CoolHand writes:
"Sci-Tech Today talks about the role of technology in the Olympics from a unique perspective:
Every advance in the ever-accelerating juggernaut of sports technology threatens to widen the divide between Olympic haves and have-nots. Well-sponsored teams and rich governments pay top-end scientists and engineers to shape their skis, perfect their skates, tighten their suits, measure their gravitational pull.
I'm no luddite, but this seems to make these sports more about who can afford the best tech, and less about the true spirit of the games: bringing the best athletes from all countries together to compete. How can it be about the athletes, when some of the best athletes may never win due to lack of funding/tech?"
(Score: 1) by CowboyTeal on Wednesday February 19 2014, @02:19AM
The Olympics turned political quite quick after its inception and it was intended to show the strength of one's nation rather than the truth of the people that live there. The Olympics aren't about the best athletes competing in the world, far from it. Every record ever made in the Olympics can easily be broken by someone that has has no interest in participating but is much better at it. Today the Olympics is more than just a political tool but rather a tool to make money and lots of it if you can get the Olympics to be hosted by your country or even by winning. The tech used into creating these new skis and clothes are sold and make more money.But at the end, people tend to not care about this but just stare at the contest like zombies. I never cared much about the Olympics and I doubt I ever will unless there's an off-branch of superhuman Olympics where humans can use tech, "stim packs" and so forth to step the competition up to the next level where everyone has to wear the same suits, and equipments instead of competing for technology.
Getting siggy with it.