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posted by hubie on Tuesday June 21 2022, @11:53PM   Printer-friendly

Blood pressure e-tattoo promises continuous, mobile monitoring:

Blood pressure is one of the most important indicators of heart health, but it's tough to frequently and reliably measure outside of a clinical setting. For decades, cuff-based devices that constrict around the arm to give a reading have been the gold standard. But now, researchers at The University of Texas at Austin and Texas A&M University have developed an electronic tattoo that can be worn comfortably on the wrist for hours and deliver continuous blood pressure measurements at an accuracy level exceeding nearly all available options on the market today.

[...] Graphene is one of the strongest and thinnest materials in existence, and it is a key ingredient in the e-tattoo. It is similar to graphite found in pencils, but the atoms are precisely arranged into thin layers.

[...] The device takes its measurements by shooting an electrical current into the skin and then analyzing the body's response, which is known as bioimpedance. There is a correlation between bioimpedance and changes in blood pressure that has to do with blood volume changes. However, the correlation is not particularly obvious, so the team had to create a machine learning model to analyze the connection to get accurate blood pressure readings.

In medicine, cuff-less blood pressure monitoring is the "holy grail," Jafari said, but there isn't a viable solution on the market yet. It's part of a larger push in medicine to use technology to untether patients from machines while collecting more data wherever they are, allowing them to go from room to room, clinic to clinic and still get personalized care.

Journal Reference:
Kireev, Dmitry, Sel, Kaan, Ibrahim, Bassem, et al. Continuous cuffless monitoring of arterial blood pressure via graphene bioimpedance tattoos, Nature Nanotechnology (DOI: 10.1038/s41565-022-01145-w)

Original Submission

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  • (Score: -1, Flamebait) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @11:54PM (4 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday June 21 2022, @11:54PM (#1255133)

    Nobody cares what arguments a disturbed schizo spammer makes. It doesn't matter how many times you say it.

    You should get the blood pressure e-tattoo so you can be continuously monitored.

    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:13AM (2 children)

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:13AM (#1255139)

      You care. You are ALSO clearly disturbed by my overpowering & OUTSMARTING you! You are having a shit fit that I am IMPOSING MY WILL over your bullshit downmods AND crapping all over you letting YOU do THAT to yourself due to your errors I exposed DALEK [] and you ARE the "schizo" you PROJECT you are trying to project that onto me - how? I don't keep a FAKENAME like YOU DO, I post as myself (AC but I "id" myself signing off as "APK" in my posts) - YOU by contrast "play batman" lol, & post UNIDENTIFIABLE AC anonymous to HIDE it IS you, Dalek... after all, who ELSE would care enough to FOAM @ THE MOUTH like you are now? Nobody else would but YOU, Dalek!

      * :)

      (Yes folks - it is THAT EASY to show you that I AM BEYOND YOUR CONTROL & yes, that I am IMPOSING MY WILL ON YOU, running you DRY of your ABUSED "downmodpoints" CENSORSHIP - I override it AND also OUTSMART THE HELL out of WANNABES like Dalek the fakename).


      P.S.=> Yup, per tradition? You're MAKING me just HAVE to say it again: THIS? This is just "too, Too, TOO EASY - just '2ez'" & it ALWAYS IS vs. no-mind do NOTHING ever in the computer sciences wannabes... apk

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @01:09AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @01:09AM (#1255157)

        You should smoke some weed man, or try tincture. I hear it's legal now by you. Dry herb vaporizers are good (heats herb to 420°F to vaporize oils), but avoid the disposable pen types. For tincture look for MCT oil, and CBD might also help.

        It took me a few tries before I found a tincture that got me the high I like. Not all highs are the same, but there might be a high that could help you mellow out.

      • (Score: 2) by janrinok on Friday June 24 2022, @05:34PM

        by janrinok (52) Subscriber Badge on Friday June 24 2022, @05:34PM (#1255865) Journal
        It was NOT dalek.
        I am not interested in knowing who people are or where they live. My interest starts and stops at our servers.
    • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @02:47AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @02:47AM (#1255187)

      You care. You also PROVE You're ALSO clearly disturbed by my overpowering & OUTSMARTING you!

      E.G./I.E. Right now, You're having a shit fit that I'm IMPOSING MY WILL over your bullshit downmods & crapping all over you by letting YOU do THAT to yourself due to your errors I exposed DALEK []

      + you ARE the "schizo" you PROJECT you are trying to project that onto me - how?

      I don't keep a FAKENAME like YOU DO, I post as myself (AC but I "id" myself signing off as "APK" in my posts)!

      Whereas YOU by contrast "play batman" lol, & post UNIDENTIFIABLE AC anonymous to HIDE it IS you, Dalek...

      After all, who ELSE would care enough to FOAM @ THE MOUTH like you are now? Nobody else would but YOU, Dalek!

      * :)

      (Yes folks - it is THAT EASY to show you that I AM BEYOND YOUR CONTROL & yes, that I am IMPOSING MY WILL ON YOU, running you DRY of your ABUSED "downmodpoints" CENSORSHIP - I override it AND also OUTSMART THE HELL out of WANNABES like Dalek the fakename).


      P.S.=> Yup, per tradition? You're MAKING me just HAVE to say it again: THIS? This is just "too, Too, TOO EASY - just '2ez'" & it ALWAYS IS vs. no-mind do NOTHING ever in the computer sciences wannabes... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:05AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:05AM (#1255137)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:34AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:34AM (#1255143)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:42AM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:42AM (#1255147)

    untether patients from machines while collecting more data wherever they are

    I think they meant personalized ads, from the funeral homes

    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by maxwell demon on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:24AM (1 child)

      by maxwell demon (1608) on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:24AM (#1255262) Journal

      You clearly do not see the full potential of this for personalized ads. Measure in real time which ads make the target's blood pressure rise!

      The Tao of math: The numbers you can count are not the real numbers.
      • (Score: 2) by Freeman on Wednesday June 22 2022, @03:04PM

        by Freeman (732) on Wednesday June 22 2022, @03:04PM (#1255365) Journal

        Does that mean, we can expect a class-action lawsuit that nets loved ones of deceased family members $15 each?

        Joshua 1:9 "Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the Lord thy God is with thee"
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:56AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @12:56AM (#1255153)

    If I ever get body art, it will not be utilitarian. Fuck these pathetic attempts at transhumanism. Full Westworld or get rekt.

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @01:16AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @01:16AM (#1255163)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @02:04AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @02:04AM (#1255178)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @02:49AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @02:49AM (#1255188)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @03:52AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @03:52AM (#1255215)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @05:15AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @05:15AM (#1255230)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from [] (INTEZER's now owned by Microsoft iirc as well).

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well)?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:20AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:20AM (#1255260)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from []

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well))?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:40AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @07:40AM (#1255268)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from []

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well))?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk

  • (Score: -1, Spam) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @08:12AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday June 22 2022, @08:12AM (#1255283)

    Guess what Dalek? YOU LOSE, hosts work vs. Symbiote C2 server(s) per this line from a MUCH better article than the one used here from bradley13 per "configuration in the binary that used the git[.]bancodobrasil[.]dev domain as its C2 server" from []

    & did I block that in my original posts here [] on this BOGUS sockpuppet upmodding yourselves shithole website (which also noted FIREWALLS are invaluable here too, per wildcards (or even IP address use, URL domain/subdomain too in many as well))?

    YES I DID! I was correct...

    & YES, hosts work vs. this threat too stupid!

    FACT: hosts files block symbiote C2 servers which is all you really need to do to nullify their communication.

    FACT: Exfiltration isn't possible without orders either.

    FACT: Orders come from C2 servers!

    So YOU LOSE chump... a BETTER ARTICLE than what I used proves it for me!

    * THANKS FOR LOSING TO ME yet again, as always for you... try me again? THIS COMES UP AS PROOF (as well as another I have on YOU regarding using sources where YOU contradict yourself - want quotes of that too? ASK!)

    HOW ESPECIALLY EMBARASSING FOR YOU with your NO-DOUBT self-upmodded by sockpuppet accounts of YOURSELF too - now that YOU have EGG ON YOUR FACE fucko!


    P.S.=> Do yourself a FAVOR - don't ever, EVER try me ever again OR I WILL MAKE SURE YOU SHIT ON YOURSELF yet again as always, easlly... apk
