I want to hear your feedback below from everyone. Based on what we get back, we'll roll improvements into future votes, or if need be, reset the vote and do it again; I know a lot of you are active here or at least more involved, so the relatively low turnout is a warning canary for me. Leave your comments below, and expect another story in a few days to see how we're using your comments.
(Score: 2) by hankwang on Wednesday April 23 2014, @10:57PM
I did vote, but I'm not sure it registered. So many DO NOTs in the mail. Counterintuitive "1 is least preferred, 9 is most preferred". The mind gets distracted because every option already has a sequence number. Not clear what kind of text mangling by the email client it can handle. My procedure was to copy all names to an editor, delete all names that I didn't like until there were 9 left, rank them, check three times that I used all digits 1-9 once, then manually copy the numbers in the full 90-item list because I wasn't sure that the parser could handle a partial or out-of-order list.
It would have been far easier to deal with if the instructions had been something like: "send an email with up to 9 domain names, most preferred one first, along with your voter-ID. Don't worry about formatting, line breaks, html, or base64-encoding; the parser will handle them just fine. Remember to delete undesired domains from the quoted original message."
I recently set up a majordomo mailinglist and tried to test it from a hotmail account. Turns out that hotmail won't send plain-text emails, and that majordomo barfs if you try to unsubscribe or subscribe using html mail. It's not clear whether the vote parser here can handle html mail.
Some people here suggest a web interface, but that could be a lot of work to setup such that it deals easily with a 90-long list, even for the anti-javascript purists here.
Avantslash: SoylentNews for mobile [avantslash.org]
(Score: 2) by isostatic on Wednesday April 23 2014, @11:02PM
"1 is least preferred, 9 is most preferred".
Oh bugger. I'm a geek, I don't RTFM until all other avenues are lost, and I certainly don't RTFM for such a long
I have no idea if my vote registered.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday April 23 2014, @11:19PM
And that's why soylentnews will win because everyone gave it a 9 without realising they are inadvertently supporting the name
(Score: 2) by isostatic on Thursday April 24 2014, @01:02PM
Perhaps the poll setters aren't used to things like STV, where you rank your candidates in order from your 1st choice to your 5th choice
(Score: 2) by mrcoolbp on Thursday April 24 2014, @03:17PM
http://soylentnews.org/comments.pl?sid=1177&cid=35 354 [soylentnews.org]
(Score:1^½, Radical)