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Breaking News
posted by takyon on Saturday April 13 2019, @07:15PM   Printer-friendly
from the with-friends-like-these dept.

Assange associate Ola Bini has been arrested in Ecuador for alleged involvement in hacking government computer systems. A large quantity of electronic equipment and credit cards were allegedly found in his suitcase and during a raid of his home.

Assange's arrest was designed to make sure he didn't press a mysterious panic button he said would bring dire consequences for Ecuador

Julian Assange's arrest at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London was carried out in a specific way to prevent him from pressing a mysterious panic button he said could bring dire consequences for Ecuador, its foreign minister said.

[...] It is not clear exactly what form the "panic button" took: whether it was a physical device or a metaphor for some other easily activated insurance measure. It is also unclear what leverage Assange thought he had over Ecuador.

Assange's lawyer did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider on the nature of the button and whether it existed. According to Valencia, though, it was serious enough for Ecuador to warn British authorities and carry out the raid in such a way that Assange was not able to get back into his room after learning of his imminent arrest.

Julian Assange must face Swedish justice first - MPs and peers

More than 70 MPs and peers have signed a letter urging the home secretary to ensure Julian Assange faces authorities in Sweden if they want his extradition.

[...] In their letter to Sajid Javid, 70 parliamentarians - chiefly Labour MPs and peers - urged him to "stand with the victims of sexual violence" and ensure the rape claim against the Wikileaks founder could be "properly investigated". "We do not presume guilt, of course, but we believe due process should be followed and the complainant should see justice be done," the letter said. Labour's Stella Creasy tweeted a copy of the letter sent to Mr Javid. The same letter was also sent to shadow home secretary Diane Abbott.

See also: The U.S. Government's Indictment of Julian Assange Poses Grave Threats to Press Freedom
Sweden Considers Request to Reopen Rape Investigation of Julian Assange
Four theories about Julian Assange's cat (also at NPR)

Previously: Wikileaks Co-Founder Julian Assange Arrested at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London

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  • (Score: 2, Interesting) by RandomFactor on Saturday April 13 2019, @07:34PM (3 children)

    by RandomFactor (3682) Subscriber Badge on Saturday April 13 2019, @07:34PM (#829043) Journal

    The same letter was also sent to shadow home secretary Diane Abbott.

    I had to check this, it's a real thing, there's a whole shadow cabinet apparently. Crazy Brits.

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  • (Score: 2, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 13 2019, @07:40PM (2 children)

    by Anonymous Coward on Saturday April 13 2019, @07:40PM (#829048)

    The same letter was also sent to shadow home secretary Diane Abbott.

    I had to check this, it's a real thing, there's a whole shadow cabinet apparently. Crazy Brits.

    They have a different system of government [] than the US. In fact, most democracies in the world, including the UK, have shadow cabinets [].

    • (Score: 0, Interesting) by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 14 2019, @12:12AM

      by Anonymous Coward on Sunday April 14 2019, @12:12AM (#829180)

      The USA has a most powerful shadow government, operating right out in the open, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Goldman Sachs. They even put their names right there on the ballot, republican and democrat, and win every time! Americans welcome their shadow overlords. Any minute now they're gonna open the New York to L.A. nonstop Monorail! And feed the starving farmers... oh wait, that's Russia... they ever fix that shit? Now that they've gone all regular mafia an' stuff? Heh, Russians... anything but subtle...

    • (Score: 1) by RandomFactor on Tuesday April 16 2019, @12:13AM

      by RandomFactor (3682) Subscriber Badge on Tuesday April 16 2019, @12:13AM (#830183) Journal

      Sure, but does that mean they aren't crazy, or just that they have company?

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