"BGR reflects on recent comments by a Metro designer. 'Metro is a content consumption space,' Microsoft UX designer Jacob Miller explains, 'It is designed for casual users who only want to check Facebook, view some photos, and maybe post a selfie to Instagram. It's designed for your computer illiterate little sister, for grandpas who don't know how to use that computer dofangle thingy, and for mom who just wants to look up apple pie recipes. It's simple, clear, and does one thing (and only one thing) relatively easily. That is what Metro is. It is the antithesis of a power user.'"
(Score: 1) by Yog-Yogguth on Thursday February 20 2014, @02:20AM
Uhmm you swim, you change in the female locker room (meaning you're either female yourself or the living physical embodiment of some raunchy somewhat comedic pubertal male-oriented Japanese anime), and you post on Slashdot^WSoylentNews. Your post involves two women discussing computers while changing into swimsuits and with a strong bias against Microsoft.
*Yog-Yogguth's head asplodes from happiness and pleasure*
There is still hope for this plane of existence, thank you thank you thank you gargoyle :)
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