"The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the primary backer for the inBloom educational grading and service (which also acts as a platform for third-party applications), is catching flak for its role in encouraging the outsourcing of US Education. The article (cited by RMS today) argues that though the Common Core is a scary new concept that takes power away from state and local school governance, the real danger is allowing corporate enterprises to have so much control over our classrooms. The Washington Post also reports a case where Pearson included corporate logos and promotional materials inside its test booklets."
(Score: 2, Insightful) by dry on Tuesday February 18 2014, @10:42PM
At one time for much of the population school was the beginning of learning a trade, carpenter, plumber, electrician etc. This created productive independent citizens unlike the degree path of ending up in massive debt and slaving for a faceless corporation with people who don't even have time for being involved with society. Of course much of this is by design, the new American way is to have an apathetic population rather then an independent involved citizenry.