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posted by n1 on Thursday May 05 2016, @06:36PM   Printer-friendly
from the not-yet dept.

APNIC reminds us that "there are now a large number of ISPs, data centres, cloud services, and software that now support IPv6" and "enabling IPv6 can be as simple as clicking a button on your WiFi router."

I turned it on, with Comcast I received an IPv6 route but no DNS server. Fortunately, Google Public DNS has unmemorable addresses, which I was able to configure manually.


It works. "There's only one thing left for you to do: Turn it on!"

[ ed: What are the alternatives to Google's Public DNS? ]

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  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:03PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:03PM (#342260)

    Now all your things can be publicly addressable from the intertubes. No more need for NAT. Internet of ALL the things!

  • (Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:17PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:17PM (#342270)

    Publicly addressable doesn't mean reachable, if your ISP firewalls incoming connections. Still, it's nice to see the same addresses on your things from inside your LAN and outside on the WAN. No more NAT means no more internal addresses, unless you consider link-local, then each thing still an internal address for LAN use. Well, crap.

  • (Score: 3, Informative) by dltaylor on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:25PM

    by dltaylor (4693) on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:25PM (#342278)

    He said benefit.

    Having all of your stuff directly accessible means that every device is usable by any script-kiddie on the planet.

    They'll be able to look at every devices' camera, listen to every microphone, shut-off you IoT refrigerator, whatever.

    Didn't Miss Teen America's experience teach you anything?

    • (Score: 4, Informative) by rleigh on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:55PM

      by rleigh (4887) on Thursday May 05 2016, @10:55PM (#342291) Homepage

      "Addressable" does not imply "accessible". The computer I'm posting this message on currently has an address of... checking... 2001:8b0:860:ddbd:8079:5481:bb1e:84e6 but you won't be able to access it because the firewall in the ADSL router won't allow incoming connections; if I wanted to open up ports to individual machines or for the entire /64 block I could certainly do so.

      While there will inevitably be insecure or misconfigured stuff out there, your typical ADSL router will not be allowing incoming connections by default, just as it doesn't automatically allow it for v4. Mine was certainly configured this way.

      As for benefit, since bigger sites started enabling v6 in a big way, e.g. youtube, google, etc., I've noticed I get faster download speeds over v6, and in fact the majority of the network traffic is now over v6. All the Linux mirrors I use are v6 now. So in a very real sense, v4 has already been displaced in terms of traffic volume for my usage. As ISPs continue to roll out support, the tipping point isn't far off. Check the stats here: [] The growth is exponential, doubling every ~1.5 years; might hit 20% by the end of this year and 40% the year after. It's taken a long time to get there, but we'll likely all the using it by default in just a small number of years now; once adoption reaches a critical level, network effects will force everyone to be on it as the v4 address scarcity really starts to hit home.