Samsung Electronics has announced the production of "10nm-class" 8 gigabit DRAM chips that will be used in DDR4 modules with capacities ranging from 4 GB to 128 GB. "10nm-class" is an industry term that refers to an unspecified process somewhere between 10 nanometers and 19 nanometers.
In November, Samsung announced the production of 128 GB DDR4 registered dual inline memory modules (RDIMMs) using through silicon via (TSV) stacked dies with four 8 gigabit chips per package. Those modules used 20nm process DRAM and achieved a 2,400 Mbps data rate. The new 10nm-class memory will support a 3,200 Mbps data rate.
(Score: 4, Informative) by takyon on Tuesday April 05 2016, @07:22PM
Memory manufacturers use irregular processes, such as 15nm or 19nm mentioned in this story [], or 16nm-17nm here []. So no, it is not necessarily 14nm.
For CPUs, there are other processes under 22nm... mainly 20nm and 16nm. 14nm is not the "only thing".
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []
(Score: 2) by bob_super on Tuesday April 05 2016, @09:08PM
and there is no real "14nm" dimension in that process either.
Processes are named by marketing by dividing the old node by sqrt(2), but when you look at the exact feature sizes, it's a mixed bag, with some not even changing from one node to the next.
(Score: 2) by takyon on Tuesday April 05 2016, @09:49PM
Yeah, I read that article too (although I can't find it, was it IEEE?). The proof is in the pudding. Some feature sizes scale down, density and performance scale up, power consumption drops. We can be fairly certain that "10nm-class" DRAM will outperform "20nm" DRAM, and if it doesn't, benchmarks and other data will tell the tale.
[SIG] 10/28/2017: Soylent Upgrade v14 []