German drugs and crop chemicals company Bayer has won over U.S. seeds firm Monsanto with an improved takeover offer of $66 billion including debt, ending months of wrangling after increasing its bid for a third time. The $128 a share deal announced on Wednesday, up from Bayer's previous offer of $127.50 a share, is the biggest of the year so far and the largest cash bid on record.
The transaction will create a company commanding more than a quarter of the combined world market for seeds and pesticides in a fast-consolidating farm supplies industry. However, competition authorities are likely to scrutinize the tie-up closely, and some of Bayer's own shareholders have been critical of a takeover plan which they say is too expensive and risks neglecting the company's pharmaceutical business.
"Bayer's competitors are merging, so not doing this deal would mean having a competitive disadvantage," said Markus Manns, a fund manager at Union Investment, one of Bayer's top 12 investors, according to ThomsonReuters data.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 15 2016, @07:17PM
At least she went officially on the record.
That's the basis for holding politicians accountable.
(Score: 4, Informative) by Geotti on Thursday September 15 2016, @08:48PM
"I will close Gitmo," "no (more) boots in Iraq and Syria," "get out of Afghanistan" say what? Sorry, but nobody will remember her populistic promises, once she starts WWIII.
(Score: 0) by Anonymous Coward on Thursday September 15 2016, @09:36PM
> "I will close Gitmo," "no (more) boots in Iraq and Syria," "get out of Afghanistan" say what?
Don't be that dumbass who thinks that if 100% of promises are not kept then no promises were kept.
Guys like make it easier for politicians to bail on their promises because if they get no credit, why bother keeping any promises? []
Promise Kept 45%
Compromise 25%
Promise Broken 22%
Stalled 2%
In the Works 6%
(Score: 3, Insightful) by t-3 on Friday September 16 2016, @12:22AM
These statistics mean nothing. The promises Obama made loudest, the most times, in front of the most people, were the ones he broke. Whether or not he was "mostly honest" overall taking all his statements at an equal ranking doesn't matter, because the promises that carried weight with the electorate were broken, and he allowed political gridlock and bs to give us a raw deal on the one major promise he kept/tried to keep.
(Score: 1, Touché) by Anonymous Coward on Friday September 16 2016, @12:35AM
> he allowed political gridlock and bs to give us a raw deal on the one major promise he kept/tried to keep.
Yeah, he allowed gridlock.
Its insights like that which keep me coming back to soylent.
(Score: 2) by t-3 on Friday September 16 2016, @04:34AM
Obama/Romney/WTF-Care was worse for mostly everyone. Rather than scrap the whole thing when it gets to that point, Obama and the Democrats pushed it through and called it a victory. So yes, he allowed gridlock to fuck over the people he was purportedly helping. Not "allowed gridlock", but "allowed gridlock to fuck over"... but reading comprehension is a bit much to expect from an AC I guess.