Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by mrcoolbp on Wednesday April 09 2014, @07:57PM   Printer-friendly
from the I-thought-the-name-was-bacconmuffinnews dept.

After several early attempts, we have settled on a process for deciding on the final name for this site currently known as You'll need to log in and go to: userprefs/homepage and check the box marked "Willing to Vote" if you'd like to participate (do this now, the submission round will go out soon). The vote will occur using an email-based solution loosely based on the Debian/Condercet method that we cooked up. Note: checking this box will indicate that we are scraping your email address from the database for participation (this is completely opt-in). If you wish not to participate, just make sure this box is unchecked (this is the default).

We are opening the floor to name suggestions. If you have suggested a name earlier, you'll need to re-submit it through this email voting system. Though we prefer available domains, if you have pre-purchased a domain (eg: to prevent squatters), by submitting the name you are stating that you are the owner of the domain(s) and will give it without strings attached to this project if it were to be chosen.

The criteria for an acceptable name:

  • Unique and free of obvious trademarks
  • Ideally be a bit technological/geeky and signal the site is "news"
  • Domain should be available in all permutations: .com/.net/.org
  • Easy to pronounce
  • Easy to type
  • Easy to 'market' or has a "hook" (imagine a mug with the name, a logo, slogans, plays on words, etc.)
  • Passes the girlfriend / wife / significant other / random person at work - test

This is how it will work:

  1. The first round will go out asking for name submissions
  2. Submissions will remain open for 7 days
  3. The community will vote to yield 5 names
  4. Staff will vote and produce 5 names
  5. A final vote on all 10 names will be held
  6. At this point, the staff will have a second full vote on the same ten items the community voted on
  7. The result of this vote, and the community vote, including its runoff, will then be published
  8. The staff vote is the final decision. We have to live with this. But the community will have a powerful influence on the final staff vote.

If you're interested:

NCommander adds: So its finally here, and I wanted to apologize for the long delay before this actually happened. To the editoral team, please bump this to the top of the index for the next 24 hours so everyone gets a chance to see it (click 'fastforward' then save to autoupdate the timestamp). I promise a Featured Story option is coming in the next major update so we don't have to deal with this!

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 2) by omoc on Wednesday April 09 2014, @03:59PM

    by omoc (39) on Wednesday April 09 2014, @03:59PM (#28877)

    I share this opinion. Although I think we should move away from "SoylentNews" and find something more in the direction, in the end the name doesn't matter too much. We only care about the core /. community and a significant amount of users is using this website already. You only need a catchy when you want other people talk about you ;)

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2  
  • (Score: 2) by RobotMonster on Wednesday April 09 2014, @04:41PM

    by RobotMonster (130) on Wednesday April 09 2014, @04:41PM (#28899) Journal, .net & .com all appear to be available ;-)

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 09 2014, @04:48PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 09 2014, @04:48PM (#28908)

    Let's see ... both are compsed of two words, so that doesn't need any movement. But Soylent is 7 characters, while pip is only 4. So to move in the direction of pipedot, we have to remove characters, Let's just go the full way here (because it will make further steps easier) and drop three letters. The last three, because they are clearly the least significant.

    Also "News" has one more letter than "dot", so we have to drop a letter, too (there's not much choice in the number of letters to drop here). For consistency, let's also drop the last.

    So we arrive at But we still have to do something about the characters.

    P is a bit before S, so we have to go backwards here. Same for o vs. i, y vs. p and l vs. e. Of course we have to be careful to not go beyond pipe, and to get a readable word. Let's use "Plug", that fulfils all the requirement

    Now about the New vs. dot. D is before N, but O comes after E. T again is before W. So the directions are clear, we just have to find a word which fits the conditions. Gnu fulfills all the conditions.

    So I think "PlugGnu,org" would fully fit your wish to go away from SoylentNews into the pipedit direction.

    • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 09 2014, @05:30PM

      by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 09 2014, @05:30PM (#28939)

      are you drunk?