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posted by janrinok on Tuesday October 08, @05:47AM   Printer-friendly
from the still-not-taken-seriously dept.

Comcast confirms 237K affected in feisty breach notification:

Between February 14 and February 26, 2024, FBCS [Financial Business and Consumer Solutions] experienced a cyberattack where someone unauthorized got into their computer network and took some data. Comcast told customers about this in a letter, saying that customer information might have been taken during this time. Another company, CF Medical, also had a similar situation where customer data was accessed by a cybercriminal in July and they notified their customers too.

However, that changed in July, when the collections outfit got in touch again to say that, actually, the Comcast subscriber data it held had been pilfered.

Among the data types stolen were names, addresses, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and the Comcast account numbers and ID numbers used internally at FBCS. The data pertains to those registered as customers at "around 2021." Comcast stopped using FBCS for debt collection services in 2020.

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 11, @01:17PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Friday October 11, @01:17PM (#1376555)


    Among the data types stolen were names, addresses, Social Security numbers, dates of birth, and the Comcast account numbers and ID numbers used internally at FBCS.

    Hang on a sec there Comcast. Why in the fuck are you collecting social security numbers?
