicek on Saturday April 30 2022, @04:29PM (2 children)

            by mhajicek (51) on Saturday April 30 2022, @04:29PM (#1241012)

            So your answer is "Don't be poor."

            The spacelike surfaces of time foliations can have a cusp at the surface of discontinuity. - P. Hajicek
            • (Score: 1, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @07:18PM

              by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @07:18PM (#1241044)

              Yes, that's the solution to the world's povery problem.

            • (Score: 2) by Thexalon on Monday May 02 2022, @12:00PM

              by Thexalon (636) on Monday May 02 2022, @12:00PM (#1241396)

              Also, "don't be the sort of person real estate agents and rental companies won't even show places to in 'nice' neighborhoods".

              "Think of how stupid the average person is. Then realize half of 'em are stupider than that." - George Carlin
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @04:03PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @04:03PM (#1241221)

      The whole thing is a racket. The junk food companies make money from selling junk food. When you then get sick the pharmaceutical companies and medical system makes money from fixing what's wrong with you.

    • (Score: 2) by mcgrew on Sunday May 01 2022, @07:29PM

      by mcgrew (701) <> on Sunday May 01 2022, @07:29PM (#1241271) Homepage Journal

      It's not intelligence any more than eating because you're hungry is intelligent, and I seriously doubt we are the sole organism for which this is true. You know that feeling when you're standing at the refrigerator, hungry, but nothing sounds good? It means the nutrition your body needs isn't in the fridge.

      Not what I would call "intelligence". It's simple instinct that takes no thought whatever.

      A man legally forbidden from possessing a firearm is in charge of America's nuclear arsenal. Have a nice day.
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:22PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:22PM (#1241002)

    And the pregnant gf wants pickles and ice-cream.

  • (Score: 1) by pen-helm on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:27PM (1 child)

    by pen-helm (837) on Saturday April 30 2022, @03:27PM (#1241004) Homepage
    Lendon Smith [] believed your body could tell what vitamins it needed by smelling them. He is listed at QuackWatch [] though.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @05:53PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @05:53PM (#1241027)

      Nope... You get a craving for a particular vitamin when real food is lacking in your diet. Many times looking for an orange and heading for Vit C when there are none.

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @04:13PM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @04:13PM (#1241010)

    Humans eat when tummy empty. You don't need an international study from a bunch of University morons to discover this fact.
    WTF is a degree good for if you have to rediscover already known facts.

    • (Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @06:10PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @06:10PM (#1241030)

      Degrees help stupid people, such as yourself, become less stupid. Unless you go to one of those Christian Colleges, then you often become a little more educated and stupid.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @08:11PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @08:11PM (#1241053)

    Jew Talmud excerpts (the book that calls Christ's mother a whore & a bastard of a roman soldier):

    Yebamoth 98a: "All children of the goy are animals"

    Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age."

    Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

    Avodah Zarah 36b: "They decreed connection with a heathen child that it should cause defilement by seminal omission so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to commit PEDERASTY with him. It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen (non jew) girl from the age of 3 + 1 day for inasmuich as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. This is obvious"

    Avodah Zarah 37a: "R. Joseph said: Come and hear - a maiden aged 3 years and 1 day may be acquired in marriage by a coition (sex) and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her she becomes his"

    Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath KALNIDRA (what they recite on entry into day of atonement that for the next 12 months no oath they make to others MATTERS & can be broken) when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."

    Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."

    Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death."

    Yalhut 245c: "Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice" per [] (one HELL of an INFORMATIVE video that)

    Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death."

    Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

    Choschen Hamm 388, 15: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth."

    Choschen Hamm 266,1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people."

    Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

    Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b & Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

    Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

    Hadarine 20, B & Schulchan Aruch, Choszem Hamiszpat 34B & Gad. Shas. 2:2: "A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl."

    Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples."

    Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy."

    Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: "When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it."

    Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: "A Jew is forbidden to drink from a glass of wine which a Gentile has touched, because the touch has made the wine unclean."

    Nedarim 23b: "He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, 'Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null'. His vows are then invalid."

    Rosh Hashanah 17a: "Christians who reject the Talmud shall go to HELL and be punished there for all generations"

    (Like they said Jesus is in HELL boiling in SHIT (excrement) perhaps, per [] & where JEWS literally say "We killed Yeshua and are PROUD of it"?)

    Gittin 57a: "Jesus (Jashua) is in HELL boiling in hot excrement"

    In the BRIGHTEON link above, they show Jesus as a MONKEY being pounded by a hammer with nails into a cross mocking him.

    Zohar, Vuyshiah 177b: "Jews may cheat Goys over a bill" etc.

    Mas. Shabbath 32b: "On the house of the Goy one looks as on the fold of cattle"

    Baba Mazia 114b: "The Goyim are not humans. They are beasts"

    Choshem Ha'mishpat 425.50: "Everyone who sheds the blood of the NON-JEW (impious) is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God"

    Schulchan Oruch, Orach Chaim 14, 20, 32, 33, 39: "A Jew may do to an Non-JEWESS what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat"

    Midrasch Talpioth page 225 L: "The Jew is not permitted to consider the goyim as human beings"

    Mas Yevamoth 61b: "All JEWS will have a part in the future world The Goyim at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel DUMA and sent down to hell"

    * RACIST megalomaniacal murderous twisted THIEVES TO THE CORE - hey, THEY supplied that material above, not I...


    P.S.=> All I can say is "EAT SHIT Synagogue of SATAN" per John in REVELATIONS (where he states
    "those who say they are jews but are not" more or less in stating what they are in AshkeNAZI fake jews who follow the above set of rules from their "book of LAW")... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @08:42PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @08:42PM (#1241070)

    Jew Talmud excerpts (the book that calls Christ's mother a whore & a bastard of a roman soldier):

    Yebamoth 98a: "All children of the goy are animals"

    Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age."

    Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

    Avodah Zarah 36b: "They decreed connection with a heathen child that it should cause defilement by seminal omission so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to commit PEDERASTY with him. It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen (non jew) girl from the age of 3 + 1 day for inasmuich as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. This is obvious"

    Avodah Zarah 37a: "R. Joseph said: Come and hear - a maiden aged 3 years and 1 day may be acquired in marriage by a coition (sex) and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her she becomes his"

    Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath KALNIDRA (what they recite on entry into day of atonement that for the next 12 months no oath they make to others MATTERS & can be broken) when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."

    Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."

    Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death."

    Yalhut 245c: "Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice" per [] (one HELL of an INFORMATIVE video that)

    Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death."

    Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

    Choschen Hamm 388, 15: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth."

    Choschen Hamm 266,1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people."

    Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

    Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b & Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

    Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

    Hadarine 20, B & Schulchan Aruch, Choszem Hamiszpat 34B & Gad. Shas. 2:2: "A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl."

    Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples."

    Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy."

    Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: "When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it."

    Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: "A Jew is forbidden to drink from a glass of wine which a Gentile has touched, because the touch has made the wine unclean."

    Nedarim 23b: "He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, 'Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null'. His vows are then invalid."

    Rosh Hashanah 17a: "Christians who reject the Talmud shall go to HELL and be punished there for all generations"

    (Like they said Jesus is in HELL boiling in SHIT (excrement) perhaps, per [] & where JEWS literally say "We killed Yeshua and are PROUD of it"?)

    Gittin 57a: "Jesus (Jashua) is in HELL boiling in hot excrement"

    In the BRIGHTEON link above, they show Jesus as a MONKEY being pounded by a hammer with nails into a cross mocking him.

    Zohar, Vuyshiah 177b: "Jews may cheat Goys over a bill" etc.

    Mas. Shabbath 32b: "On the house of the Goy one looks as on the fold of cattle"

    Baba Mazia 114b: "The Goyim are not humans. They are beasts"

    Choshem Ha'mishpat 425.50: "Everyone who sheds the blood of the NON-JEW (impious) is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God"

    Schulchan Oruch, Orach Chaim 14, 20, 32, 33, 39: "A Jew may do to an Non-JEWESS what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat"

    Midrasch Talpioth page 225 L: "The Jew is not permitted to consider the goyim as human beings"

    Mas Yevamoth 61b: "All JEWS will have a part in the future world The Goyim at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel DUMA and sent down to hell"

    * RACIST megalomaniacal murderous twisted THIEVES TO THE CORE - hey, THEY supplied that material above, not I...


    P.S.=> All I can say is "EAT SHIT Synagogue of SATAN" per John in REVELATIONS (where he states
    "those who say they are jews but are not" more or less in stating what they are in AshkeNAZI fake jews who follow the above set of rules from their "book of LAW")... apk

  • (Score: 2) by inertnet on Saturday April 30 2022, @08:45PM

    by inertnet (4071) on Saturday April 30 2022, @08:45PM (#1241072) Journal

    I believe that pregnant women instinctively know what kind of food they should eat to improve their baby's health. When she was pregnant my wife 'ordered' some fruit that I had never heard of before (some kind of guava). I've witnessed similar things with other pregnant women, almost all of them had a craving for food that they'd probably rarely eat when not pregnant. As I'm convinced that evolution is likely the root of these cravings, my take is that you should always cater to them.

  • (Score: 3, Interesting) by istartedi on Saturday April 30 2022, @09:09PM (4 children)

    by istartedi (123) on Saturday April 30 2022, @09:09PM (#1241078) Journal

    We were taught about this in introductory psyche. Our prof referred to it as the "wisdom of the body" and that phrase may still be current? He related the story of a toddler who kept asking for salt and/or salty snacks to the point where his parents thought it was an immature game and refused to give him anything other than normal food. Tragically, the kid died because it turned out he had a rare condition that resulted in such a craving. I don't know what it was, and if a high salt diet was a long term treatment or a temporary fix, but the kid's body inherently *knew* that it needed an unusually high salt intake.

    Also in the same lesson, we learned that this "wisdom" is modified by culture and kind of ruined as you get older--e.g, you culturally learn that sugary foods are good, even though they're bad for you.

    Appended to the end of comments you post. Max: 120 chars.
    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @05:54AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday May 01 2022, @05:54AM (#1241163)

      Unless it comes from a fruit, all sugar is a drug. I've learned to start thinking of gummies as a drug. A delicious drug I do once every other week or so. Though usually when I get a gummy craving, an orange or apples or two will satisfy it. Gummies go straight to the gut. Multiply the calories on the bag by 2. But as far as I can tell, fruit just simply doesn't seem to have any net calories. Nature's candy is good for you and won't make you fat.

    • (Score: 2) by Immerman on Sunday May 01 2022, @10:48PM (2 children)

      by Immerman (3985) on Sunday May 01 2022, @10:48PM (#1241321)

      I suspect sugary foods are more a matter of super-stimulating a normal baseline craving evolved to encourage us to eat fruit and other such calorie-rich foods, back when fattening up enough to survive the lean times was an important survival trait. Obesity was a rare problem for our prehistoric (and pre-human) ancestors, so there was never any pressure to evolve a "that's enough" response. All calories were good calories, and sweets were a rich, transitory source to be gorged on when available.

      We haven't really had a bountiful civilization long enough to evolve much "body wisdom" for dealing with the excesses it makes possible. Meanwhile there's lots of money to be made by marketing to those hungers.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 02 2022, @01:52PM (1 child)

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday May 02 2022, @01:52PM (#1241419)

        The brain consumes a lot of energy and I suspect that our brains probably consume more energy now than before?

        • (Score: 2) by Immerman on Monday May 02 2022, @11:42PM

          by Immerman (3985) on Monday May 02 2022, @11:42PM (#1241660)

          I believe we've been biologically modern humans for ~50 (100?) thousand years.

          But they definitely consume more energy than our small-brained ancestors. I don't think that made much evolutionary difference on our love of sugar though - pretty much every animal will eat its fill of rich foods whenever possible. It's only with the advent of modern agriculture(and cheap sugar) that it was possible for most people to get too many calories in their diet - that used to be an indulgence that few but the uppermost classes could afford.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @09:39PM (1 child)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @09:39PM (#1241085)

    Jew Talmud excerpts (the book that calls Christ's mother a whore & a bastard of a roman soldier):

    Yebamoth 98a: "All children of the goy are animals"

    Yebhamoth 11b: "Sexual intercourse with a little girl is permitted if she is three years of age."

    Aboda Sarah 37a: "A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated."

    Avodah Zarah 36b: "They decreed connection with a heathen child that it should cause defilement by seminal omission so that an Israelite child should not become accustomed to commit PEDERASTY with him. It is therefore to be concluded that a heathen (non jew) girl from the age of 3 + 1 day for inasmuich as she is then capable of the sexual act she likewise defiles by a flux. This is obvious"

    Avodah Zarah 37a: "R. Joseph said: Come and hear - a maiden aged 3 years and 1 day may be acquired in marriage by a coition (sex) and if her deceased husband's brother cohabits with her she becomes his"

    Szaaloth-Utszabot, The Book of Jore Dia 17: "A Jew should and must make a false oath KALNIDRA (what they recite on entry into day of atonement that for the next 12 months no oath they make to others MATTERS & can be broken) when the Goyim asks if our books contain anything against them."

    Schabouth Hag. 6d: "Jews may swear falsely by use of subterfuge wording."

    Sanhedrin 59a: "A goy (Gentile) who pries into The Law (Talmud) is guilty of death."

    Yalhut 245c: "Extermination of the Christians is a necessary sacrifice" per [] (one HELL of an INFORMATIVE video that)

    Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Do not save Goyim in danger of death."

    Hilkkoth Akum X1: "Show no mercy to the Goyim."

    Choschen Hamm 388, 15: "If it can be proven that someone has given the money of Israelites to the Goyim, a way must be found after prudent consideration to wipe him off the face of the earth."

    Choschen Hamm 266,1: "A Jew may keep anything he finds which belongs to the Akum (Gentile). For he who returns lost property (to Gentiles) sins against the Law by increasing the power of the transgressors of the Law. It is praiseworthy, however, to return lost property if it is done to honor the name of God, namely, if by so doing, Christians will praise the Jews and look upon them as honorable people."

    Baba Necia 114, 6: "The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not human beings but beasts."

    Zohar, Toldoth Noah 63b & Simeon Haddarsen, fol. 56-D: "When the Messiah comes every Jew will have 2800 slaves."

    Nidrasch Talpioth, p. 225-L: "Jehovah created the non-Jew in human form so that the Jew would not have to be served by beasts. The non-Jew is consequently an animal in human form, and condemned to serve the Jew day and night."

    Hadarine 20, B & Schulchan Aruch, Choszem Hamiszpat 34B & Gad. Shas. 2:2: "A Jew may violate but not marry a non-Jewish girl."

    Tosefta. Aboda Zara B, 5: "If a goy kills a goy or a Jew, he is responsible; but if a Jew kills a goy, he is NOT responsible."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 388: "It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator everywhere. It is permitted to kill him even before he denounces."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 348: "All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which, consequently, is entitled to seize upon it without any scruples."

    Tosefta, Abda Zara VIII, 5: "How to interpret the word 'robbery.' A goy is forbidden to steal, rob, or take women slaves, etc., from a goy or from a Jew. But a Jew is NOT forbidden to do all this to a goy."

    Seph. Jp., 92, 1: "God has given the Jews power over the possessions and blood of all nations."

    Schulchan Aruch, Choszen Hamiszpat 156: "When a Jew has a Gentile in his clutches, another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money and in turn deceive him, so that the Gentile shall be ruined. For the property of a Gentile, according to our law, belongs to no one, and the first Jew that passes has full right to seize it."

    Schulchan Aruch, Johre Deah, 122: "A Jew is forbidden to drink from a glass of wine which a Gentile has touched, because the touch has made the wine unclean."

    Nedarim 23b: "He who desires that none of his vows made during the year be valid, let him stand at the beginning of the year and declare, 'Every vow which I may make in the future shall be null'. His vows are then invalid."

    Rosh Hashanah 17a: "Christians who reject the Talmud shall go to HELL and be punished there for all generations"

    (Like they said Jesus is in HELL boiling in SHIT (excrement) perhaps, per [] & where JEWS literally say "We killed Yeshua and are PROUD of it"?)

    Gittin 57a: "Jesus (Jashua) is in HELL boiling in hot excrement"

    In the BRIGHTEON link above, they show Jesus as a MONKEY being pounded by a hammer with nails into a cross mocking him.

    Zohar, Vuyshiah 177b: "Jews may cheat Goys over a bill" etc.

    Mas. Shabbath 32b: "On the house of the Goy one looks as on the fold of cattle"

    Baba Mazia 114b: "The Goyim are not humans. They are beasts"

    Choshem Ha'mishpat 425.50: "Everyone who sheds the blood of the NON-JEW (impious) is as acceptable to God as he who offers a sacrifice to God"

    Schulchan Oruch, Orach Chaim 14, 20, 32, 33, 39: "A Jew may do to an Non-JEWESS what he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat"

    Midrasch Talpioth page 225 L: "The Jew is not permitted to consider the goyim as human beings"

    Mas Yevamoth 61b: "All JEWS will have a part in the future world The Goyim at the end of the world will be handed over to the angel DUMA and sent down to hell"

    * RACIST megalomaniacal murderous twisted THIEVES TO THE CORE - hey, THEY supplied that material above, not I...


    P.S.=> All I can say is "EAT SHIT Synagogue of SATAN" per John in REVELATIONS (where he states
    "those who say they are jews but are not" more or less in stating what they are in AshkeNAZI fake jews who follow the above set of rules from their "book of LAW")... apk

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @10:22PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 30 2022, @10:22PM (#1241098)

      Even funnier when you reply to your own spam like a sycophant. Take yer meds!
