After several early attempts, we have settled on a process for deciding on the final name for this site currently known as You'll need to log in and go to: userprefs/homepage and check the box marked "Willing to Vote" if you'd like to participate (do this now, the submission round will go out soon). The vote will occur using an email-based solution loosely based on the Debian/Condercet method that we cooked up. Note: checking this box will indicate that we are scraping your email address from the database for participation (this is completely opt-in). If you wish not to participate, just make sure this box is unchecked (this is the default).
We are opening the floor to name suggestions. If you have suggested a name earlier, you'll need to re-submit it through this email voting system. Though we prefer available domains, if you have pre-purchased a domain (eg: to prevent squatters), by submitting the name you are stating that you are the owner of the domain(s) and will give it without strings attached to this project if it were to be chosen.
The criteria for an acceptable name:
This is how it will work:
If you're interested:
NCommander adds: So its finally here, and I wanted to apologize for the long delay before this actually happened. To the editoral team, please bump this to the top of the index for the next 24 hours so everyone gets a chance to see it (click 'fastforward' then save to autoupdate the timestamp). I promise a Featured Story option is coming in the next major update so we don't have to deal with this!
(Score: 2) by mrcoolbp on Wednesday April 09 2014, @03:30PM
The RSS feed including the summary is a high priority issue on our issue tracker on GitHub [], we will get to it. Changing the name sooner rather then later was also deemed important.
(Score:1^½, Radical)
(Score: 1) by fadrian on Wednesday April 09 2014, @04:42PM
Thanks for the first, but as for the latter, I still don't really get it. Yes, Soylent News is a pretty stupid name, but what web site these days doesn't have a stupid name? Oh well... Maybe someday I'll understand the world.
That is all.
(Score: 2) by Grishnakh on Wednesday April 09 2014, @05:09PM
but what web site these days doesn't have a stupid name?
Exactly. Being "non-stupid" really isn't that useful; what's useful is having something catchy and easy to remember, which isn't already taken (the domains are available), which doesn't have any IP (trademark mainly) issues, and won't earn you a C&D letter from some not-really-related company saying your name conflicts with their trademarks somehow.
As long as it's unique and memorable, and comes up #1 on a Google (or DDG or Bing) search, that's all that matters.
(Score: 2) by NCommander on Wednesday April 09 2014, @05:10PM
A contest to rename the site was promised to the community from before we even had slash going; if we can't keep our promises to the community, how are we ask you guys to trust us and support us? I wanted this vote to happen ages ago, but circumstances make fools of us all :-/
Still always moving