A universal do-not-track feature has been advocated by privacy groups after being introduced by the Federal Trade Commission in 2010. But the World-Wide Web Consortium (W3C) – composed of software companies, academics, privacy groups, and others who determine international Web-browsing standards – has long struggled to develop a unified approach for the feature.
The somewhat-arcane debate over Internet tracking has mostly simmered quietly, but now some lawmakers are arguing that a working group the consortium set up to develop the standard has become overly influenced by tech industry concerns, putting those interests ahead of protecting consumers from the possibility of privacy invasion. The group is currently chaired by representatives from Adobe and Intel.
"Unfortunately, the group's composition no longer reflects the broad range of interests and perspectives needed to develop a strong privacy standard," Sen. Edward Markey (D) of Massachusetts, Sen. Al Franken (D) of Minnesota, and Rep. Joe Barton (R) of Texas wrote in a letter on Wednesday to the consortium. "The 'Do Not Track' standard should empower consumers to stop unwanted collection and use of their personal data. At the same time, the standard should not permit certain companies to evade important consumer protections and engage in anticompetitive practices."
(Score: 1) by anubi on Tuesday October 13 2015, @12:41AM
Yup, taken just as seriously as the **AA demanding we not copy media.
Just about as accountable too.
Technology is a game-changer. A lot of the rules are no longer relevant. The **AA may as well concede that there is no such thing as trying to keep people from sharing, just as we may as well concede there is no such thing as keeping our internet activity under wraps.
There are some end-around-carries that will get the job done... you can come up with a song - and never sing it to anyone...
Or you can visit websites through an anonymous proxy, secure browser emitting randomized configuration settings, spoofed MAC, etc.
Share all you want, but the instant you get the banking system involved - in any way - there is no anonymity.
This internet is a strange animal.
We have many people here working quite a lot with no reward other than the feeling that they are the change they want to see in the world.
Others here see it as another distribution media for publicizing availability of one's wares or services to secure themselves sustenance in the world economy. ( note: I see nothing wrong with it until some vendor does the street equivalent of chasing me all over town with a bullhorn reminding me he's selling something - then I will do whatever is within my power to lose him ).
While others seem to see the internet as another medium to use to manipulate public opinion, deceive people, or commit fraud.
As with residences, a lock on your door ( blockers ) is advised, lest you attract more scam artists than you can handle.
"Prove all things; hold fast that which is good." [KJV: I Thessalonians 5:21]