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posted by cmn32480 on Monday June 27 2016, @01:13PM   Printer-friendly
from the get-the-sand-blaster dept.

[Ed. Note: The first link seems to have been pulled from the web after this story was accepted. We apologize that we have been unable to find a link to replace it.]

Arthur T Knackerbracket has found the following story about the progress of the Rust programming language and its growing usage:

"The Results are in! Thank you to all 3103 of you who responded to our first Rust community survey. We were overwhelmed by your responses, and as we read your comments we were struck by the amount of time and thought you put into them. It's feedback like this that will help us focus our energy and make sure Rust continues to grow the best way. A big reason for having the survey was to make the results available publically so that we can talk about it and learn from it together. In this blog post, we'll take a first look at the survey responses, including themes in the comments, demographics, and quantitative feedback.

Do You Use Rust?

We wanted to make sure the survey was open to both users of Rust as well as people who didn't use Rust. Rust users help us get a sense of how the current language and tools are working and where we need to improve. Rust non-users give us another perspective, and help shed light on the kinds of things that get in the way of someone using Rust. I'm happy to report that more than a third of the responses were from people not using Rust. This gave us a lot of great feedback on those roadblocks, which we'll talk about in this (and upcoming) blog posts.

But first, let's look into the feedback from Rust users.

Rust Users

How long have you been using Rust?

Almost 2000 people responded saying they were Rust users. Of these, almost 24% were new users. This is encouraging to see. We're still growing, and we're seeing more people playing with Rust now that could become long-term users. Equally encouraging is seeing that once someone has become a Rust user, they tend to stick around and continue using it. One might expect a sharp drop-off if users became quickly disenchanted and moved onto other technologies. Instead, we see the opposite. Users that come in and stay past their initial experiences tend to stay long-term, with a fairly even spread between 3 months to 12 months (when we first went 1.0).

There is much more to be found in the full story for Rust aficionados.

Original Submission

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The Fine Print: The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. We are not responsible for them in any way.
  • (Score: 2) by The Mighty Buzzard on Monday June 27 2016, @02:52PM

    Bender (python): 97MB res (stable)
    MrPlow v1 (perl): ~60MB res (stable)
    MrPlow v2 (C): ~15MB res (ninja-sneaky of memory errors)
    MrPlow v3 (Rust): 17MB res (uptime > two weeks, some bugs that are on me but no crashes or memory corruption)

    Honestly, the more I write in Rust the more I dig it as a language for things that aren't trivial command line scripts.

    My rights don't end where your fear begins.
    Starting Score:    1  point
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   2