Scientists have made progress on a cure for Alzheimer's:
Experts at Adelaide's Flinders University have made an Alzheimer's breakthrough that may result in world's first dementia vaccine. Developed by Australian and US scientists, this vaccine may not only prevent but also reverse early stages of Alzheimer's, the most common form of dementia.
The Alzheimer's vaccine may be tested on humans within the next two to three years after being bankrolled by the US Government. Scientists from Flinders University and America's Institute of Molecular Medicine and University of California developed the vaccine by targeting proteins in the brain that block neurons.
The formula targets tau proteins and abnormal beta-amyloid that cause Alzheimer's. The scientists are confident that the vaccine would eventually be used as preventative vaccine. According to Flinders University medicine professor Nikolai Petrovsky, the proteins must be removed from the brain as Alzheimer's, and dementia sufferers have lots of these broken down proteins inside.
Alzheimer's disease AdvaxCpG- adjuvanted MultiTEP-based dual and single vaccines induce high-titer antibodies against various forms of tau and Aβ pathological molecules (open, DOI: 10.1038/srep28912)
(Score: 2) by TrumpetPower! on Friday July 15 2016, @08:43PM
The petty, childish, vindictive part of me would deny this vaccine, assuming it makes it through the regulatory process, to the anti-medicine cranks who've been responsible for so much tragically preventable childhood illness of late. It would be a fitting punishment... I simply couldn't bring it upon myself to actually torture somebody, anybody, no matter how "deserving," so horrifically.
So, rather, permit me to urge all those who still embrace superstition at the cost of the lives of children: examine all the reasons why you would presumably be eager to embrace this new vaccine for yourself and yet deny similar protection to innocent children.
Yes, yes -- there'll be some minimal risk associated with the vaccine; there nearly always is. But you'll cheerfully accept that risk for yourself given the reward of not going crazy in your old age...and yet you would rather submit children to the substantial risk of deadly and crippling disease to spare them the insignificant-to-nonexistent risk of childhood vaccines. And you expect praise and admiration for your selfish cruelty.
All but God can prove this sentence true.