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posted by LaminatorX on Saturday April 12 2014, @11:36AM   Printer-friendly
from the Ray-who? dept.

"I've seen the announcement from Imagination technologies earlier in the week, but I wanted to take a look at their Ray-Tracing demos and presentations to get a better idea. I finally got an opportunity to do so, and I really liked what I saw. The latest PowerVR GPU architecture has a new Ray Tracing Unit (or RTU) that can trace the path of light rays from one surface to another in order to accelerate a number of graphics techniques going from shadowing, reflections to visibility algorithm and more." ( Hubert Nguyen, wizard-gpu-ray-tracing/ )

"Now that the dust has settled over GDC 2014, we have started collecting and analyzing the coverage from the launch of our ray tracing PowerVR Wizard GPU..."
( Alexandru Voica, powervr-wizard-gpus-gdc-2014 )

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  • (Score: 2) by mrbluze on Sunday April 13 2014, @03:34AM

    by mrbluze (49) on Sunday April 13 2014, @03:34AM (#30675) Journal

    An interesting bit of news it is too. Cheers to you and thanks

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