A gunman fired upon thousands of people attending a music festival on the Las Vegas Strip Sunday night, in a brutal attack that is blamed for at least 58 deaths, police say. In the mass shooting and panic that ensued, 515 people were injured. At least one of the dead is an off-duty police officer who was attending the concert.
Editorializing: Interesting how media always emphasize ISLAMIC terrorists, but downplay domestic terrorism as psychologically disturbed individual lone-wolfs.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @04:39AM (12 children)
Wow, what a bummer! Well, there's still some good news.
A lot of that hardware of yours still has significant monetary value. Due of your own actions that caused damage to other persons and property, after witnesses have sworn out verifiable criminal complaints against your person and an investigation has confirmed the claims, you will be secured until the end of your trial. Assuming everything you claim is verified by the courts, your assets will be seized and auctioned off with the proceeds going to your victims as restitution in the best attempt we have at making your victims whole.
A shame you confused mere power with authority like so many criminals before you, but the media is going to sell a lot of papers regarding your criminal actions, those who may be on track to follow your footsteps will likely check themselves, and apartment owners will be putting up some geiger counters. If you'd just built a proper ammo dump like I'd suggested, along with enough of the implied land that you wouldn't be knocking elbows with your neighbors, nothing bad would have come of it.
Oh, right, and you'd have had to not be a murderous thug, which is the only real problem with the scenario you detail.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @05:52AM (11 children)
Oh, I see. You're one of those librul freaks who pretends to be a *real* American, but shits on the Constitution every chance you get.
I was perfectly happy to protect my neighbors from being rounded up and shipped to the FEMA concentration camps, to make room for the Muslims. I made sure that the evil government couldn't just come in here and manhandle my fellow Americans.
I made sure they knew what was going on and how I was going to keep them safe from those ISIS-loving bureaucrats in Washington. And sure enough, a couple days later, a bunch of left-wing commies from DC came to try to take the weapons I have a god-given right to own.
I made sure those evil ATF guys understood the depth of their mistake.
And just because a few people got hurt, there's all kinds of other folks out there right now who need a lesson to be taught [youtube.com]. And I'm just the guy to learn 'em!
I know what's right. Alex, Rush and Steve set me straight, and no librul government apologist like you will stop me from helping our beloved President from making America great again!
Go back to your coffee klatsches and subversive antifa meetings, you worthless lefty scum.. It's you people and the violence you do to all of us that's forcing our hands.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @06:25AM (10 children)
The moment your actions trespass on the person or property of any other, you are a criminal. Guns or lack thereof do not affect that principle.
Note that, in a land of truly free people, the first time you blew up someone else's car, you'd have been called out to answer for it. If you'd decided to escalate with force, you'd have been justly killed in self-defense, regardless of the size of your arsenal. There are no Rambos, even if there are a LOT of well-armed deer hunters, firearms enthusiasts, and freedom fanatics out there in flyover country.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @07:08AM (9 children)
Tell that to Stephen Paddock's victims. I'm sure that will make (well, at least the ones who survived) them feel much better.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @07:19AM (8 children)
So what's your point? From the initial reports, the murderer is dead, and only took so long in getting that way because there weren't enough armed persons around early enough to stop the murderer sooner - just as I'd mentioned your neighbors would be prepared to do to you when you first blew up a car that wasn't yours.
(Score: 5, Insightful) by bob_super on Tuesday October 03 2017, @08:11AM (4 children)
> only took so long in getting that way because there weren't enough armed persons around early enough to stop the murderer sooner
Totally looking forward to a crowd of concert goers shooting back at the mandalay bay from a couple hundred yards away at night. Even if half are actually sober, you'd run out of ambulances, maybe set fire to the hotel while killing innocents in their beds, and the cops would have no clue who's on which side.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @08:47AM (3 children)
Apparently the very idea of someone being armed next door to a hotel room where automatic gunfire erupts out of nowhere never even crossed your mind. (Doesn't surprise me, as it appears rather narrow.)
That's effectively what happened, but with the additional time for the police to drive over to the hotel, then sort out the exact room all the racket was coming from, etc.
(Score: 2) by bob_super on Tuesday October 03 2017, @04:31PM (2 children)
I believe CNN mentioned that the guy shot at the cops in the hotel before committing suicide.
How many brave heroes are going to burst through a hotel door with their carry toy, when an unknown amount of people inside are continuously shooting with automatic weapons?
Seriously... Stop watching Hollywood movies, people.
(Score: -1, Troll) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @09:08PM (1 child)
Simply because you yourself are a sniveling coward, who considers being mugged and left physically unharmed as "civilized", by no means requires other manlier men to share your "qualities".
(Score: 0, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @10:52PM
Calling bob a sniveling coward would have looked less like a random ad hominem and more like the exposing of his tendency to project if I'd have remembered to include a link to the post he declared himself as such [soylentnews.org].
(Score: 1, Insightful) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @03:38PM (2 children)
You're either being deliberately obtuse or are really clueless.
Stephen Paddock was the Rambo you say doesn't exist. And rather than supporting your argument, you double down and say that if only we had more Rambos, things would be much better.
So which is it? Those are contradictory statements:
You seem to vacillate, using whatever you can to try to justify your own beliefs. These folks are trust worthy and *never* use firearms inappropriately! But if they did, we need *more* armed folks (possibly impaired by alcohol or other substances) to shoot up a hotel with thousands of guests. What's more, these "responsible folks should be carrying their firearms (preferably with scopes and the like) on their person in an urban area to go see a concert.
No Rambos or more Rambos? Which is it? You should try to keep things straight, friend.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @09:11PM (1 child)
You are trying to make the case that 1 > 1. You're obviously false.
The murderer is no Rambo. He was one man, and he is now dead because other armed men came for him. Whether or not he chose to kill himself before the actual confrontation with armed men is beside the point - had there been no threat of armed men running at him, the murderer would have had no reason to kill himself if he could kill any who opposed him. He couldn't, he knew it, and if he indeed killed himself, that is the likely reason.
Still no Rambos.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday October 03 2017, @11:00PM
To clarify, in the titular movies [imdb.com], Rambo does not die. John Rambo kills a lot of people, usually using guns, and lives on.
"There are no Rambos" is an acknowledgement that all humans are mortal, that sane humans acknowledge that fact, and that carrying firearms around does not change that fact. What firearms do provide is a means to turn a squishy, fragile human into a dangerous opponent. That this also allows for evil to make use of firearms is irrelevant - evil has been making use of sticks, rocks, and bare fists since the dawn of time.