And the winner of the 2016 U.S. Presidential election, as reported by the major mainstream media outlets is Donald Trump. It has also been reported that Hillary Clinton called President-elect Donald Trump to concede.
Electoral vote count (so far): 279 for Donald Trump, 218 for Hillary Clinton. 270 electoral votes are needed to win.
Popular vote: 57,227,164 votes (48.0%) for Donald Trump, 56,279,305 votes (47.2%) for Hillary Clinton. Update: Now it is closer to 59,085,795 votes (47.5%) for Donald Trump and 59,236,903 votes (47.6%) for Hillary Clinton.
Yell, scream, gnash teeth... but please keep it civil.
Results at CNN, NYT, FiveThirtyEight, Wikipedia.
takyon: Republicans have retained control of the House and Senate.
Here's some market news:
Dow futures plunge nearly 750 points as investors warily eye electoral map
Asian markets plummet on likelihood of Trump victory
Bitcoin price soars as Trump pulls ahead
Opinion: How to profit from a Donald Trump victory
Ballot measure results will be covered in an upcoming story. Some initial results can be found at Ballotpedia and CNN.
[TMB Note: Stop breaking stuff, cmn32480]
(Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Wednesday November 09 2016, @03:50PM
Azuma, that is such an apt summation of yesterday. I wish to god that the DNC had people with your insight informing their strategy. If they had they would never have gone along with Hillary.
We know now that there is no place in the Democratic Party for insight such as yours. And, no, the Green Party and the Libertarians are not alternatives. I wish there was a rebirth of the Progressive Party/Bull Moose Party to carry the banner of common sense, populist policy in America.
Washington DC delenda est.
(Score: 2) by Azuma Hazuki on Wednesday November 09 2016, @05:31PM
It may happen but not for another half decade at least. This country is basically a drug addict who just hit rock bottom.
What really scares me is that I've seen this pattern play out over and over and over again throughout history, and it never ends well for the poor and minorities. History textbooks only talk about the major players in events like this; they never tell the truth, that "history" in reality is largely a record of hideous human suffering caused by ego, greed, and stupidity.
We had an article on this site not too long ago analyzing how the Demcoratic party lost its soul. This outcome is *precisely* what the party deserves, and under better circumstances I would be cheering. But what actually happened here is that the fascists, Dominionists, and corporatists took advantage -- AGAIN! -- of the sufferin, angry poor to seize power. All those Trump voters are going to be in for several nasty shocks in a row.
Personally, I am not sure I will survive much longer. I'm taking the early steps of fleeing this country, but no one says there will be a job waiting for me wherever I go. And the entire world's major centers of civilization are potentially in danger. I am considering "teach English in Japan" for obvious reasons, but...if China gets pissy, all that will end up doing for me is getting me vaporized by a nuclear bomb. Ditto going to South Korea.
I am "that girl" your mother warned you about...
(Score: 2) by Phoenix666 on Wednesday November 09 2016, @06:01PM
I don't know that any of us can say any different. Good luck in the effort. We have friends who have been hiding out in Japan since W. Bush's second term. You too could do as well.
Washington DC delenda est.