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Breaking News
posted by takyon on Sunday June 12 2016, @06:00PM   Printer-friendly

A suspected Islamic terrorist opened fire at a gay nightclub in Florida, killing 50 people and wounding another 53 before he was killed by police. While authorities continue to investigate to determine whether this man had ties to ISIS, the terror organization has not been quiet in praising the attack. This comes three days after ISIS announced they would attack somewhere in Florida. Today's attack marks the largest act of terrorism on US soil since 9/11.

takyon: The gunman reportedly called 911 emergency services to pledge allegiance to ISIS. The President will hold a briefing momentarily. Compare this article to the original submission.

Original Submission   Late submission by physicsmajor

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  • (Score: 1, Flamebait) by Runaway1956 on Monday June 13 2016, @04:31AM

    by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday June 13 2016, @04:31AM (#359153) Journal

    I'm an American. I have that right.

    A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   -1  
       Flamebait=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Flamebait' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   1  
  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @04:42AM

    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @04:42AM (#359161)
    Me too, then. Idiot.
    • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Monday June 13 2016, @04:52AM

      by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday June 13 2016, @04:52AM (#359164) Journal

      The difference between us is, you seem to give a damn that I might be "offended". Me? I don't give a rat's ass that you might be offended. I don't even care enough about you to try to offend you. I realize that those of you who wish to be offended would be offended even if I offered praise and flattery, so it just doesn't matter.

      Now, if you don't mind, I'll just keep on being offended that muslims are free to walk about in my country, gunning down people they disapprove of. It's my right to shoot my fellow Americans, he has no such right.

      Oh yeah - did you read this link, posted by frojack? []

      This dirtball Muslim had been talking about killing faggots for YEARS, but he was given a free pass because he's a Muzzie.

      Geez, I wonder if that offends you?

      A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @05:56AM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @05:56AM (#359180)
        So... according to you he did target a specific group, so it really wasn't about gun-free zones then. Okily dokily.
        • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Monday June 13 2016, @06:16AM

          by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday June 13 2016, @06:16AM (#359192) Journal

          What does that mean, exactly? Profiling works, doesn't it? We got an immigrant raghead who runs at the mouth about hating queers, and even talks about killing them - and he's given a free pass. His employer, the FBI, and God knows who else gave him a pass. This is liberal tolerance, at it's worst.

          A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
          • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @06:26AM

            by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @06:26AM (#359196)
            Let's move dem goalposts away from the gun-free-zone topic that you started, no matter how silly you sound in transit. 'Profilin caught me a raghead! Hyuck.'
            • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Monday June 13 2016, @07:04AM

              by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday June 13 2016, @07:04AM (#359210) Journal

              This is life, Gomer. There aren't any goalposts, unless you consider your tombstone to be a goal post. While you philosophize about goal posts, some Muzzie is planning another attack on Christians, Americans, gays, infidels, or even his own fellow Muslims because they don't worship in some precise method of worship.

              A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
              • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @07:27AM

                by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @07:27AM (#359221)
                In other words: The gun-free zone sign doesn't matter. Thank you.
                • (Score: 2) by Runaway1956 on Monday June 13 2016, @08:40AM

                  by Runaway1956 (2926) Subscriber Badge on Monday June 13 2016, @08:40AM (#359253) Journal

                  You've not been paying attention, have you? Remember Sandy Hook? The gun-free sign DID NOT MATTER!! How many, 20 kids, dead because idiots thought a stupid assed sign mattered. Another idiot proved them dead wrong.

                  A MAN Just Won a Gold Medal for Punching a Woman in the Face
                  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @11:42AM

                    by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @11:42AM (#359304)
                    "Quick, drag the goal posts all the way over to Sandy Hook!". When you remember the statement you made that kicked this line of discussion off you're going to wish SN was the sort of site that allows editing of posts.
            • (Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Monday June 13 2016, @07:08AM

              by Azuma Hazuki (5086) on Monday June 13 2016, @07:08AM (#359212) Journal

              I love watching people like him have a meltdown when people like you back them into a corner and point out their complete dysfunctional hypocrisy! It's like watching a very large toddler inching closer and closer to a massive, red-faced, floor-pounding temper tantrum. The worst part, though, is they expect everyone else to be dumb enough to mistake their macho posturing for anything approaching common sense, civility, or self-control.

              I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
              • (Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @07:43AM

                by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @07:43AM (#359234)
                Thank you. What I enjoy most is watching how their lack of internal cohesion compromises the principles they claim they hold. I'm counting two big ones so far.
      • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @05:28PM

        by Anonymous Coward on Monday June 13 2016, @05:28PM (#359462)

        I'll just keep on being offended that muslims are free to walk about in my country, gunning down people they disapprove of. It's my right to shoot my fellow Americans, he has no such right.

        So how long do we have to wait till it's your turn to be the wackjob in the news gunning down Americans? This time for being muzzies instead of faggots.

        How different really are you from him?