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Breaking News
posted by takyon on Sunday June 12 2016, @06:00PM   Printer-friendly

A suspected Islamic terrorist opened fire at a gay nightclub in Florida, killing 50 people and wounding another 53 before he was killed by police. While authorities continue to investigate to determine whether this man had ties to ISIS, the terror organization has not been quiet in praising the attack. This comes three days after ISIS announced they would attack somewhere in Florida. Today's attack marks the largest act of terrorism on US soil since 9/11.

takyon: The gunman reportedly called 911 emergency services to pledge allegiance to ISIS. The President will hold a briefing momentarily. Compare this article to the original submission.

Original Submission   Late submission by physicsmajor

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  • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Monday June 13 2016, @01:17AM

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday June 13 2016, @01:17AM (#359012) Journal

    Frojack - you seem to miss the fact that he was employed as a security guard. I caught that among the earlier news stories. Ahhhhh - "security guard at the courthouse in Port St. Lucie, Florida." A government approved, government employed security guard.

    The unwise progressives who would see guns banned for everyone except law enforcement would have authorized this scumbag to have weapons anyway.

    THE POLICE ARE JUST PEOPLE who suffer from all the mental illnesses, political agendas, petty hatreds, and foibles that all the rest of the population suffers from!

    Maybe the headline should be changed to "Goverment Employee with ISIS ties guns down over 100 gays".

    “I have become friends with many school shooters” - Tampon Tim Walz
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 2) by frojack on Monday June 13 2016, @03:28AM

    by frojack (1554) on Monday June 13 2016, @03:28AM (#359106) Journal

    Frojack - you seem to miss the fact that he was employed as a security guard.

    Pretty sure I mentioned that in the VERY post to which you replied.
    His most recent employment was with a youth detention center, he worked for a private security company that has contracts in three states.

    No, you are mistaken. I've always had this sig.