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posted by mattie_p on Monday February 17 2014, @04:55PM   Printer-friendly
from the my-little-printer dept.

similar_name writes: "The prospect of children printing their own Transformers and My Little Pony toys is a step closer, after toy firm Hasbro revealed a partnership with 3D printing company 3D Systems. The two companies are working together to 'co-develop and commercialize innovative play printers and platforms later this year.'"

[Ed. Note] The first one I would print is Applejack.

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  • (Score: 1) by mtrycz on Wednesday February 19 2014, @09:43AM

    by mtrycz (60) on Wednesday February 19 2014, @09:43AM (#2284)

    Yes, I was too busy yesterday to elaborate anything insightful, and I'll also be concise now, sorry.

    I'm not in the industry or anything, I've never even printed a 3D model, but I think it WILL progressively gain popularity, as 3D printers are becoming more widespread, no matter what.

    Maybe not while it's still maintaing a niche status, but soon enough.

    I don't actually disagree with you, that authors and copyright holders should have their credit and benefit, but look at what's happened to the music and movie industry. As far as these go, you can find virtually anything on the webs today, legal or not.

    There's also the upcoming factor of 3D scanners. Given that it's not an exact copy, and not the same quality, but if it's "good enough" for practical reasons, it'll gain popularity.

    Obviously the small scale, artisan-like production will not have to be afflicted, but for the rest, it's just a matter of time.

    (Also, I don't understand the meaning of your last sentence, it looks like you're contradicting yourself?)

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