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posted by LaminatorX on Saturday April 12 2014, @11:36AM   Printer-friendly
from the Ray-who? dept.

"I've seen the announcement from Imagination technologies earlier in the week, but I wanted to take a look at their Ray-Tracing demos and presentations to get a better idea. I finally got an opportunity to do so, and I really liked what I saw. The latest PowerVR GPU architecture has a new Ray Tracing Unit (or RTU) that can trace the path of light rays from one surface to another in order to accelerate a number of graphics techniques going from shadowing, reflections to visibility algorithm and more." ( Hubert Nguyen, wizard-gpu-ray-tracing/ )

"Now that the dust has settled over GDC 2014, we have started collecting and analyzing the coverage from the launch of our ray tracing PowerVR Wizard GPU..."
( Alexandru Voica, powervr-wizard-gpus-gdc-2014 )

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  • (Score: 2) by captain normal on Saturday April 12 2014, @03:01PM

    by captain normal (2205) on Saturday April 12 2014, @03:01PM (#30532)

    Is our first Soytisement?

    The Musk/Trump interview appears to have been hacked, but not a DDOS hack...more like A Distributed Denial of Reality.
    • (Score: 3, Insightful) by RamiK on Saturday April 12 2014, @08:57PM

      by RamiK (1813) on Saturday April 12 2014, @08:57PM (#30602)

      Nope. I'm just an old MIPS hacker that's felling nostalgic.
      Graphics wise, I think the last time I rendered a model that wasn't with SolidWorks/Catia was with 3D Studio Max in dos... But I remember all the "ray-tracing is the future" talks from back then. So, when I stumbled on a real-time ray-tracing hardware in the making while looking up MIPS news I figured it's time for my first SoylentNews submission ;)

      • (Score: 2) by mrbluze on Sunday April 13 2014, @03:34AM

        by mrbluze (49) on Sunday April 13 2014, @03:34AM (#30675) Journal

        An interesting bit of news it is too. Cheers to you and thanks

        Do it yourself, 'cause no one else will do it yourself.
  • (Score: 4, Insightful) by LoRdTAW on Saturday April 12 2014, @04:41PM

    by LoRdTAW (3755) on Saturday April 12 2014, @04:41PM (#30549) Journal

    No thanks. Intel crippled an entire line of Atom CPU's with PowerVR making them useless for running Linux or even 64 bit Windows.

    Unless PowerVR is going to open drivers or provide proprietary drivers like Nvidia, I'll pass on their tech.

    • (Score: 3, Interesting) by Marand on Saturday April 12 2014, @11:53PM

      by Marand (1081) on Saturday April 12 2014, @11:53PM (#30635) Journal

      No thanks. Intel crippled an entire line of Atom CPU's with PowerVR making them useless for running Linux or even 64 bit Windows.

      Unless PowerVR is going to open drivers or provide proprietary drivers like Nvidia, I'll pass on their tech.

      Completely agreed. When I saw this last month at the Register [] I thought the same thing. It looks interesting, but even if it's an incredible breakthrough that can revolutionise 3d rendering, it's useless until they provide better driver support than they currently do.