Fluffeh writes:
"When the D.C. U.S. Court of Appeals struck down the FCC's Open Internet Rules, a White House Petition was put up to 'direct the FCC to classify ISPs as "common carriers"'. With over 100k signatures, there is now an official response.
Absent net neutrality, the Internet could turn into a high-priced private toll road that would be inaccessible to the next generation of visionaries. The resulting decline in the development of advanced online apps and services would dampen demand for broadband and ultimately discourage investment in broadband infrastructure. An open Internet removes barriers to investment worldwide.
The petition asked that the President direct the FCC to reclassify Internet service providers as "common carriers" which, if upheld, would give the FCC a distinct set of regulatory tools to promote net neutrality. The FCC is an independent agency. Chairman Wheeler has publicly pledged to use the full authority granted by Congress to maintain a robust, free and open Internet a principle that this White House vigorously supports."
(Score: 1) by Thexalon on Wednesday February 19 2014, @11:48PM
It's not complicated.
Neutral router configuration looks something like this:
If packet from network A is destined for network B, forward out interface B.
If packet from network B is destined for network A, forward out interface A.
Non-neutral router configuration looks something like this: ...
If packet is from subnet A.1 which didn't pay the protection money, drop it.
If packet is from subnet A.2 which paid the lower amount of protection money, drop 5 and forward the 6th out interface B.
If packet is from subnet A.3 which paid the higher protection money, forward it out interface B.
The status quo is no net neutrality, captured regulators, a last-mile monopoly, and high barriers to market entry. Ergo, the existence of a net neutrality rule has absolutely no bearing on whether there is a last-mile monopoly, regulatory capture, or extreme barriers to market entry.
As far as using competition to get out of this problem, how do you want these new competitive markets to handle these problems:
- Which company is responsible for telephone poles or underground wire conduits? Does each potential market entrant have to handle their own, or are competitors required to make deals with each other so that there aren't 15 sets of poles along each street?
- Are competitors required to form peering agreements with each other? If not, what's to prevent Big Bad Telco from simply shutting out Mom and Pop ISP, making it prohibitively expensive or even impossible for Mom and Pop to get their customers information from the servers their customers want to reach, allowing Big Bad Telco to avoid competition?
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a compiler is a good guy with a compiler.