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posted by cmn32480 on Tuesday August 02 2016, @11:23AM   Printer-friendly
from the it-works-for-vampires dept.

Apparently, Peter Thiel Is Very, Very Interested in Young People's Blood

According to the article, ...

More than anything, Peter Thiel, the billionaire technology investor and Donald Trump supporter, wants to find a way to escape death. ... if there's one thing that really excites Thiel, it's the prospect of having younger people's blood transfused into his own veins. ... according to Thiel, it's a potential biological Fountain of Youth - the closest thing science has discovered to an anti-ageing panacea.

[...] After decades languishing on the fringes, it's recently started getting attention from mainstream researchers, with multiple clinical trials underway in humans in the U.S. and even more advanced studies in China and Korea.

[...] In Monterey, California, about 120 miles from San Francisco, a company called Ambrosia recently commenced one of the trials. Titled "Young Donor Plasma Transfusion and Age-Related Biomarkers," it has a simple protocol: Healthy participants aged 35 and older get a transfusion of blood plasma from donors under 25, and researchers monitor their blood over the next two years for molecular indicators of health and ageing. The study is patient-funded; participants, who range in age from late 30s through 80s, must pay $8,000 to take part, and live in or travel to Monterey for treatments and follow-up assessments.

I thought I would bring this development to the attention of the Soylent News community. I also have a question. The article claims that the practice is known as parabiosis. But Wikipedia says "parabiosis is a class of techniques in which two living organisms are joined together surgically and develop single, shared physiological systems, such as a shared circulatory system." This definition seems to include the relevant 1950s rat experiments. But I believe it does not cover the Monterey experiment, nor the kinds of human treatment that Thiel and others are seeking. Am I right about this? And if so, is there better word to use?

Also, feel free to comment any fictional examples you know of. Did Montgomery Burns ever partake, for example?


Want to stay/get younger? Inject plasma from a younger person...

Now a startup has launched a "clinical trial" to test the antiaging benefits of such treatment...but it's pay-per-view. Writing in Science today, Jocelyn Kaiser reports on the ethical, and other, aspects of this project. From her article, "Young blood antiaging trial raises questions":

[...] The company, Ambrosia in Monterey, California, plans to charge participants $8000 for lab tests and a one-time treatment with young plasma. The volunteers don't have to be sick or even particularly aged--the trial is open to anyone 35 and older. Karmazin notes that the study passed ethical review and argues that it's not that unusual to charge people to participate in clinical trials.

To some ethicists and researchers, however, the trial raises red flags, both for its cost to participants and for a design that they say is unlikely to deliver much science. "There's just no clinical evidence [that the treatment will be beneficial], and you're basically abusing people's trust and the public excitement around this," says neuroscientist Tony Wyss-Coray of Stanford University in Palo Alto, California, who led the 2014 young plasma study in mice. [In which injecting old mice with the plasma portion of blood from young mice seemed to improve the elderly rodents' memory and ability to learn.]


To bioethicist Leigh Turner at the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities, the study brings to mind a growing number of scientifically dubious trials registered in by private, for-profit stem cell clinics. The presence of such trials in the database confers "undeserved legitimacy," he says.

The scientific design of the trial is drawing concerns as well. "I don't see how it will be in any way informative or convincing," says aging biologist Matt Kaeberlein of the University of Washington, Seattle. The participants won't necessarily be elderly, making it hard to see any effects, and there are no well-accepted biomarkers of aging in blood, he says. "If you're interested in science," Wyss-Coray adds, why doesn't such a large trial include a placebo arm? Karmazin says he can't expect people to pay knowing they may get a placebo. With physiological measurements taken before and after treatment, each person will serve as their own control, he explains.

[Ed Note: The second sub was added about 15 minutes after the first story went live on the main page.]

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  • (Score: 3, Funny) by theluggage on Tuesday August 02 2016, @11:46AM

    by theluggage (1797) on Tuesday August 02 2016, @11:46AM (#383064)

    Also, feel free to comment any fictional examples you know of. Did Montgomery Burns ever partake, for example?

    I seem to recall that Prof. Farnsworth in Futurama bought a pint of stem cells with his tax rebate...

    But also, I'm sure that there is some niche fictional genre about immortal beings getting sustenance from (not exclusively, but often young & attractive people's ) blood but I can't quite put my finger on it... my mind has been a bit fuzzy since this weird bite mark appeared on my neck.

    Is the treatment more effective if the donor was wearing a low-cut nightdress?

    Starting Score:    1  point
    Moderation   +1  
       Funny=1, Total=1
    Extra 'Funny' Modifier   0  
    Karma-Bonus Modifier   +1  

    Total Score:   3  
  • (Score: 2) by looorg on Tuesday August 02 2016, @12:03PM

    by looorg (578) on Tuesday August 02 2016, @12:03PM (#383077)

    "I seem to recall that Prof. Farnsworth in Futurama bought a pint of stem cells with his tax rebate..."

    He does, in the episode "Three hundred big boys" he uses his tax refund in the form of a Tricky-Dick-Fun-Bill to buy stem cells. In other episodes he also admits that he keeps Amy around because she shares his blood type. In one of the later movies it is revealed that in one of his secrets safes he has blood, tissue and stool samples of all his employees.

  • (Score: 2) by VLM on Tuesday August 02 2016, @12:43PM

    by VLM (445) on Tuesday August 02 2016, @12:43PM (#383101)

    Is the treatment more effective if the donor was wearing a low-cut nightdress?

    Everything's more effective with that outfit.

    Paranormal fiction (I think that's its official name?) is just thinly skinned pr0n for (mostly) women anyway.

  • (Score: 1) by stretch611 on Tuesday August 02 2016, @12:58PM

    by stretch611 (6199) on Tuesday August 02 2016, @12:58PM (#383105)

    Season 2 episode 22, "Blood Feud" - Burns gets a transfusion from Bart's blood. He feels much more energitic aftwerwards.

    Also, Season 8, episode 10, "The Springfield Files" - Burns gets regular transfusions "for staying young". It does not necessarily come from "young people" but, compare to burn's age It is most likely to be relatively younger.

    Now with 5 covid vaccine shots/boosters altering my DNA :P
  • (Score: 3, Informative) by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 02 2016, @03:03PM

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday August 02 2016, @03:03PM (#383157)

    Also, feel free to comment any fictional examples you know of. Did Montgomery Burns ever partake, for example?

    Hey, aren't there supposed to be geeks here?
    Heinlein, 1941's_Children []


    "Yes, yes," agreed Hardy. "Naturally-but what is the basic process?"
            "It consists largely in replacing the entire blood tissue in an old person with new, young blood. Old age, so they tell me, is primarily a matter of the progressive accumulation of the waste poisons of metabolism. The blood is supposed to carry them away, but presently the blood gets so clogged with the poisons that the scavenging process doesn't take place properly. Is that right, Doctor Hardy?'
            "That's an odd way of putting it, but-"
            "I told you I was no biotechnician."
            "-essentially correct. It's a matter of diffusion pressure deficit-the d.p.d. on the blood side of a cell wall must be such as to maintain a fairly sharp gradient or there will occur progressive autointoxication of the individual cells. But I must say that I feel somewhat disappointed, Miles Rodney. The basic idea of holding off death by insuring proper scavenging of waste products is not new-I have a bit of chicken heart which has been alive for two and one half centuries through equivalent techniques. As to the use of young blood-yes, that will work. I've kept experimental animals alive by such blood donations to about twice their normal span-" He stopped and looked troubled.
            "Yes, Doctor Hardy?"
            Hardy chewed his lip. "I gave up that line of research. I found it necessary to have several young donors in order to keep one beneficiary from growing any older. There was a small, but measurable, unfavorable effect on each of the donors. Racially it was self-defeating; there would never be enough donors to go around. Am I to understand, sir that this method is thereby limited to a small, select part of the population?"
            "Oh, no! I did not make myself clear, Master Hardy. There are no donors."
            "New blood, enough for everybody, grown outside the body-the Public Health and Longevity Service can provide any amount of it, any type."

  • (Score: 2) by Joe Desertrat on Tuesday August 02 2016, @07:56PM

    by Joe Desertrat (2454) on Tuesday August 02 2016, @07:56PM (#383290)

    There were dozens of movies made in the 70's about this sort of thing. Look up Hammer Films (or the Karnstein Trilogy). Lots of cleavage and, um, lots of cleavage.