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posted by hubie on Sunday September 29, @05:51PM   Printer-friendly

Just in time for spooky season:

If you're thinking of going down the unconventional route for this year's Halloween costume, we've got just the inspiration for you: a brand-new species of chimaera, better known as a ghost shark or spookfish.

Scientists discovered the new species, which goes by the scientific name Harriotta aviaavia meaning "grandmother" in Latin, in honor of study author Dr Brit Finucci's grandmother – and the common name Australasian Narrow-nosed Spookfish, off the coast of New Zealand and Australia.

This region is no stranger to ghost sharks – the study describing the new species dubs it "a global diversity [hotspot] for chimaeroids" – but it was previously thought that this particular species wasn't actually its own species at all. Instead, it was believed to be a variant of another species, Harriotta raleighana, which is found across the globe.

But with the help of genetics and a closer inspection of its morphology, the researchers were able to identify H. avia as a species in its own right.

"Harriotta avia is unique due to its elongated, narrow and depressed snout; long, slender trunk; large eyes; and very long, broad pectoral fins," said Finucci in a statement. "It is a lovely chocolate brown colour."

[...] "Ghost sharks like this one are largely confined to the ocean floor, living in depths of up to 2,600 [meters] [8530 feet]," said Finucci. The level of pressure to be found at such depths isn't exactly human-friendly.

"Their habitat makes them hard to study and monitor, meaning we don't know a lot about their biology or threat status, but it makes discoveries like this even more exciting," Finucci explained.

What we do know is that, despite the nickname, ghost sharks aren't actually sharks at all. Whilst the two groups are still related to each other, it's thought that they diverged from one another other nearly 400 million years ago. Both remained cartilaginous, but ghost sharks have wound up with several physical differences from their relatives.

Journal Reference:
Finucci, Brittany, Didier, Dominique, Ebert, David A., et al. Harriotta avia sp. nov. – a new rhinochimaerid (Chimaeriformes: Rhinochimaeridae) described from the Southwest Pacific, Environmental Biology of Fishes (DOI: 10.1007/s10641-024-01577-4)

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 29, @05:56PM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 29, @05:56PM (#1375003)

    "It is a lovely chocolate brown colour."

    Hmmm... Should I object?

    • (Score: 2, Funny) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 29, @06:10PM (1 child)

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 29, @06:10PM (#1375007)

      Are you suggesting that chocolate brown is not a lovely color? Oh, I see where you are going there. Spookfish was not named by some US southern cracker. The word spook is used around the world, without any racial connotations. Check your progressive sensitivities at the door please.

      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 29, @06:43PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Sunday September 29, @06:43PM (#1375012)

        Oh please! Lighten up, Francis!

        Jeeze, can't even make fun of bigots anymore without a bunch of snowflakes getting their panties all twisted up into a knot!

  • (Score: 4, Interesting) by SomeGuy on Sunday September 29, @06:47PM

    by SomeGuy (5632) on Sunday September 29, @06:47PM (#1375014)

    "Just in time for spooky season:" which isn't for another month. But who could tell? Walmart already has their Crapmass crap out!

    Because Halloween and Thanksgiving don't sell enough merch.

  • (Score: 2) by Tokolosh on Monday September 30, @07:34PM

    by Tokolosh (585) on Monday September 30, @07:34PM (#1375155)

    Scientists announce these sharks are severly threatened by humans and are in danger of imminent extinction. Therefore we must all give up nice things straightway.
