A recent poll by The Inquirer asked, "Which operating system will you use after Windows XP support ends on 8 April?"
Among respondents, 33 percent said they will move to Windows 7, 17 percent will stick with XP, 13 percent will switch to Linux, 11 percent will get Windows 8, and 5 percent said OS X.
So most will switch to Windows 7, but many would rather stay with Win XP without support than switch to Linux.
(Score: 3, Interesting) by Pslytely Psycho on Monday April 07 2014, @12:02AM
No, most will buy a new wally world lappy and do nothing at all to the interface.
Classic shell or even booting into the desktop to avoid Metro seems to be something only the tech sites know of.
I have Shelled or redone the boot on ALL of my friends computers (9 all total have purchased new equipment since 8 came out. I am not a tech, just that guy they know who's good with their 'puters)
Everyone, without exception was ecstatic afterwords. Not one had ANY IDEA it could be done that way. None asked me to do it. All of them were me going "You know, you don't HAVE to use that ungodly interface, if you want it to boot strait to desktop, I can do it for you..." All accepted, none believed they had the choice in the first place. NONE had watched the instructional video that appeared when they first turned on their new machine.
Yes, next time I move I think I have 9 favors to call in....Muhahahahaha!
Alex Jones lawyer inspires new TV series: CSI Moron Division.