Slash Boxes

SoylentNews is people

posted by NCommander on Thursday April 10 2014, @05:40PM   Printer-friendly
from the if-we-accidently-implemented-something-we-promised-is-it-still-a-bug? dept.
I'm pleased to announce that moderate then post has now been implemented. In truth, its been implemented since the last major update due to a bug. Before releasing slashcode 14.04, I was experimenting with moderate^post code on dev, and the code was merged in with the basis that it would be enabled as part of the moderation reworks. Theoretically, this code should have been disabled. In actuality, I skewed a variable; the global that controls this functionality was not 100% properly implemented.

mrcoolbp noticed the bug today, and seeing as we needed a code change either way to properly fix it, I decided to roll this bit of the moderation rework out early. I'm not thrilled on squishing two bugs in production on the same day, and I'm going to be working with the dev team to get a rigorous QA plan put together (which will be posted here) before we do any more major updates to the site.

Until then, enjoy the new functionality.

NCommander adds: I'm giving this a one time bump on the main index as it was posted very late for US based users. We *really really* need a featured story feature.
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  • (Score: 1) by urza9814 on Thursday April 10 2014, @02:06PM

    by urza9814 (3954) on Thursday April 10 2014, @02:06PM (#29434) Journal

    Yeah, I have problems with that too. Took a sec to think about this and have a couple of my own ideas that I think are kinda interesting:

    1) Obviously the idea is we don't want people editing or deleting posts after someone replies. So perhaps add a 'locked' field to the DB for every post, and as soon as someone clicks to reply, your post gets locked and you can't edit anymore. That could get messy if someone tries to reply WHILE you are editing.

    2) One of my most common mistakes is putting 'quote' instead of 'blockquote' as a tag. So perhaps an 'edit markup only' feature that would only allow you to change content within tags. So you could fix links or formatting, but not content. More complicated to code, but much simpler to understand.

    3) Finally, perhaps just a setting to enable logged-in users to force themselves to preview just like ACs do. So IF you enable that option, the submit button disappears until after you preview. Seems stupid, I know, but I for one would turn it on to force myself to preview -- as it is, I rarely do.

  • (Score: 4, Funny) by mrcoolbp on Thursday April 10 2014, @02:49PM

    by mrcoolbp (68) <> on Thursday April 10 2014, @02:49PM (#29468) Homepage

    Sometimes I don't need to preview. Learn the hard way and look stoopid fro mispselling soem stufu, or just use the preview button.

    (Score:1^½, Radical)
  • (Score: 1) by paulej72 on Thursday April 10 2014, @07:46PM

    by paulej72 (58) on Thursday April 10 2014, @07:46PM (#29671) Journal

    slash supports the quote tag. It should work, but is broken in some part of the code. My guess it is being stripped out by the html sanitizing engine before getting rewritten to what it is supposed to be. It is on my todo list to look at and and debug.

    Team Leader for SN Development
    • (Score: 1) by urza9814 on Thursday April 10 2014, @08:11PM

      by urza9814 (3954) on Thursday April 10 2014, @08:11PM (#29683) Journal

      Awesome, thanks!

      I'm already getting used to just using blockquote now though...been a slow week at the office ;)