UT Arlington (Texas) researchers earlier this year designed a micro-windmill that may become an innovative solution to cell phone charging or other applications where large windmills are not preferred.
Smitha Rao and J.-C. Chiao designed and built the device that is about 1.8 mm at its widest point. A single grain of rice could hold about 10 of these tiny windmills. Hundreds of the windmills could be embedded in a sleeve for a cell phone. Wind, created by waving the cell phone in air or holding it up to an open window on a windy day, would generate the electricity that could be collected by the cell phone's battery.
The micro windmills were tested successfully in September 2013 in Chiao's lab. The windmills operate under strong artificial winds without any fracture in the material because of the durable nickel alloy and smart aerodynamic design.
"The problem most designers have is that materials are too brittle," Rao said. "With the nickel alloy, we don't have that same issue. They're very, very durable."
(Score: 1) by EETech1 on Saturday April 12 2014, @06:30PM
Imagine putting that case of micro-windmills in your purse, or pocket. It would be like the hook side of velcro.
Any attempts to pull the threads out of that snare of little windmill blades would result in micro-windmill blades flying everywhere. Attempt to wipe them off, and it would look like a tornado went through a field of windmills, with crushed, and smeared windmill parts scattered about everywhere.
Look at it compared to the penny! What would win in your pocket? 100,000 micro-windmills, or a few pennies?
Perhaps they could also design a micro-grille to go around all the micro-windmills, so when it packs full of pocket lint, you can just blow it out with compressed air, and grab a quick charge (just be careful, too much pressure will turn the micro-windmill blades into shrapnel buried in your hand) while you perform the required daily cleaning.
I see endless applications!
(Score: 2) by tynin on Saturday April 12 2014, @07:35PM
I picture the idea of these windmills actually being housed within the phone case, but the phone case having some air slotting / mesh / something porous enough allow some some air to get through. Sure it would be less efficient, but who cares about efficiency if you are going to just destroy them if they are exposed.
Then, in theory you could leave your phone beside some air flow and given enough time, it might do the needful.